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Pending THE Rat King's Moderator Application

THE Rat King

Jan 18, 2024
Username: THE Rat King

You can call me Kor or Rat, whichever takes your fancy. I am THE Rat King after all. 🧀

Your Age

Do you have at least 3 days cumulative days of playtime on Blackwonder servers in the last year? Yes, although I can't give you a total playtime cause I have no life.

Have you been punished in the last 60 days? No

Have you had an application declined in the last 90 days? No

Do you have a microphone? Yes

Have you read the forum guide on how to apply? Yes

If you have ever played on a Blackwonder server, you will have had a user profile automatically generated on tfstats.tf. Locate and link your tfstats profile here. https://tfstats.tf/players/17784104

Southeast USA

Your SteamID2

Your DiscordID

Have you managed servers previously? Yes

Which servers have you previously managed?
For TF2:
Moddage.TF (an old sandbox server for TF2), and I've helped as a staff there for about a year or so before it eventually had to be shut down. As this was back in 2019 when I first started playing on community servers like Blackwonder and stuff so I don't remember much in terms of my experience but I do recall correctly that I practically helped ensure that no one was making any inappropiate builds like swastikas and stuff. In addition. if I am recalling properly, the reason they eventually shut down was due to billing issues and general maintenance problems that our sandbox plugin kept causing.
For GMod: Some DarkRP server connected to a youtuber named Fudgy for about half a month before I dipped cause of burn out.
For Discord: A server I actively help manage named Itinerant (and continue to do so to this day)

On what servers do you usually play on, and which servers would you like to moderate?
If possible, I'd like to assist in moderating the x1000, Jailbreak, and VSH servers.

Why would you like to become a moderator?
Greetings folks! It is I, THE Rat King (or previously known as Kor and Absent) and I have chosen to break this mortal coil and grace thee with my own presence after god knows how long I've actually first started actively playing on Blackwonder. Now, with introductions aside, GIVE ME YOUR CHEESE OR PERISH FROM MY MERE PRESENCE!

Internet bits aside, the main reasoning behind my desire to become a humble moderator in Blackwonder is mainly to alleviate certain issues I've seen in some of the servers, While I may mainly play in the times where the servers like Jailbreak and x100 are primarily in the midst of staff downtimes, it is also during this downtime that a lot of rulebreakers tend to rear their ugly heads. During these times, there tends to be a metric shit ton of micspammers, mass freekillers (on JB), and general rulebreakers. Usually, I try my best to help with these issues by using donor commands to either mute them, slay or teamban them depending on what they did. As for why certain folks in the Jailbreak server *still* think I'm staff despite having stated otherwise, your guess is as good as mine.

Do you know or have spoken to any of the current staff members? Yes

Please let us know the names of staff members you know or have spoken to
Rodd (or whom I call Rodd The Mann Themself)

How often do you play TF2?
Yes. (I have been told I have know life and thus play this on a daily basis, send major help I think I have an addiction)

Please give us your ideal way of punishing players, specific to the servers you want to moderate
Well, as previously mentioned, I'm the most lenient person you'll ever find. While I tend to give verbal warning for first time offenses before moving onto actual formal punishments, when it comes to mass freekilling on the jailbreak server, I usually perform a teamban (or in the case of me using my donor perms. a vote teamban) while I usually mute folks who are screaming into their mics with high pitch shrills with the intent to disorientate those with their headsets on for about 30 minutes or so. As I have seen people evade their teambans and mutes before, after sending them the evidence of these occurences, I have seen people like Rodd ban folks who have done so, so...

Edit: As I completely forgot to finish the rest of the ideal punishment part out, here's a summarized list of what I'd do:

While performing increments on the punishments, I pretty much follow a certain timeframe. said timeframe ranging from 30mins up to 6 months, or perm if needed.
Depending on the history for mic spamming and if they already received a verbal warning from me, I usually mute them for about 30minutes up to a couple hours. Free-killing would result in a slay, if they continue I'd give them a temp guard ban of up to 2 weeks (depending on the amount of folks they've intentionally killed).
Racism would be Gag and/or Mute and typically follows my general increment ruling.
For me personally. I've rarely seen folks needing a permanent ban from the servers, so I'll probably be the least likely to use such a thing for a punishment unless it was absolutely needed.

