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Closed Zombie Survival New Balance changes for the game!

Mr. Walker

Nov 8, 2019
Hi this is me Turrican / Mr. Walker aka the guy with the greatest bad chat logs of all time and I am here to give a new and updated build of the previous balance changes which would shake things up and refine some pre-existing imbalances once-present in the game, and also a new perk-rework for the perk Pusher!

To start things off this is something regarding the time limit:

As of now, the current time for a single round is 4 minutes and 30 sounds
(4:30) and in this current situation, this is no longer an ample amount of time for medics to defeat the engineers as many maps are more stressful and take up more resources for the zombies to defeat the survivors, which is I propose a time increase from 4:30 to 5:00, these extra 30 seconds will give everyone a fair amount of time to defeat and survive against zombies and engineers and that the rounds don't take too long as in zombie survival servers such as PUBS.TF and Rushy where the round timer is too long for what maps they offer, how the players function and how the mode is typically laid out as in gameplay terms.

The !help menu should be updated to include Zombie Survival's !zs_perks menu to help players attempting to take a crack at the gamemode, rules included.

The perks that require a special key should tell you what key is it that you have in your settings instead of "ATTACK3" because it confuses many players and some mouse-wheels don't allow you to click them and some people have completely different key-binds altogether.

The very top of the text HUD includes a rather useless "Your round score:" bar, it needs to be removed as it no longer serves it's function.

Blu team should display as "ZOMBIES" and Red as "SURVIVORS" because well every other server which hosts the mode has the team names set like this.

Leap / Jetpack / Battery Jetpack : the Leap Blocker needs to be removed as it doesn't really do much at all and it only winds up making getting up certain fair spots to be impossible for no reason, and it lessens the chance of anyone clinging onto dear life to not survive because of the Leap Blocker. So please take it out as it has no real use, and besides wall-climbing and nuke spots are really only known by regulars such as myself and don't do them as they're not allowed.


For medics (zombies) :

Juggernaut resistance needs a re-tweak as 65% resistance sometimes isn't enough to get the job done surprisingly, so instead the Juggernaut's maximum resistances level should go to 75%, as the extra 10% will provide the Juggernaut the prime amount of resistance to defeat engineers in camp, colony or hiding spots as engineers nowadays are going into extremely tough spots, usually within a group.

Wardens need a rework of control to how they summon, medics often summon on single-target engineers based on their seeker temperature hitting to cool which is when a medic is able to summon, and a lot of times other zombies are attempting to focus on other survivors to kill and the Warden winds up spamming the "E" key which then redirects them to somewhere they didn't need. Sooo instead of using the "E" key to summon, it should be the reload key "R" or any button that the player has assigned to reload so that medics can have more exact control over their summoning ability and that other medics don't get teleported away from situations they could've won.

Medic needs a brand-new function, and I call it the "Summon Block", it was an idea shown off to our little community at my discord, the idea goes is that you can press a button which allows the player the option of not getting summoned by a Warden so that they can presume their hunt for engies without interruption or misdirection, the key is "ATTACK3" so that you can enable the Summon Block on and off so that you don't or can be teleported when a Warden calls (This applies to all 3 medic-types, the normal, the Warden and the Juggernaut.)

This could potentially work by typing in chat with a new command, !zs_summondisable to disable you from being teleported, or !zs_summonrenable to enable you from getting teleported by Wardens.

Juggernauts do not need the ability to summon, this is done so that the Warden isn't an exact copy of Juggernaut with less abilities because what winds up happening is that it makes the point of Warden useless, and it removes the downside of having the Summon ability of when hit, you gain additional cool-down to use the teleport function so that you can't use it til it ends because the higher damage resistance will cancel it, instead :

The Juggernaut should have the following abilities : Leap, 2nd Leap, Breaker Bonus, and Damage Resistance.

The Warden should have the following abilities : Leap, 2nd Leap, Summon and Seeker Temperature.

Juggernaut needs a buff for his Breaker Bonus ability, instead of +50 now, it shall be +70 now as it is the near-perfect amount of damage needed to take out tougher camp spots, meta spots and colonies for when they get too big, also to note, the Breaker Bonus has a big bug where it deals +474 damage to buildings and this needs to be fixed.


What are Safe-Hits?

