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Pending Whip Gaming's Moderator Application


Sufficiently Lethal
Jan 7, 2022

Whip Gaming (Max)

Your Age

Do you have at least 3 days cumulative days of playtime on Blackwonder servers in the last year? Yes, though reminder much of it is in June and July of last year

Have you been punished in the last 60 days? No

Have you had an application declined in the last 90 days? No

Do you have a microphone? No

Have you read the forum guide on how to apply? Yes

If you have ever played on a Blackwonder server, you will have had a user profile automatically generated on tfstats.tf. Locate and link your tfstats profile here. https://tfstats.tf/player/5791557

Metro Manila, The Philippines

Your SteamID2

Your DiscordID

Have you managed servers previously? No

On what servers do you usually play on, and which servers would you like to moderate?
I play many servers, on a wide array of gamemodes. For example: Class Wars, Super Zombie Fortress, Zombie Survival, Jailbreak, 100% Crits and x1000.
However, I would like to specifically moderate:
Super Zombie Fortress:
Zombie Survival:
And the SG 100% Crits Orange server:

Why would you like to become a moderator?
I believe I am more competent and less toxic than I was before, and whatever stress I felt during my exam period is completely relieved now, so I am more inclined to believe I can not only redeem myself, but also be an asset to the team. My immature past is now behind me, especially from 2020, and saying slurs only really shows immaturity to me, or just genuine hatred.
Otherwise, mostly the same reasons. Namely, too many exploiters on SZF, and not enough moderation in SG 100% Crits. I don't want to always have to go to #requesthelp or record a demo that lags my game significantly just to make a report. Oftentimes, they end up getting away, and when I tell them to stop, they never do, and they end up rulebreaking again. 3 days ago I encountered an exploiter, but I didn't have a demo or video recorded already since I was lagging badly, so it was too late. Last time I frequented Super Zombie Fortress in June of last year, there was an epidemic of exploiters who abused glitches in the mechanics, such as using guns and mediguns as zombie, stalling the match in Turtle Attack by jumping off the ledge, etc.

Do you know or have spoken to any of the current staff members? Yes

Please let us know the names of staff members you know or have spoken to
I'll add more later
Venusari (Gary)

How often do you play TF2?
I often play in the summer and on school breaktimes; Namely, I play on June-August and November-December. I still remain a dedicated player in TF2, even after years of neglect from Valve. I don't show up on Weekends usually, as I have to stay at Father's farm.

Please give us your ideal way of punishing players, specific to the servers you want to moderate
It'll mostly be the same from my last application, so here:

Racism/Sexism/Homophobia/Violent Extremism - No warning. [2 Hour Gag/Mute -> 3 Hour Gag/Mute -> 6 Hour Gag/Mute -> 12 Hour Gag/Mute -> 1 Day Gag/Mute -> 1 Week Gag/Mute -> 2 Week Gag/Mute -> Permanent Gag/Mute.]
(Note: It ranges from just typing out a "lesser" slur in chat, in which: I'll give out a warn. N-slur/F-slur though, I'll give out a 6 hour gag immediately. Seriously violent extremism will warrant an immediate permanent gag. I support free speech, but this is a private server and they have to respect that this kind of content is not tolerated here.)

Toxic/Disrespecting staff or players - [Warning 1 -> 2 Hour Gag/Mute -> 4 Hour Gag -> 8 Hour Gag/Mute - 12 Hour Gag/Mute -> 1 Day Gag/Mute -> 4 Day Gag/Mute -> 1 Week Gag/Mute -> 1 Month Gag/Mute -> Permanent Gag/Mute]

Micspam (Playing loud music, bad mic, speaking foreign language in VC, Obnoxious sounds) - [Warning 1 -> 3 Hour Mute -> 6 Hour Mute -> 12 Hour mute -> 1 Day mute -> 4 Day Mute -> 1 Week Mute -> 2 Week Mute -> 1 Month Mute - Permanent Ban.]
(Note: I'll probably be too lenient on this one, and I won't be as harsh as other staff members. I just want players to have fun with the server, and it is just that annoying sounds, earrape and uneccessary music that lags the server and causes uneccessary noise are not fun, but a short audioclip of something, a meme audioclip or 2 minutes of music, if they are completely innocuous and inconspicuous, wouldn't hurt the server. I think micspam can be funny, but there's a certain line you shouldn't cross in my eyes.)

Chatspam (Advertising, begging, bind spam) - [Same as Micspam but gag instead.]