Edit 2: In accordance with some of the replies I've gotten, I'll give the full list:
For General Rules:
No Hacking/Script Usage = Permanent Server-wide Ban with proof and/or video evidence of the incident [Even I don't tolerate cheaters who purposely ruin the fun for others despite my leniency]
No Bug Exploitation = Warning > 2nd Warning > 1d Ban > 3d > 1w > 2w > 1m > Perm Ban
No Micspamming/Voicechat Abuse = Warning > 30min mute if warning was ignored > 1h > 3h > 6h > 12h > 1d > 2d > 4d > 1 week (w) > 2w > 3w > 1month (m) > 3m > 6m > Perm Mute
Blatant Racism = Warning > 30min mute if warning was ignored > 1h > 3h > 6h > 12h > 1d > 2d > 4d > 1 week (w) > 2w > 3w > 1month (m) > 3m > 6m > Perm Mute
Inappropriate Spray = Server-wide ban until spray content is fixed
Punishment Evasion = 1h Ban > 3h > 12h > 1d > 1w > 1m > 3m > 6m > Perm

For VSH:
No Camping Rule = Warning > 2nd Warning > Slay/Smite > Kick > 30m ban > 1h Ban > 3h > 9h > 1w > 3w > 1m > 3m > Perm Ban
Note: Snipers & Engineers are excluded from this ruling [unless last ones alive] if I recall correctly

Round Delaying = Warning > 2nd Warning > Slay/Smite > Kick > 30m Ban > 1h > 3h > 1d > 3d > 1w > 3w > 1m > 3m > 6m > Perm

For x1000
No Spawn camping = Warning > 2nd Warning > Slay/Smite > Kick > 30m Ban > 1h > 3h > 9h > 1d > 3d > 1w > 2w > 1m > 3m > 6m Perm

For Jailbreak
Mass Freekilling (as Guard) = Slay/Smite + 1w guard ban > 3w > 5w > 1m > 3m > 6m > Perm
Freekilling = Slay/Smite + Warn > 1h Guard ban > 3h > 1d > 3d > Follow MFK set
Illegal FF = Slay/Smite + Warn > 1h Guard ban > 3h > 1d > 3d > Follow MFK set
Forced and/or Illegal Freeday = 30min Guard ban > 1h > 3h > 12h > 1d > 3d > 1w > Perm Guard ban
Button Griefing w/o Warden Perms = Warning > 1h Guard Ban > 3h > 12 > 1d > 3d > 1w > 3w > 1m > 3m > 6m > Perm Gag
No Mic As Warden w/ Forced Freeday = Perm guard ban until mic can be proven
Ghosting = Warn > 10m Gag > 30m > 1h > 3h > 6h > 1d > 3d > 1w > 3w > 1m > 3m > 6m > Perm Gag
Armoury Camping = Warning > Slay/Smite > Kick > 1h Guard ban > 3h > 1d > 2d > 3d > 1w > 3w > 1m > 3m > 6m > Perm Guard ban
Round Delaying = See VSH Section for this

Is there any other information you would like us to know about?
I remember getting warned for accidentally button grieving a while ago but I don't remember if it was 60 days ago or not...

Are you proficient in languages other than English? Yes

Are you proficient in languages other than English? I am proficient in the more "colorful" part of the German language. (We love their hyper-specific swears like ein TeletubbyzurĂĽckwinker, aka someone who waves back at Teletubbies [literal meaning]/someone who isn't too bright[usage])
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Spectacularly Lethal
Staff Member
Aug 8, 2023
Hi there

Let's go over your app shall we.

Yes, although I can't give you a total playtime cause I have no life.

