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Pending xcinmo's Moderator Application


New Member


May 1, 2020
Username: xcinmo


Your Age

Do you have at least 3 days cumulative days of playtime on Blackwonder servers in the last year? Yes, 5 hours within the past 3 days and 20 days (498 hours) total

Have you been punished in the last 60 days? No

Have you had an application declined in the last 90 days? No

Do you have a microphone? Yes

Have you read the forum guide on how to apply? Yes

If you have ever played on a Blackwonder server, you will have had a user profile automatically generated on tfstats.tf. Locate and link your tfstats profile here. https://tfstats.tf/players/329264

Castle Rock, Colorado

Your SteamID2

Your DiscordID

Have you managed servers previously? No

On what servers do you usually play on, and which servers would you like to moderate?
TFDB Advanced and TFDB Easy

Why would you like to become a moderator?
I would like to become a moderator because I am especially passionate about the small dodgeball community I frequently play with. It also seems that during the majority of my sessions playing dodgeball, that no mod or admin is present and a few bad actors can arise. I have also been a BlackWonder player since 2016 and some people mistake me for an admin. Overall, I would like to do my part to contribute to the health of BLW dodgeball servers.

Do you know or have spoken to any of the current staff members? No

How often do you play TF2?
I play TF2 almost every single day.

Please give us your ideal way of punishing players, specific to the servers you want to moderate
General Conflicts and Ideal Punishments

Cheating: With sufficient evidence (clips, spectating, or all-out blatancy), would deserve a non-negotiable permanent ban.

Mic or Chat Spam/Abusive Chat/Excessive Toxicity: Depends on the severity and duration of the individual(s) teasing and/or abuse. If the banter continues to harass a certain party even after being asked to stop, then the ideal form of punishment would be to issue a 10 minute mute and/or gag. If the individual continues to harass excessively even after the initial 10 minute mute expires, the punishment will progress as follows: 30 minute gag/mute -> 1 hour gag/mute -> 5 hour gag/mute -> 1 day ban -> 3 day ban -> permanent ban.

Donator Roll Abuse: If an individual is to abuse any donator commands (i.e. !voteslay, !votekick, !votegag, !votemute) then the punishment would go as follows: Initial warning -> 2nd warning -> 1 hour ban -> 3 hour ban -> 6 hour ban -> 12 hour ban -> 1 day ban -> permanent ban.

Admin Contact Abuse: Abusing the !calladmin command continuously would result in the following punishments if the individual is to continue misusing the !calladmin command: Warning -> 2nd warning -> 1 hour ban -> 3 hour ban -> 6 hour ban -> 1 day ban -> permanent ban

Spray Abuse: If a user is using an NSFW or otherwise hateful/inappropriate spray punishment would include: Immediate Spray ban.

Evading Punishment: Creating an alternate account to circumvent a banned account or any other method of evading punishment would result in the following punishments: 3 hour ban/mute/gag -> 6 hour ban/mute/gag -> 12 hour ban/mute/gag -> 1 day ban/mute/gag -> 3 day ban/mute/gag -> 6 day ban/mute/gag -> permanent ban/mute/gag

Dodgeball Specific Conflicts and Punishments

Rocket Stealing: When a user reflects a rocket that was not intended for them. American servers do not enforce any punishment for stealing, and thus, will not be punished. However, EU servers rules do not tolerate stealing, but regardless, this offense is not too horrible. Therefore the punishment would go as follows (only for EU): Warning -> 2nd Warning -> Smite -> Kick -> 1 hour ban -> 6 hour ban -> 12 hour ban.

Blocking a.k.a “Fatting or Saving”: When a player is within enough proximity of another player to cause a friendly rocket to explode prematurely. Punishment would include: Warning -> Smite -> Kick -> 1 hour ban -> 3 hour ban -> 1 day ban -> 1 week ban.

Instakill Direct a.k.a “Insta”: When a player is close enough to another player to reflect the reflected rocket back into the player while their airblast is on cooldown. Punishment would go as follows: Warning -> Smite -> Kick -> 12 hour ban -> 1 day ban -> 1 week ban -> permanent ban.

