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Accepted Wiktornator's Ban Appeal

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New Member

h7 guy

Jul 30, 2016
What is your SteamID? http://steamcommunity.com/id/mammainabox

Who has banned you? @Viking34

Why were you banned? I get banned usually for nothing, joined blu team said something to mic, then i was warden. i didn't wanted to be as him so i typed !uw and all was looking great. sayed something to mic again and... yes, get banned from blu team. not so big deal but still something

Why should we unban you? totally idk why i was get that ban i mean permaban... just... i know all rules, doing all good with them, im pretty sure that was reuslt of making admin mad. and yeah, sorry for that 2 previous gags and 1 mute... i know i get them long time ago but i need to apologize it

(rip my english)


Alleviator of freedom
Staff Member
May 26, 2016
then i was warden. i didn't wanted to be as him so i typed !uw and all was looking great.
i know all rules, doing all good with them, im pretty sure that was reuslt of making admin mad. and yeah

Conflicting statements. If you had known all the rules, you wouldn't have !uw'd without agreeing with someone else on blue that they'd go warden.

Generally you're a very toxic and provocative player, and judging by this statement of "im pretty sure that was reuslt of making admin mad", you seem to think all your valid punishments must be someone else's fault and completely out of your control.

Perhaps you can redeem yourself either way; I'll remove the permanent teamban and replace it with a timed one since you have the sense and initiative to appeal. Unfortunately this can only be done from in-game as the teambanning plugin is incomplete, so you'll have to go on jailbreak with any admin and have them unteamban you directly. Then you'll have to reconnect in order to join blue again.

Appeal accepted, I guess...?
Or compromised, rather...

EDIT: Keep an eye on your commblocks, you're somewhat close to a permanent block there as well...
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