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Cheater Wave on Blackwonder 100% Crits

Has there been more cheaters recently in community servers?

  • Yes

    Votes: 1 10.0%
  • No

    Votes: 2 20.0%
  • You're just a noob lol

    Votes: 7 70.0%

  • Total voters

Team Fortress 2

Jan 8, 2022
The only server I play is Blackwonder 2Fort and Blackwonder 100% Crits, the latter of which has been getting waves of cheaters recently. You can look at my profile and see that I have already posted so many reports on a bunch of them.

Is this the norm recently? I recall cheaters being rare on community servers when I played back even in 2018 on various community servers. Why is there so many of these guys recently?

Chris TCC

Blackwonder's Own
Staff Member
Jan 16, 2019
The idea of cheating in general is like a game of cat and mouse.
The cheaters constantly evolve their cheats to bypass detection by anti-cheats.
The games try to constantly update their anti-cheat to catch those new cheats.

Since TF2's anticheat isn't being updated, literally any kind of cheat made nowadays would work.
Community servers, on the other hand, use a custom anti-cheat along with the standard VAC one. All I can say is that we're doing our best to update our anti-cheat to catch the newest cheat methods, but with the limited access we have (we can't go too deep into the player's PC like a regular anti-cheat can) it's proving rather difficult. There's a reason why some servers like FaceIT force you to install an anti-cheat client on your PC, it's to grant them those permissions to make a better and more effective anti-cheat.

Back to the main question - I think there are so many cheaters in casual, that they're "overflowing" more into community servers recently. Lots of cheats are basic and easily caught, but it seems like they're finding new ways to bypass the anti-cheat.
You can see our sourcebans page to see just how many people the anti-cheat catches without you actually knowing. (Also, @Bigunit being a chad and going ham catching cheaters from calladmin reports, good job mate)


I also think this is the so-called "negativity bias" of humans, where you don't notice something until it's bad or annoying (Like you don't notice good audio in a video, you only notice bad audio in a video)

Team Fortress 2

Jan 8, 2022
Definitely. I wasn't blaming anyone just to be clear. Bigunit is a giga chad for his hard work recently. I unfortunately have discovered though that the sm_spec command has been restricted to admin access only now meaning it is hard to catch the cheaters that have normal IQ.

It is also sad since you become more suspicious of really inconsistent players due to how many cheaters have appeared recently so its harder to enjoy the game.

Chris TCC

Blackwonder's Own
Staff Member
Jan 16, 2019
I unfortunately have discovered though that the sm_spec command has been restricted to admin access only now meaning it is hard to catch the cheaters that have normal IQ.
not quite sure what this has to do with cheaters, you can still use a sm_speclist_hideme bind to remove your name from the player's hud.
I never really used sm_spec, and I don't really know what it does either. I'm good with my current command binds, they get the job done.

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