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Resolved trade.tf Heavy Pootis Guy's appeal

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Voir C

Apr 29, 2017
What was your type of punishment
Spray Ban

What is your SteamID?

Who has punished you?

Super Spray Handler

Why were you punished?
Inappropriate Spray

Why should we revoke your punishment?
Well, What I did was very wrong and I didn't know what I was doing, I was just on this NY Jailbreak server and I think it was LA or NY Jailbreak server I think? So I am sorry for posting porn sprays on your Jailbreak server. And yes I learned from my mistakes after I got a spray ban, but I think a spray ban is a little too harsh for a punishment like that. I've learned from my mistakes after posting pornographic sprays on your server. Well the reason why I was doing it is cuz I was drunk because I had a party during the past weeks/months but I learned from my mistakes now but can't I just at least have a temporary ban other than a spray ban for exchange. Well I'm not saying that I want to get banned I was just asking for an exchange so... I learned from my mistakes and I am a changed man now. But can I at least just have one more chance. And I promise not to do it again.

Thanks for your time reading this.


Head Mod
Staff Member


Oct 26, 2016
"spray ban is a little too harsh"
It's a spray ban. It's how inappropriate and unruly sprays are dealt with. An actual harsh punishment would be banning your account instead of blocking the spray.

Deleted member 2049

Actually, I was drunk for 8 hours during that day I was playing TF2 posting those sprays and the day after I felt a little tired and a quarter drunk for a few minutes
If you read the part about "inappropriate sprays" you wouldnt be calling it a harsh punishment

Voir C

Apr 29, 2017
If you read the part about "inappropriate sprays" you wouldnt be calling it a harsh punishment
well, I was expecting a temporary ban like in the other servers if someone posts nasty sprays they get a temporary ban and nothing else but I got a stupid spray ban and I didn't get banned at all. Well I also said that I wanted an temporary ban other than a spray ban for exchange but I'm not asking for a ban or some other shit, it was just an offer in the paragraph of the "Why should we revoke your ban?" part. And besides, I learned from my mistakes in the past months/weeks and I am a changed man now.


Staff Member
Dec 3, 2016
You're shocked that a spray related infraction received a spray related punishment? Shocking. Next you're telling us you want to protest something that happened weeks/months ago? Why didn't you care about appealing when the punishment happened if it was so long ago? Quite a few things aren't adding up here and your attitude of "I didn't know this would happen so I'm sorry please unban me now" isn't helping you. I'm also not even gonna mention the part about claiming to be drunk for basically a whole day as if that's an actual excuse. Why would we trust you if we have no clue whether you'll do it again under the claim that you're intoxicated? I guess I did end up mentioning it.

Deleted member 2049

well, I was expecting a temporary ban like in the other servers if someone posts nasty sprays they get a temporary ban and nothing else but I got a stupid spray ban and I didn't get banned at all. Well I also said that I wanted an temporary ban other than a spray ban for exchange but I'm not asking for a ban or some other shit, it was just an offer in the paragraph of the "Why should we revoke your ban?" part. And besides, I learned from my mistakes in the past months/weeks and I am a changed man now.
Just saying you learned from your mistakes isnt enough. Plus, how do we know you really did?

Voir C

Apr 29, 2017
You're shocked that a spray related infraction received a spray related punishment? Shocking. Next you're telling us you want to protest something that happened weeks/months ago? Why didn't you care about appealing when the punishment happened if it was so long ago? Quite a few things aren't adding up here and your attitude of "I didn't know this would happen so I'm sorry please unban me now" isn't helping you. I'm also not even gonna mention the part about claiming to be drunk for basically a whole day as if that's an actual excuse. Why would we trust you if we have no clue whether you'll do it again under the claim that you're intoxicated? I guess I did end up mentioning it.
Sorry I made a mistake in the "Why should we revoke your punishment?" part I was going to edit it but I was too lazy to do it and It's too late now to edit it because I got replies on it like that guy who said "how does one stay drunk for the past weeks/months?" On the "I was drunk" part, I was supposed to say "I was drunk because I had a party in my house IRL where I got Spray Banned on the same day I was having a party in my house" Well, after I had got a spray ban I thought I was expecting a kick with a warning or temporary ban but it was a Spray Ban. I was thinking I was gonna get kicked or banned for temporary but it never happened. And second of all, I'm a changed man now and I quit drinking alcoholic beverages so I drink water/soda for now on.

