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Declined Percival's Moderator Application

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New Member
Feb 3, 2020
User name: Percival


Your Age

United Kingdom

Your SteamID

Your DiscordID

Have you managed servers previously? No

On what servers do you usually play on and which one would you like to moderate?
I pretty much only play on the deathrun servers. I sometimes (but rarely) play on the UK highertower servers, but only when there aren't any players currently on the deathrun server. So the server i would like to moderate is mainly the deathrun server.

Why would you like to become a moderator?
A lot of people have suggested that i become a mod and since i punish players for breaking rules by using donor vote commands, it would be better to use commands that provide instant punishment rather than a vote.

Do you know and have spoken to any of the current staff members? Yes

Please let us know the names of staff members you have spoken to or know
Tony, Squidmane, Aurelien. I believe i have spoken to a few more, but i cannot remember their names.

When are you usually available to play?
Pretty much all the time. I do go out and work monday, wednesday and friday, but that does not matter as it is only for around 6 hours (From around 10AM to around 3:30PM)

Please give us your ideal way of punishing players, specific to the server you want to moderate
For most rules such as delaying, ghosting, exploiting, If the player is breaking a rule they shall recieve a warning. (Slay for exploiters) If they do so a second time, they will be given a final warning. Should they still refuse to listen, they shall be kicked with the reason behind why. A third time will be a half-hour ban. Should the player return and continue to break rules, the ban will be upped to a day and then a week if the message still doesn't get through. After that if they continue, it'll be bumped to 1 week, and finally a month.

For micspammers: A warning, a final warning, a 30 minute mute, a mute for a day.
Continued micspam afterwards will result in the ban being bumped to 7 days.
Earrape micspammers will be muted for 30 minutes, second strike a day, third strike is 7 days.
If the person continues to play earrape over the voice chat, the player will recieve a one month mute.

AFK players will be slayed after warning them to move a couple of times, if they continue to be AFK after the round has ended they will be forced into spectate mode. If the player stays in spectate after a few rounds, the player will recieve a kick.

If someone fakes a freerun, they will be slayed. (or smited. Lets be honest they'll probably get smited. I dont blame people for using smite more, its bloody cooler) If they choose to do it again, they will recieve a kick. A third time will result in a 1-day ban. Fourth strike is a 7-day ban, Fifth is a month, Final strike is a Perma.

If the player suicides as death, they shall recieve a kick instantly with the reason why. If they disconnect and reconnect, they shall recieve a half-hour ban. Continuing to do this will award them a 1-day ban and then a 7-day ban should they continue afterwards.

Toxicity and/or Spam: A warning, A second warning, a final warning, a 30 minute gag, a very final warning, one day gag. Continued rule breaking will result in a one-week gag. Should they continue to break the rule, the one-week gag will be applied again.

Inappropriate content: If a racist or porn/fully-nude spray/objector is being used by a player, they will be asked to switch the spray with another and either leave the server and reconnect, or wait for the next map to load, while not putting down the spray. Objector uses will simply be asked to use another melee weapon or objector with a less lewd/racist image on it. Should they decide not to switch the spray, they shall recieve a second warning. Third strike is a final warning and final strike is a sprayban.

Abusing calladmin command: I'm not sure how i would address this since i'm assuming gagging a player doesn't stop them from typing commands in. Unless there is a way to disallow them from using the command? If so, i would give out a warning and if they continued, i would use said command. However if a command such as that doesn't exist, i would still give a couple of warnings and if they continued, i would give out a kick, explaining why. Should they come back and continue, they shall recieve a one day ban. If they continue to do so, the ban will be bumped up to a 7-day ban.

Improper microphone (static, only game sounds coming out of mic) : Micspam punishments applied but slightly different; Ask the player if they are able to fix their microphone, if the person fails to fix their mic after a few tries, they will be asked to refrain from using their mic in-game until they can fix it. if they choose not to listen, they will recieve a mute for a day. Should the person claim that they have fixed their mic, the mute will be lifted. If it is the same, the mute will be reapplied.
Players who havent replied at all, will recieve a couple of warnings and afterwards a 1 day mute, since the player either clearly doesnt care, or doesn't understand/speaks english.
Non-english speakers will be warned twice, then a 30 minute mute if they ignore the warnings.
Continued foreign langauge will result in a 1 day mute.

Advertising hacks: An instant 30 minute gag if the player is spamming it. Should the player continue to spam hack ads, they shall recieve a perma gag as they shall be assumed a bot.
If a player advertises a hack, they will be given a warning. Should they continue, they will recieve a 30 min gag. Still continuing after that, they will recieve a 1-day gag and after that a 7-day gag.

Hacking: Report, Provide images (and recordings if possible). If evidence is good enough, give the player a permaban.

Is there any other information you would like us to know about?
Bazinga. Zimbabwe.

Are you proficient in languages other than English? No
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Sufficiently Lethal
Aug 18, 2019
A lot of punishements are missing, please include them.

For micspammers: A warning, a final warning, a 30 minute mute, a mute for a day and finally mute for 7 days. (Earrape micspammers will be muted permanently instantly)

And why don't you follow your ladder for "Earrape micspammers" ? Your punishements are also too brutal




Aug 17, 2017
Hello, Percival, I will drop a quick review down below.

Advertising hacks: An instant 30 minute gag if the player is spamming it. Should the player continue to spam hack ads, they shall recieve a perma gag as they shall be assumed a bot.
We permanently gag people who advertise hacks right at the spot without any hesitation as they are promoting the very thing we want to get rid of. Additionally, there is a large chance that the player is a human, playing behind their screen too.

Hacking: Report, Provide images (and recordings if possible). If evidence is good enough, give the player a permaban.
We always include recordings for the reason that images do not qualify as sufficient evidence in regards to hacking. Without videos, said player will have the chance to be unbanned if they decide to appeal, which will not look good on your side.

I suggest you take a look at other applicants to view how they've structured their punishment. My issue is that you have not elaborated on your punishment section. For example: What would you do if a player repeats an offense numerous times, do you go with giving the same punishment length every time?

Otherwise, your chatlogs do look fine, I found no recent punishment and you have a fine amount of play-time which all are valuable assets. Good luck.
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