Insufficient Playtime

No Bans/Comms
Teamban Appeal

If possible, I'd like to assist in moderating the x100, Jailbreak, and VSH servers.
Did you mean x1000 since you have one session in there? For VSH you only have one active session so I'm not sure if you're fully aware of the gamemode's that you're going to moderate, however, that can change depending on how you wanna spend your time.

Well, as previously mentioned, I'm the most lenient person you'll ever find. While I tend to give verbal warning for first time offenses before moving onto actual formal punishments, when it comes to mass freekilling on the jailbreak server, I usually perform a teamban (or in the case of me using my donor perms. a vote teamban) while I usually mute folks who are screaming into their mics with high pitch shrills with the intent to disorientate those with their headsets on for about 30 minutes or so.
Good start but we're looking at this section as a starting point of where your ladder will begin. Teambans, Gags, Mutes, etc. are starting points of the basics but considering the gamemode's that you're trying to apply for, we also need specific ladders for those specific gamemode's.

While performing increments on the punishments, I pretty much follow a certain timeframe. said timeframe ranging from 30mins up to 6 months, or perm if needed.
30 Mins to 6 Months is a HUGE jump, however, I understand what you're trying to say, but we're gonna need a ladder as you would understand the process for priors.

Depending on the history for mic spamming and if they already received a verbal warning from me, I usually mute them for about 30minutes up to a couple hours. Free-killing would result in a slay, if they continue I'd give them a temp guard ban of up to 2 weeks (depending on the amount of folks they've intentionally killed).
Again, I understand what you're trying to say, but we need ladders for punishments as a way to see if you understand.

Now that the basics are out of the way. Let's talk about experience.

I believe I have seen you maybe once or twice but I'm not too certain since there are a lot of players that come and go although you can change that if you ever have time to jump on other servers, like for example, the one's you want to moderate (x100 & VSH). Personally, I believe we play at different times but hey, maybe one day we'll bump into each other if that ever happens. I would highly suggest looking at the Accepted mod apps for insight but PLEASE DO NOT COPY, plagiarism is not accepted.

That's all from me, but if anything good luck on the app.
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Staff Member
Apr 12, 2021
67 days since your last apparent teamban
Chatlogs are fine, but you have this weird behavior of acting like a mod by threatening others with your votes

Please give us your ideal way of punishing players, specific to the servers you want to moderate
Emphasis on the "specific to the servers you want to moderate" part here.
You are missing server specific punishments for all three gamemodes

So far all I see for general punishments are micspam and racism. I would like to know how you handle cheaters and inappropriate sprays/objectors. Remember there are more general rules that are applicable on the servers you want to moderate

gonna need a ladder
Recommended and appreciated, but not required

Would like to see more playtime from you. You can see your total playtime on tfstats.tf
That's all for me. Please reach out to us if you have any questions. Thanks

THE Rat King

Jan 18, 2024
Did you mean x1000 since you have one session in there? For VSH you only have one active session so I'm not sure if you're fully aware of the gamemode's that you're going to moderate, however, that can change depending on how you wanna spend your time.
Ja, apparently I did. Although I was certain I had more active sessions than just the one but apparently not.

Good start but we're looking at this section as a starting point of where your ladder will begin. Teambans, Gags, Mutes, etc. are starting points of the basics but considering the gamemode's that you're trying to apply for, we also need specific ladders for those specific gamemode's.

30 Mins to 6 Months is a HUGE jump, however, I understand what you're trying to say, but we're gonna need a ladder as you would understand the process for priors.

Again, I understand what you're trying to say, but we need ladders for punishments as a way to see if you understand.
As for ladders, if you mean things like a general scaling of punishments, I've updated that section accordingly with the full information. If that wasn't what you were asking for, I might need you to clarify a bit.

67 days since your last apparent teamban
Chatlogs are fine, but you have this weird behavior of acting like a mod by threatening others with your votes
Yeah, I'm not gonna make an excuse for that one.. I act like a minimod a bit too much, apologies for that.

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