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Declined Remove the blu 100% crits, or make it mini-crits

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New Member
Mar 23, 2020
Its so unfair when blu's can snipe you with a shotgun, and, with those crits the chances that someone gets freekilled by a rocket or a pipe, its really big, it just makes the game so unfair, and one time some blu, just threw a rocket at me, i was playing demoknight with the chargin targe, even with 30% resistance, you still die to the crocket, there should be an option where at the start of the round ( not every round just the first one), everyone has to choose if they want crits, minicrits, or just dont have crits, those crits makes the game so boring, and then mass freekillers come, the crits makes it easier that they freekill everyone, and if it was minicrits, they would at least kill a scout with the candy cane.

Chris TCC

Blackwonder's Own
Staff Member
Jan 16, 2019
This topic has been discussed a lot of times. unless a new argument is brought to the table, this will be declined. Thanks.
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