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Resolved Report against sate sate sate

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Rage Inducing


Oct 24, 2016
User name: Warrak

Who are you reporting? sate sate sate

What is the accused persons's SteamID? STEAM_0:0:171391538

What is the reason of the report? Spawncamping / killing

he is seen as the enemy soldier shooting and killing people in our spawn, mostly targeting the engie.

4500 to 6800 ( he shoots a blitz of rockets into our spawn, of course intended to kill the sentry gun. )
8200 ( if you slow down to about 40% at this point, you will see him proceeding to do so again. )
20300 ( I see him sitting outside our spawn waiting for someone to come into his view for him to kill. )
35700 ( shoots a flurry of rockets into our spawn. )

Actual spawnkilling:
25800 ( he destroys the sentry and proceeds to spray rockets killing the poor demo that was attempting to upgrade 3 times.)
33800 ( he sits under the stairs waiting to kill someone, consequentially killing demo again. )
35700 ( shoots a flurry of rockets into our spawn killing the poor demo again, that hasn't managed to even step 10 feet outside of spawn without getting killed since he joined the game.)

| steamname: sate sate sate
| steam3ID: [U:1:342783076]
| steamID32: STEAM_0:0:171391538
| steamID64: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198303048804
| customURL:
| steamrep: https://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198303048804

Files you have as proof File(s) attached


  • satesate.dem
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