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Declined Oak's Moderator Application

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Nov 18, 2018
Username: Oak

Dylan (Oak/Herzog)

Your Age

Do you have at least 3 days cumulative days of playtime on Blackwonder servers in the last year? Yes

Have you been punished in the last 60 days? No

Have you had an application declined in the last 90 days? No

Do you have a microphone? Yes

Have you read the forum guide on how to apply? Yes

If you have ever played on a Blackwonder server, you will have had a user profile automatically generated on tfstats.tf. Locate and link your tfstats profile here. https://tfstats.tf/players/269381

Plymouth, UK

Your SteamID2

Your DiscordID

Have you managed servers previously? Yes

Which servers have you previously managed?

On what servers do you usually play on, and which servers would you like to moderate?
I play on a variety of servers depending on what I want to play; however, I would like to have permissions on all the servers of Blackwonder, as that's what I had before demotion.

Why would you like to become a moderator?
Blackwonder has been a community close to my heart for the past 4 years. I've nearly grown up from a teenager to an adult with Blackwonder, and I am always active in the Discord server, chatting away with people. Most of my online friends have come from Blackwonder; I've traveled to many places in Europe thanks to Blackwonder and met quite a few members of the community in person. Due to this extensive history of mine in the community, I would love to be up close to it again by returning to being a staff member after demotion, as I don't feel the same being a regular member.

I would also like to be able to deal with rule breakers in the servers. Nearly every time I've played a session of TF2 on a Blackwonder server, I've witnessed some form of rulebreaking, and not being able to address it anymore really sucks.

Do you know or have spoken to any of the current staff members? Yes

Please let us know the names of staff members you know or have spoken to
I've met the following staff members in person before: Benedevil, Comet, Lucas, Nebula and Wanka.

While the following staff members I have not met in person before, however, I got permission from all of them to add their names to this list: Ash Shaw, Butler, ckr, Crikey, DaggerSable, Goldie, Real Darkness Owl, Rodd, Scouten, Sera, Squid and Tony.

How often do you play TF2?
I've been on and off it for the past couple of years, but in recent months I've been getting a couple sessions in weekly.

Please give us your ideal way of punishing players, specific to the servers you want to moderate
General Punishments:

Being Offensive to Other Users: If a player is being offensive to other users, I will use the warning command to warn the player to stop being offensive. If the player continuous to be offensive, I will use the gag or mute commands depending on their form of communication and priors. The ladder I usually follow is 60-120-240-720-1440-4320-10080-20160-43800-Permanent.

Spamming: If a player spams chat or voice chat, I will use the warning command to warn the player to stop spamming. If the player continuous to spam, I will use the gag or mute commands depending on their form of communication and priors. The ladder I usually follow is 60-120-240-720-1440-4320-10080-20160-43800-Permanent.

English Only When Using Voice Chat: If a player is talking in voice chat using a language other than English, I will use the psay command to inform the player that English is the only language allowed in voice chat. If the player continuous to use languages other than English in voice chat, I will use the warning command to formerly warn the player. If the player continuous after the warning, I will mute the player depending on priors. The ladder I usually follow is 60-120-240-720-1440-4320-10080-20160-43800-Permanent.

Having a Bad Microphone: If a player doesn’t have a proper microphone and it disturbs other players, I will use the warning command to warn the player to use a better microphone. If the player continuous to use the bad microphone, I will use the mute command to mute the player depending on priors. The ladder I usually follow is 60-120-240-720-1440-4320-10080-20160-43800-Permanent.

Inappropriate Content: If a player has an inappropriate spray or objector, I will use the sprayban command to permanently spray ban the player.

Hacking/Cheating: If a player is hacking or cheating, I will spectate the player and record a demo for evidence. Once I got enough evidence, I will use the ban command to issue a permanent ban on the player, and upload the evidence to source bans.

Exploiting: If a player glitches the game to get an advantage over other players, I will use the ban command to ban the player depending on priors. The ladder I usually follow is 1440-4320-10080-20160-43800-Permanent.

Advertising Hacks/Cheats: If a player advertises hacks or cheats, I will use the silence command to issue a permanent silence.

Calling Out Undercover Staff: If a player calls out an undercover staff member, I will use the gag or mute command on the player depending on their priors. The ladder I usually follow is 60-120-240-720-1440-4320-10080-20160-43800-Permanent.

Calladmin Abuse: If a player abuses the calladmin command, I will use the ban command to ban the player. The ladder I usually follow is 1440-4320-10080-20160-43800-Permanent.

