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Invalid player called twilight sparkle is crashing all servers

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New Member
Aug 28, 2017
holy it's not possible anymore

i quit this community until it's fixed

DasMalzbier| Lazy Panda

Tfw ab0se is not an allowed title word
Jun 24, 2016
If you want to file a report, please use the proper format...

The problem of Twilight is not unknown to us. In fact, many communities share the problem.

I can only tell that we are working on a solution and if proven working, it might resolve the problem with Twilight. Might.

There is a reason why many communities could not yet resolve the problem with Twilight. He generates new account and uses a VPN to not be tracked. Banning his alts is next to useless.

Though I can understand the frustration caused by said player, I do ask for more consideration that this problem is not easily resolved. Saying that you will "quit until it is fixed" is a hasty decision.

In the end, it is your decision whether you want to stay or not. But I can guarantee that we have been aware of this problem for a long time and do try our hardest to resolve this problem in the most efficient way.

With kind regards,


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