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Accepted 's ReynTime appeal


Blackwonder's Own
Staff Member
Sep 28, 2015
What's your username?

What is your type of punishment?

Where were you banned from? Forums

Who has punished you?

Why were you punished?

Why should we revoke your punishment?
I respond to player reports, say they have been warden disrespecting, against the rules fair enough I get banned, I think "ok I wont do that again" would have done the same with a warning but yk its not your guys job to read my the rules like its my bed time story so like I said fair enough.

I was banned for a week, obviously I am not able to reoffend throughout that week, I was banned so the idea of my ban being quadrupled out of nowhere is in my opinion a bit of a miscalculation. I haven't been rude about it or anything in game either, just some light hearted jokes or me making up other reasons for my ban to get some reactions.

side note, could you guys make it so a banned forum account can make guest appeals, you cant even sign out without clearing browser cache, its a bit annoying.

Thank you for reading, have a potentially peaceful Warden Respect free month without me (I know Kimmels gonna be in tears).

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