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Finished 86 Keys!


Staff Member
Dec 3, 2016
It was a total of 3 people who didn't die, and again, that's not my fault

Tony The Fat Fluffy Wolf

The Fattest and the Fluffiest
Staff Member
Nov 30, 2016
Just a heads up. Today is the last day you can enter! The entry form will be closed by the end of today(23:59pm GMT)! Enter while you still can!
The link for the winner drawing will be attached tomorrow as soon as I can get on. It will be scheduled for 12:00pm GMT.

Winners will also be posted here shortly after for anyone who doesn't see.


Additionally, I would like to point out a few things I have found while checking entry results...
Thought I may as well start with how @Doctor RED thought he could try and enter twice...
And that a couple other people might want to double check their Member IDs.
Examples include:
If you recognise one of these as what you entered and want to enter again to correct them, please say so here or PM me, so that your new entry isn't removed due to being a duplicate.

Tony The Fat Fluffy Wolf

The Fattest and the Fluffiest
Staff Member
Nov 30, 2016
Ok folks, thats it, time is up. Entry form is now closed.
[Click me :3]
Click here to jump over to the Winner Drawing. The draw will be automatic and is scheduled for 12:00pm GMT. (I think the site is actually +1 though so it may say 13:00pm)

Sadly, the page is not live and only updates on reload. So don't get upset because you can't actually "Watch" it draw. Either refresh it at 12pm or visit it after 12pm to see the results.

Again just to make it clear:
1st place gets 50 Keys
2nd place gets 20 keys
3rd place gets 10 keys
4th place gets 5 keys
and 5th gets 1 Key

After cleaning up the results and removing duplicates, it shows that 41 people participated.
That gives everyone roughly a 2.43% chance of winning.

Also, please check and ensure that you have the ample space to accept the keys if you win. If you do not have the space and try to accept the trade, your game will ask you to delete items to make space.

Finally a Thank You to everyone who took part...
And a Final Good Luck, to each and every one of you.

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