Voir C

Apr 29, 2017
Just saying you learned from your mistakes isnt enough. Plus, how do we know you really did?
Well I'm a changed man now, I went to rehab for people with drinking problems every Friday morning from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM and that place treated me well and they made a deal saying that I must only drink alcoholic beverages once in a while only and I did listen to them so because of that deal I had to stop drinking alcoholic beverages all the time and start doing it once in a while to avoid being intoxicated/drunk and the good thing is I never gotten a single DUI/breathalyzer in my car. And second of all I was kinda unhappy that I got a spray ban and I wanted to post funny sprays from the TF2 GameBanana and I got very upset because I got a Spray Ban weeks/months ago and then on April 29/Last Month I had to make an appeal because I missed posting sprays and it was going to be funny sprays from Google or GameBanana that time but I was so pissed off I had to write it so yeah.


The King of Fish
Staff Member
Dec 3, 2016
Well I'm a changed man now, I went to rehab for people with drinking problems every Friday morning from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM and that place treated me well and they made a deal saying that I must only drink alcoholic beverages once in a while only and I did listen to them so because of that deal I had to stop drinking alcoholic beverages all the time and start doing it once in a while to avoid being intoxicated/drunk and the good thing is I never gotten a single DUI/breathalyzer in my car. And second of all I was kinda unhappy that I got a spray ban and I wanted to post funny sprays from the TF2 GameBanana and I got very upset because I got a Spray Ban weeks/months ago and then on April 29/Last Month I had to make an appeal because I missed posting sprays and it was going to be funny sprays from Google or GameBanana that time but I was so pissed off I had to write it so yeah.
I sincerely doubt this story. Wouldn't a rehab center tell you to drop alcohol completely instead of saying "meh it's ok once in a while mate LOL" and running the risk of you getting addicted again?

Deleted member 2049

Well I'm a changed man now, I went to rehab for people with drinking problems every Friday morning from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM and that place treated me well and they made a deal saying that I must only drink alcoholic beverages once in a while only and I did listen to them so because of that deal I had to stop drinking alcoholic beverages all the time and start doing it once in a while to avoid being intoxicated/drunk and the good thing is I never gotten a single DUI/breathalyzer in my car. And second of all I was kinda unhappy that I got a spray ban and I wanted to post funny sprays from the TF2 GameBanana and I got very upset because I got a Spray Ban weeks/months ago and then on April 29/Last Month I had to make an appeal because I missed posting sprays and it was going to be funny sprays from Google or GameBanana that time but I was so pissed off I had to write it so yeah.
Even then you might get unbanned but you dont have to blame false stories for it. All you have to blame is yourself, think about stuff realistically though next time


Ben Junior


Sep 5, 2016
So let's just sum up this thread very quickly, because it's just going to end in more arguments...

So you sprayed a pornographic spray which is against the rules... why people have pornographic sprays is beyond me, however, you did break the rules, you received an appropriate punishment for breaking that rule. You've also seem to have made up some story about a drinking problem. Now before you say that it was real, etc... Groups like that don't ever say "Okay, we are here to help you stop your drinking problem, so when you leave just have a little bit to drink, I'm sure that is the best thing for you right now." So right away I am thinking that the story is a hoax, extremely unbelievable. Might as well be a sketch on Family Guy with that logic... They don't do "deals" either I would assume, I doubt they give you an opportunity to lapse back into the drunken mess people get in. By law, people are accountable for any actions they do while drunk, it is your fault you were drunk, it is your fault you created this spray, it is your fault that you then sprayed this spray on a server, and with all of these actions, it is your fault you received the ban.

So what I would suggest it come back and appeal in a month, we aren't really restricting you from doing anything on the servers, you can still use text chat, voice chat, join the servers, use Discord. But I don't think you've really improved because to me you seem to have lied throughout the whole appeal. So to whoever actually spray banned you, I seriously suggest declining this appeal.

Thanks, have a great day.

Pablo The Wizard

Face Melting
Jan 3, 2017
"I was drunk because I had a party during the past weeks/months..."
How does one stay drunk for several weeks/months?
Exactly what I was about to say

well, I was expecting a temporary ban like in the other servers if someone posts nasty sprays they get a temporary ban and nothing else but
Different communities have different rules and punishments. I don't know what server temporarily spray bans someone for using pornographic sprays but if so then those server administrators are imo doing bad decisions of punishments!

Sorry I made a mistake in the "Why should we revoke your punishment?" part I was going to edit it but I was too lazy to do it
If that's your attitude to why you won't and didn't give any reasons that could be used to help you. Then obviously you're to nonchalant to care about having the spray ban revoked.
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Deleted member 2049

I shouldve asked this first, was it yiff, clop, or porn? Dont worry about why but of course dont share it on servers ya see?
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