Well it was an idea created by Gary The Annoying (credit to him), is an idea of how to deal with lag compensation or any broken hit registration as the server has a problem with lag in general and generally happens in spikes.

The way it works :

It functions by giving you a 0.5 to 1 second as a Safe Hit counting you as still being in the air basically a mini bunny-hop without the hop so that any hits that should have landed but because lag or interpolation got in the way, you have a second to think fast again to correct the mistake and do it again.

This will work on Leaps, Jetpack and Battery Jetpack (both zombies and survivors essentially.)

The Engineer's side of balance changes needed :

The perk Pusher is often debated and is declared as the server's worst, useless and most situationally precise perk, so our community has whipped up a brand-new rework of the perk, now called Push-Force.

Push-Force should replace Pusher as the old perk was barely usable in most situations, paired up with it's cumbersome cool-down rate which really bogged it down and the damage penalty.

The way Push-Force would work :

Push-Force will have a cool-down based upon Battery Jetpack, 3 rechargeable uses with the singular cool-down for one of the three uses as 18 seconds.

The perk should work in a radius type-ordeal much like the Lone Wolf, like an invisible sphere around the engineer when he right-clicks with the perk which will create a pushback force around him, all surrounding medics near and around his radius will be pushed back, and when 1 rechargeable use is used, the effect lasts 2 seconds before being able to use the next rechargeable pack in-which its cool-down after use will be 3 seconds as well.

The perk's pushback force should depend on how close a medic is, if a medic is really close, then he'll get a ton of pushback, if the medic is half-way near the engineer, they only get half the pushback and the farther they are the weaker the effect and the closer they are the stronger the effect is etc.

Perk : Push-Force.

(+) Creates an invisible force field around you temporarily.
(+) 3 rechargeable uses (Like Battery Jetpack alongside same cool-down as it)
(-) -20% slower firing speed and reload speed.

Button to press in-order to use the effect : Right-Click.

Sneaky Pardner shouldn't allow you to build dispensers nor teleporter entrances, only exits, because as of yet, it allows you to build, it is pretty much a direct upgrade over stock / default engineers, this change should be implemented just to give Sneaky it's downside and allow the exit to only be the building to be built as it really works amazingly with Eureka Effect is used correctly.


Perk : Sneaky Pardner.

(+) Can turn invisible and deals double damage from behind.
(-) Can only build exits.

Texas Style can be given a new downside as its a very powerful perk when used aggressively and defensively and is very good at outrunning zombies, this new nerf should ensure that engineers cannot constantly go berserk and reckless without
much penalty, so I suggest a -20% resources gained from health and ammo kits and a -20% dispenser heal rate.


Perk : Texas Style.

(+) +50% damage, +20% movement speed.
(-) Melee-only.
(-) -20% less health and metal gained from kits, and dispenser heal rate.

Lone Wolf is a perk that was accidentally buffed to allow the user to keep building as usual, just don't let him be able to build again lol.

For Medics, make their normal singular leap no longer do knockback as it really doesn't help and it mostly boosts engineers, and in some cases medics have teamed up like this, but 2nd leap should still be able to.

Anyways that was my 2nd suggestion page which should be added, especially Push-Force since normal Pusher is kinda well, you know.
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Somewhat Threatening
Staff Member
Nov 13, 2020
the key is "ATTACK3" so that you can enable the Summon Block on and off so that you don't or can be teleported when a Warden calls (This applies to all 3 medic-types, the normal, the Warden and the Juggernaut.)
Hey there Walker, some people actually bind Attack3 to Jump so they can bhop easier, and since this is a setting it should maybe go by a command of !zs_SummonDisable and !zs_SummonRenable, otherwise pretty good suggestions especially Safe-Hit and Summon Setting because their my idea! ?
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Staff Member
Oct 29, 2020
Medic needs a brand-new function, and I call it the "Summon Block", it was an idea shown off to our little community at my discord, the idea goes is that you can press a button which allows the player the option of not getting summoned by a Warden so that they can presume their hunt for engies without interruption or misdirection, the key is "ATTACK3" so that you can enable the Summon Block on and off so that you don't or can be teleported when a Warden calls (This applies to all 3 medic-types, the normal, the Warden and the Juggernaut.)
I like the idea of summon block but I'm afraid that people are gonna abuse this

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