Cheating - No warning. [Record demo, ensure they're cheatingwith additonal confirmation from staff, then permanently ban with no appeal. I universally use demos anyway.]

Staff Impersonation - No warning. [2 Hour Gag/Mute -> 4 Hour Gag/Gute -> 8 Hour Gag/Mute -> 12 Hour Ban - 1 Day Ban - 4 Day Ban - 1 Week Ban - 1 Month Ban - Permanent Gag/Mute.]

Calling out undercover staff - No warning. [3 Hour Gag/Mute - 6 Hour Gag/Mute - 12 Hour Gag/Mute - 1 Day Gag/Mute - 3 Day Gag/Mute - 1 Week Gag/Mute - 2 Week Gag/Mute - Permanent Gag/Mute.]

Advertising Cheats - No warning. [Permanent silence]

Innapropriate spray - [Permanent sprayban until appeal]

Punishment evasion - No warning. [1 Week Ban - 2 Week Ban - Permanent Ban, it depends on the severity of what they're evading, so a 1 hour - 2 hour gag only warrants a day long ban.]
(Note: If it is a situation is akin to, for example: to avoid a long (1w+) or permanent punishment like cheating, or they have a long history of using alts before, then they're permanently banned immediately.)

Donor Vote Dodge - No warning. [1 Day Ban - 1 Week Ban - 2 Week Ban - 1 Month Ban - Permanent Ban.]
(Note: Does not count if the donor was abusing his perms. Demo will be recorded to give a full context of the situation just in case.)

General exploiting - [Warning 1 + Slay/Smite -> 3 Hour Ban - 12 Hour Ban - 1 Day Ban - 4 Day Ban - 1 Week Ban - 2 Week Ban - Permanent Ban.]
(Note: If they're the first to discover/they're trying to find exploits, not abuse them, I won't ban them.)

Donor Abuse - [Warning 1 -> 5 Hour Ban -> 12 Hour Ban -> 1 Day Ban -> 4 Day Ban -> 1 Week Ban -> 1 Month Ban -> Permanent Ban.]

Calladmin Abuse/Spam - No Warning. [6 Hour Ban -> 12 Hour Ban -> 1 Day Ban -> 1 Week Ban -> 1 Month Ban -> Permanent Ban.]

{Medic vs Engineer}

Out of bounds Spot - [Warning 1 + Slay/Smite -> Warning 2 + Kick -> 6 Hour Ban -> 12 Hour Ban -> 1 Day Ban -> 3 Day Ban -> 1 Week Ban -> 1 Month ban -> Permanent Ban.]
(Note: If you think warning to 6 hour ban is rough, I gave them 2 warnings prior.)

Teaming - [Warning 1 + Slay/Smite - Warning 2 + Kick -> 3 Hour Ban -> 6 Hour Ban -> 12 Hour Ban -> 1 Day Ban -> 3 Day Ban -> 1 Week Ban - 1 Month Ban -> Permanent Ban.]

Point-Scumming (Disconnecting then Reconnecting for points) - [Warning 1 + Warning 2 + 3 Hour Ban -> 6 Hour Ban -> 12 Hour Ban -> 1 Day Ban -> 4 Day Ban -> 1 Week Ban -> 1 Month Ban -> Permanent Ban.]

Ghosting - [Verbal Warning - Warning 2 + Kick -> 2 Hour Gag/Mute -> 4 Hour Gag/Mute -> 8 Gour gag/Mute -> 12 Hour Gag/Mute - 1 Day Gag/Mute - 3 Day Gag/Mute -> 1 Week Gag/Mute -> 2 Week Gag/Mute -> Permanent Ban.]

{Super Zombie Fortress}

Abusing exploits (Uber Tank, Guns as zombie, etc.) [Warning 1 + Slay/Smite -> 3 Hour Ban -> 12 Hour Ban -> 1 Day Ban -> 4 Day Ban -> 1 Week Ban -> 2 Week Ban -> Permanent Ban.]
(Note: I will simply suggest a player restart or log off then log back in if they simply encountered a glitch, not abuse it. Otherwise, if that doesn't work, then slay or smite, if they don't killbind already.)

Delaying/Stalling the match [Verbal Warning + Warning 1 -> Warning 2 + Kick => 3 Hour Ban -> 6 Hour Ban -> 12 Hour Ban -> 1 day Ban -> 4 Day Ban -> 1 Week Ban -> 1 Month Ban -> Permanent Ban.]

