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Please remove Call from Beyond from RTD!

Mar 19, 2024
I've asked on the discord first when I got redirected here (thx Meowsler); please remove Call from Beyond from RTD on the tfbd servers. It usually kills your teammates more than the enemy due to the projectiles gaining a significant amount of speed after the third time they have been airblasted and it's a general nuisance when fighting against it, since it's incredibly distracting due to the colours and it's slight homing. The other cast-/throwable RTD effects are not that annoying to deal with, since they can't be sent back at you and your team, are not too screen obstructing and are not homing.

I'll try to respond ASAP if anyone has something to say about this post.
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Staff Member
Dec 3, 2016
I think that the fact its one of the few RTDs with a meaningful impact and uniquely interacts with dodgeball is the best reason it should stay.


Spectacularly Lethal
Staff Member
Aug 8, 2023
I believe taking "Call from Beyond" out would be unbeneficial. I feel like since this is targetting one of the rtd's, there's really no point in having to take it out. You might as well take out roll the dice/die as a whole and not have in dodgeball but what's the fun in that? It's only like a round of having it, or maybe 2 if you're really lucky but that's all on luck base and seeing if you can get it again. It makes it a bit unique and it allows players to at least do something else rather than sitting idle reflecting, or move around while reflecting the projectiles back at them. Sure, it is annoying but I honestly see no point of removing it as you might as well just remove roll the dice/die as a whole and not put it into dodgeball. However, this is my point of stand although if anything, the dodgeball mods/admins would definitely have their input on this.
Mar 19, 2024
I believe taking "Call from Beyond" out would be unbeneficial. I feel like since this is targetting one of the rtd's, there's really no point in having to take it out. You might as well take out roll the dice/die as a whole and not have in dodgeball but what's the fun in that? It's only like a round of having it, or maybe 2 if you're really lucky but that's all on luck base and seeing if you can get it again. It makes it a bit unique and it allows players to at least do something else rather than sitting idle reflecting, or move around while reflecting the projectiles back at them. Sure, it is annoying but I honestly see no point of removing it as you might as well just remove roll the dice/die as a whole and not put it into dodgeball. However, this is my point of stand although if anything, the dodgeball mods/admins would definitely have their input
It usually is the case that CfB is only one round, but we also have things like Fire Breath, Hat Throw, Bat Swarm or any of the building RTDs which are also available. They are less annoying and easier to deal with (except Bat Swarm due to screen obstruction and an incedibly loud noise which might cancle the noise of the rocket targeting you), but they could be just as game twisting as CfB. I probably should have mentioned them before.
Removing RTD from TFBD would be lovely, it's already out of the advanced servers.


Staff Member


Jul 13, 2020
I don't see the point of removing only call from beyond when there are way more problematic rtd's that can fundamentally alter a round.

I believe you would be better off making a suggestion for removing RTD from DB as a whole if you want to remove rtd's.
Mar 19, 2024
I don't see the point of removing only call from beyond when there are way more problematic rtd's that can fundamentally alter a round.

I believe you would be better off making a suggestion for removing RTD from DB as a whole if you want to remove rtd's.
Already gone over that in different replies on this thread.

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