Delaying the Round/Rocket: When a player continuously orbits or abuses map geometry to cause the rocket to delay the round indefinitely (please note that orbiting the rocket results in a gradual speed up so that players cannot delay, meaning that orbiting isn’t an issue.) An example of delaying the round using map geometry would be on tfdb_beanedevil where players can reflect a rocket into the catwalk and cause the rocket to infinitely stay stuck within the rafter. However, this particular instance can be avoided if the player on the catwalk jumps down. Regardless, if the round is delayed by a bugged rocket, then the person who caused the delayed rocket will be punished as follows: Warning -> Smite -> Kick -> 1 hour ban -> 6 hour ban -> 12 hour ban -> 3 day ban.

Overall: I would prefer not to ban people unless there is an extremely good reason to (except cheating or excessive toxicity) All my punishments listed above are what I would enforce without fail.

Is there any other information you would like us to know about?
In the box asking if I know or have spoken to any current staff members, I selected 'no' because my interaction with staff has been minimal. I have spoken to ckr about submitting a staff request, but his response was only, "If you want to" ..I believe that does not warrant a Yes due to it being a very small interaction.

I have been playing Tf2 for almost 9 years now, and BlackWonder servers specifically for over 6 years now. I've really enjoyed my time on BLW servers and have always wanted to be a staff member, I especially enjoy the chill atmosphere and would like to maintain the friendly BlackWonder servers that I have grown up playing on.

Are you proficient in languages other than English? No
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Staff Member
Apr 12, 2021
Hi, just gonna go over your application real quick.


Good playtime, active sessions

No recent punishments
1 gag from 2020 for chat spam

Some questionable logs, overall they're fine
I imagine that lots of your interactions are between users you know personally. Just be mindful of what you say in front of everyone (i.e. stray from slurs, suggestive references, etc)

1 hour gag/mute -> 3 hour gag/mute -> 1 day ban -> 2 day ban -> permanent ban.
Overall your punishments progress pretty steeply

Spray Abuse: If a user is using an NSFW or otherwise hateful/inappropriate spray punishment would include: Warning to change the spray followed by a kick (this allows the user to change their spray) If the spray abuse continues, they will receive a non-negotiable spray-ban.
We generally just apply a permanent sprayban without warning. Users without prior spraybans are generally allowed to appeal their ban, given they prove that they changed it.

Evading Punishment: Creating an alternate account to circumvent a banned account or any other method of evading punishment would result in the following punishments: 1 hour mute/gag -> 3 hour mute/gag -> 1 day mute/gag -> 3 day mute/gag -> permanent ban
Here we double whatever punishment was initially given to the account(s)

Just a note, excessive toxicity does not generally warrant a ban until the user has gone through and accumulated a full ladder of gags/mutes.

My impression is that you know your rules and have a good grasp on how to enforce them. Right now your punishment lengths are rather harsh, but you are more than welcome to edit your application.

That's all from me. Please reach out to us if you have any questions. Thanks!


New Member


May 1, 2020
Hi, just gonna go over your application real quick.

View attachment 33669
Good playtime, active sessions

No recent punishments
1 gag from 2020 for chat spam

Some questionable logs, overall they're fine
I imagine that lots of your interactions are between users you know personally. Just be mindful of what you say in front of everyone (i.e. stray from slurs, suggestive references, etc)

Overall your punishments progress pretty steeply

We generally just apply a permanent sprayban without warning. Users without prior spraybans are generally allowed to appeal their ban, given they prove that they changed it.

Here we double whatever punishment was initially given to the account(s)

Just a note, excessive toxicity does not generally warrant a ban until the user has gone through and accumulated a full ladder of gags/mutes.

My impression is that you know your rules and have a good grasp on how to enforce them. Right now your punishment lengths are rather harsh, but you are more than welcome to edit your application.

That's all from me. Please reach out to us if you have any questions. Thanks!

Hiya, I appreciate your feedback greatly, and the application has been adjusted to accommodate less steep punishments as well as changing the sprayban penalty. These new penalties within my refined application should be more understandable and I'd enforce them as stated.

I imagine that lots of your interactions are between users you know personally. Just be mindful of what you say in front of everyone (i.e. stray from slurs, suggestive references, etc)
Yes, I am aware of my recent chat history being questionable, this is reflective of the smaller sessions with mutuals but does not excuse the usage of some questionable wording in text/voice chat. I will further refrain from using suggestive language or slurs in chat not only to keep the chat healthy, but to also be appropriate in case of the presence of a minor. I promise to be of my utmost kindness and patience regardless if I am a staff member or not.

Thank you kindly for viewing my application again, and I hope to hear back soon :)

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