Ghosting weapons as Zombie [Verbal Warning - Warning 2 + Kick -> 2 Hour Gag/Mute -> 4 Hour Gag/Mute -> 8 Gour gag/Mute -> 12 Hour Gag/Mute - 1 Day Gag/Mute - 3 Day Gag/Mute -> 1 Week Gag/Mute -> 2 Week Gag/Mute -> 1 month Gag/Mute Permanent Gag/Mute.]
(Note: Doesn't include calling out guaranteed weapons such as the medigun in trainmg or Liberty Launcher in Lunarbase and Skyrim.)

Friendlying as Zombie, AFKing intentionally as Zombie, Avoiding playing zombie in generally
[Warning 1 + Kick -> Warning 2 + Kick -> 3 Hour Ban -> 6 Hour Ban -> 8 Hour Ban -> 12 Hour Ban -> 1 day Ban -> 4 Day Ban -> 1 Week Ban -> 2 Week Ban -> 1 Month Ban -> Permanent Ban.]
(Note: - Only when the playercount is above eight to twelve players, there's not much to do as a zombie in a low playercount server.
- This is already punished by the ingame plugin, so this is only for rarer circumstances.
- If they're really just AFK, and not doing it to bypass the plugin then just a kick will suffice.)

100% Crits [Applies to Deathmatch]

Spawncamping - [Warning 1 -> 3 Hour Ban -> 8 Hour Ban -> 12 Hour Ban -> 1 Day Ban -> 4 Day ban -> 1 Week Ban -> 1 Month Ban -> Permanent Ban.]

Griefing - [Warning 1 -> 6 Hour Ban -> 12 Hour Ban -> 1 Day Ban -> 1 Week Ban -> 1 Month Ban -> Permanent Ban.]

Is there any other information you would like us to know about?
First: I'll say it again: I wasn't the friendliest player in your servers. Even when I posted my last application, I was still a pretty toxic person, resentful of others too. I'd routinely say slurs back in 2020 and continuing into 2023, but now the appeal of them has been lost to me, and I find them uncouth and impolite, and I respect good courteousy and manners now. My many pages of spamming the N-slur and having it as my name may be offensive to many, and immature to others, but that's how you grow: To learn from past mistakes. I guess that's what happens when you're not properly parented and the people around you, online and in school, encourage such behaviors. I also held grudges against some players before; I have forgotten almost all of them already. Although this year, I did have some mental stress leading to outbursts thanks to my declining grades and performance in school, this has been remedied already; There's no more to catch up on, leaving me with enough free time to self-reflect, self-improve and more.

Secondly: I share my computer with my brother, but he doesn't check Steam except for occasional moments. He only does art on it nowadays, and complete his online projects. I think it is hardly an issue, and the likelihood of him installing cheats on an online game I play is slim to none

Thirdly: I lag frequently on your servers, due to the fact much of your servers that are active are on the U.S, and my location is an ocean away. This hopefully won't affect my application, though this may disrupt my moderation

Fourth: I hold Blackwonder deep down in my heart, even if I wasn't the most savoury person to play in your servers, and even if I didn't always have a good time. Nothing beats themyriad of memories I made in Zombie Survival, or Super Zombie Fortress, and Jailbreak and even the memories of voice spam in your servers. Zombie Survival, especially. Nothing ever beats finding out about glitches and illegal spots, or even when the server is empty, just so I can find new good spots to report. I'll stay in TF2 as long as I have time to play it, even 20 years from now, considering that I also play Classic Doom, which is 30 years now I'll stay with TF2 even if Valve neglects it. Conclusion is I am dedicated to this game, so that'll mean I will probably still be as active as before.

Fifth and finally: Note that I am autistic, officially diagnosed with ASD, but I assure you, I can understand etiquette when I see it, I just sometimes like being silly :). I generally get in line, I just have occasional outbursts that are usually never online except for whenever I am venting it out in direct messages. I still have remnants of edginess that I intentionally keep, but it's well under control I'd say, I don't actively try to go after people to harass them with slur spam, nor do I participate in witch-hunting/mob mentality (Those two I do despise, actually).
I'm fine with getting declined, though I might apply again if that's the case.

Are you proficient in languages other than English? Yes, Tagalog​
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Staff Member
Apr 12, 2021
Hi, just gonna go over your application real quick.

First application for reference


Sufficient overall playtime, but it looks like you've only very recently come back from a year-long break (see sessions below)

6 prior commblocks
Given that it's been nearly a year since you've actively played on the servers, none of your punishments are obviously going to be recent. A month ago you appealed to return to the Discord. If you've turned around your behavior that would great news.