Spawncamping: If a player is spawncamping on servers that aren’t trade, achievement, classwars or the BLW SG Casual server, I will use the warning command to warn the player to not spawncamp. If the player continuous to spawncamp, I will use the ban command to ban the player depending on their priors. The ladder I usually follow is 60-120-240-720-1440-4320-10080-20160-43800-Permanent.

Griefing: If a player is griefing, I will use the warning command to warn the player to stop griefing. If the player continuous to grief afterwards, I will use the ban command to ban the player depending on their priors. The ladder I usually follow is 60-120-240-720-1440-4320-10080-20160-43800-Permanent.

Deathrun Specific Punishments:

Ghosting: If a player or players are ghosting, I will use the csay command to tell the whole server to not ghost. If the player/players continue to ghost, I will use the warning command specifically on the player/players that are ghosting. If they continue after the warning, I will use the mute or gag commands to mute them depending on their priors. The ladder I usually follow is 60-120-240-720-1440-4320-10080-20160-43800-Permanent.

Delaying The Round: If a player delays the round by being AFK, I will use the smite command to smite the player and the teamswitch command to switch them to spectator. If the player delays the round on purpose or continuous to delay after being teamswitched, I will use the smite and warning commands to warn them to not delay the round. If the player continuous to delay the round, I will use the ban command to ban the player depending on their priors. The ladder I usually follow is 60-120-240-720-1440-4320-10080-20160-43800-Permanent.

Faking Freerun: If the death fakes a freerun, I will use the smite and warning commands to warn the death to not fake freeruns. If the death continuous to fake freeruns, I will use the ban command to ban the death depending on their priors. The ladder I usually follow is 60-120-240-720-1440-4320-10080-20160-43800-Permanent.

Suicide/Leaving as Death: If a player suicides or leaves as death, I will use the warning command to warn the player to not suicide or leave as death, and to use the drtoggle command. If the player continuous to suicide/leave as death, I will use the ban command to ban the player relative to their priors. The ladder I usually follow is 60-120-240-720-1440-4320-10080-20160-43800-Permanent.

Abusing Map Exploits: If a player abuses map exploits, I will use the exploiting ladder in the general punishments section.

Abusing BHOP: If a player is using BHOP to skip or get out of traps, I will use the smite and warning commands to warn the player to not skip or get out of traps. If the player continuous to abuse BHOP, I will use the ban command to ban the player depending on their priors. The ladder I usually follow is 60-120-240-720-1440-4320-10080-20160-43800-Permanent.

Favouritism/Targeting: If a death is giving other players a freerun but not everyone, I will use the smite and warning commands to tell the player to not give certain players an unfair advantage. If they continue to do so, I will use the ban command to ban the player depending on their priors. The ladder I usually follow is 60-120-240-720-1440-4320-10080-20160-43800-Permanent.

Dodgeball Specific Punishments:

Stealing (EU): If a player is stealing on Europe servers, I will use the smite and warning commands to warn the player to not steal. If the player continuous to steal, I will use the ban command to ban the player depending on their priors. The ladder I usually follow is 60-120-240-720-1440-4320-10080-20160-43800-Permanent.

Cross-Sniping Players (EU): If a player crosses over to the enemy side just to snipe people, I will use the smite and warning commands to warn the player to not do so. If the player continuous, I will use the ban command to ban the player depending on their priors. The ladder I usually follow is 60-120-240-720-1440-4320-10080-20160-43800-Permanent.

Teamkilling: If a player purposely tries to get their own teammates killed, I will use the smite and warning commands to warn the player to not do so. If the player continuous, I will use the ban command to ban the player depending on their priors. The ladder I usually follow is 60-120-240-720-1440-4320-10080-20160-43800-Permanent.

Delaying: If a player purposely tries to delay the round by excessive orbiting or any other means, I will use the smite and warning commands to warn the player to not do so. If the player continuous, I will use the ban command to ban the player depending on their priors. The ladder I usually follow is 60-120-240-720-1440-4320-10080-20160-43800-Permanent.

Blocking: If a player purposely tries to block the rocket all the time, I will use the smite and warning commands to warn the player to not do so. If the player continuous, I will use the ban command to ban the player depending on their priors. The ladder I usually follow is 60-120-240-720-1440-4320-10080-20160-43800-Permanent.

Abusing/Exploiting: If a player is abusing/exploiting, I will use the exploiting punishment ladder in the general section.

Jailbreak Specific Punishments:

All Players:

Overtalking Warden: If a player or players are talking over the warden, I will use the csay command to tell the whole server not to overtalk the warden. If the player/players don’t follow this csay warning, I will use the smite command on said player/players and use the warning command to issue a warning. If said player/players continue to overtalk the warden after the warning, I will mute the player/players for a period of time depending on their priors. The ladder I usually follow is 60-120-240-720-1440-4320-10080-20160-43800-Permanent.

