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Declined Report against blaflowery (US JB)

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Mildly Menacing
Jan 7, 2020
Username: snakeman

Who are you reporting? blaflowery

What server game mode is the report concerned with?

What is the accused persons's SteamID? STEAM_0:1:169455118

What is the reason of the report? Freekilling me on two occasions

Any other proof you have Freekills me and another person here on HG when he was baiting by being in the doorway before guards could spectate: https://streamable.com/5vhl6j

Freekills me by doing RPS with me and winning when it was clearly intended for the other red, and the warden allowed RPS: https://streamable.com/ej62mj
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May 13, 2024
1.) I slayed right after this one (you didn't show that part), and in the moment I found it a gray area cus I could see an argument for force baiting but idrk
2.) I think this was from like months ago iirc, why didn't you report then? I probably slayed next round as well (which again, you wouldn't've shown)
It's ultimately up to the admin's judgement but I just wanted to share some things that wouldn't otherwise be known that may justify it.


Mildly Menacing
Jan 7, 2020
1.) I slayed right after this one (you didn't show that part), and in the moment I found it a gray area cus I could see an argument for force baiting but idrk
2.) I think this was from like months ago iirc, why didn't you report then? I probably slayed next round as well (which again, you wouldn't've shown)
It's ultimately up to the admin's judgement but I just wanted to share some things that wouldn't otherwise be known that may justify it.
The RPS one was 7 days ago

10000 Cold Knights

Staff Member
Feb 20, 2019
Neither of the clips are from round start Snakeman, you know that doesn't fly here. Before we go though, a few closing statements:
1) You can hit people inside of armory like that, so long as blues aren't allowed to expand and the red doesn't actually enter armory. If that's why you killed them Flora I suggest not trying that again in the future.
2) RPS does not inherently make a red kos even if a blue accepts it and dies, they consented to the possibility of death by accepting the taunt.
3) Do not report rulebreaks that a staff member was present for and directly witnessed. Bergenco is literally standing in frame in the second clip, if the situation required action he most likely would've taken it seeing as he had better context than we currently do.
4) The evidence being a week old is fine, life happens.
5) @snakeman @Flora I don't really have a clear picture of what happened here, but I hope neither one of you are trying to target each other in some way. LAJB can tell you why that's a bad idea, or rather it could if it wasn't a smoking crater. Hint hint.
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