You're probably aware that your chatlogs are full of toxicity, including over 100 pages of various slur usages. I don't see anything of concern in the past week you've been playing on our servers, but it's very similar if I were to say that a new player has nothing to note in chatlogs because he barely has any to begin with.

I don't want to always have to go to #requesthelp or record a demo that lags my game significantly just to make a report, only to have a demo that is too long and I can't edit it out due to crashes
Record demo, ensure they're cheatingwith additonal confirmation from staff, then permanently ban with no appeal. I universally use demos anyway.
Whether you're a member or a mod, proof doesn't HAVE to be recorded as a demo. It's a lot more convenient since demos can be stored easily on the bans page, but as long as you have sufficient proof and are able to retrieve it relatively easily the format can be flexible.

{Medic vs Engineer}
How would you handle ghosting?

mostly applicable to maps with limited spawn. if you're applying for z7, that map has multiple exits. good to mention anyway

Secondly: I share my computer with my brother, but he doesn't check Steam except for occasional moments. He only does art on it nowadays, and complete his online projects.
As long as you recognize that your connection is your responsibility then you're good to go. If your brother decides to install cheats and play on your account while you're not home you will be held responsible

Otherwise that's pretty much it. I'd say that it might have been better to wait a little longer before applying. That way we can more accurately evaluate your behavior and knowledge of the rules with a little more time on the servers. I'm sure given the average wait times you won't have to worry too much about that though. Please reach out if you have any questions


Sufficiently Lethal
Jan 7, 2022
Hi, just gonna go over your application real quick.

Whether you're a member or a mod, proof doesn't HAVE to be recorded as a demo. It's a lot more convenient since demos can be stored easily on the bans page, but as long as you have sufficient proof and are able to retrieve it relatively easily the format can be flexible.
Demos are the most convenient for me even if I get occasionally frustrated by them, but thanks for the suggestion. I might consider using Medal or OBS, but they aren't as flexible, especially for spotting cheaters or for Jailbreak reports, so demos are my first pick for reporting. That being said, for other infractions, sure; I'll just use medal or OBS. Oh, and I already use screenshots and TFStat chatlogs for mutable/gaggable reports
As for ghosting, I added a ladder
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Ash Shaw

Staff Member
Aug 2, 2020
Hi Whip

You pretty much covered all the SZF punishments. will also mention that the reality is that a lot of players who exploit are unintentionally doing it due to flaws within the coding itself; ie. The Zombie Gun Exploit, Teleporting Boomers, ect..

Generally a kick solves the issue, but for the rarer occasions of malice intentions I recommend using your own disgression if players are actively trying to break the integrity of the gamemode.

Sera kind of touched on this but bans regardless of their length should be accompanied with visual proof regardless of the reason. Players on our servers always have the ability to appeal their punishments and its on staff members to provide evidence.

Innapropriate spray - [Permanent sprayban until appeal]
This applies to inappropriate Conscientious Objector as well.

My question for you is how would you handle players who abuse/spam !calladmin reports?

Good luck on the application.


Sufficiently Lethal
Jan 7, 2022
Hi Whip

You pretty much covered all the SZF punishments. will also mention that the reality is that a lot of players who exploit are unintentionally doing it due to flaws within the coding itself; ie. The Zombie Gun Exploit, Teleporting Boomers, ect..

Generally a kick solves the issue, but for the rarer occasions of malice intentions I recommend using your own disgression if players are actively trying to break the integrity of the gamemode.
I did say "Abusing Exploits", not using exploits. I will make that more explicit in the application, though.
I have added a ladder for calladmin abuse/spam.
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Somewhat Threatening
Staff Member
Nov 13, 2020
Hello, I appricate you for reaching out to me before putting my name down as a staff member you know. Zombie Survival as you're aware could always use more moderators, so thanks for applying.

During my time with you on the Zombie Survival server, I noticed the fact that you abstain from using the retry bind to save your points which is very commendable and definitely shows sportsmenship that other regular members lack, and another thing is that the feedback you deliver to Zombie Survival is invaluble and defintely led to contributing to some changes, and compared to other regular members within the Zombie Survival sub-community discord you're the most outspoken and hold firm passionate ideals about the gamemode.

As for Super Zombie Fortress, I haven't noticed anything notable as it seems like you keep to yourself and simply enjoy the gamemode. Other than that I have nothing else to say

Closing remarks:
I'm sure you'd be a good addition to the team as it's quite hard to find people filled with determination and with good intentions and wanting to involve themselves with the community more.

I wish you good luck on your application as I leave the rest to Sera/Ash or any other moderators from these communites that wish to say something.

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