Impersonating Warden: If a player or players are impersonating the warden, I will use the psay command to instruct specific players not to impersonate the warden. If the specific player continues to impersonate the warden after receiving the psay warning, I will use the smite and teamban commands respectively, depending on their priors. If it’s a RED impersonating, I will issue a mute instead. The ladder I usually follow for team bans is 60-120-240-720-1440-4320-10080-20160-43800-Permanent, and it is the same for the mute.

Armoury Camping: If a player or players armoury camp, I will use the csay command to tell the whole server not to armoury camp. If the players that are armoury camping continue, I will use the smite command on the player or players and use the warning command to warn them. If they continue to armoury camp, and they are on BLU, I’ll issue a team ban relative to priors. If they are on RED, I will issue a ban relative to priors. The ladder I usually follow is 60-120-240-720-1440-4320-10080-20160-43800-Permanent.

Baiting: If a player baits, I will smite them. If they continue to bait, I will use the warning and smite commands. If a player still baits after all these warnings, I will issue a team ban if they are on BLU or a ban if they are on RED depending on their priors. The ladder I usually follow is 60-120-240-720-1440-4320-10080-20160-43800-Permanent.

Delaying: If a player delays the round, I will smite them. If they continue to delay, I will use the warning and smite commands. If a player still delays after all these warnings, I will issue a team ban if they are on BLU or a ban if they are on RED depending on their priors. The ladder I usually follow is 60-120-240-720-1440-4320-10080-20160-43800-Permanent.

Ghosting: If a player or players are ghosting, I will use the csay command to tell the whole server to not ghost. If the player/players continue to ghost, I will use the warning command specifically on the player/players that are ghosting. If they continue after the warning, I will use the mute command to mute them depending on their priors. The ladder I usually follow is 60-120-240-720-1440-4320-10080-20160-43800-Permanent.

Continuously Calling Out False Accusations: If a player does this, I will refer them to the JB specific rules (https://blackwonder.tf/wiki/jailbreak-rules/) using the psay command and through voice chat, if they continue to call out false accusations after I referred them to the rules, I will use the gag or mute command depending on the way they are communicating. The ladder I usually follow is 60-120-240-720-1440-4320-10080-20160-43800-Permanent.

Sticky Trapping: If a player sticky traps, I will use the smite and warning commands on the player. If they continue to sticky trap, I will team ban them if they are on BLU or ban them if they are on RED depending on their priors. The ladder I usually follow is 60-120-240-720-1440-4320-10080-43800-20160-Permanent.

RED Specific Punishments:

Griefing: If a RED griefs during a free day, I will use the smite and warning commands to smite the RED and issue a warning to not grief during a free day. If the RED gets a free day and griefs again, I will ban the player depending on their priors. The ladder I usually follow is 60-120-240-720-1440-4320-10080-20160-43800-Permanent.

Camping In Unreachable Areas: If a RED camps in unreachable areas, I will follow the delaying punishment ladder.

BLU Specific Punishments:

Bad Microphone: If a player has a bad microphone, I will use the teamban command to permanently mute the player until he gets a good quality microphone, where he can then appeal and be un-teambanned.

Unwilling To Play Warden: If a player doesn’t want to be warden, I will use the smite and teamban commands to issue a team ban. The ladder I usually follow is 60-120-240-720-1440-4320-10080-20160-43800-Permanent.

Freekilling: If a player is freekilling, I will issue the smite command to smite the player and use the psay command to tell the player to not freekill and use the respawn command to revive the RED. If the player freekills again, depending on the circumstances (if it was an accident or on purpose), I will follow the same process as above and issue a team ban using the team ban command on the player if it was purposeful. If the player accidentally freekills again, I will team ban the player no matter if it was an accident or not depending on their priors. The ladder I usually follow is 60-120-240-720-1440-4320-10080-20160-43800-Permanent. If the player MFK’d (freekilling 3 or more reds at the same time), I will use the following ladder instead and instantly team ban them no matter if it was an accident or not and revive all the REDs killed: 10080-20160-43800-Permanent.

Killing Freedays: If a player kills a freeday for no reason, I will follow the freekilling punishment ladder.

Force-Baiting: If a player is force-baiting, I will use the psay command to warn the player to not force-bait and also use my microphone to tell them as well. If they continue to force-bait, I will use the smite command to smite the player and use the warning command to warn them. If they continue to force-bait, I will use the teamban command to issue a team ban on the player depending on priors. The ladder I usually follow is 60-120-240-720-1440-4320-10080-20160-43800-Permanent.

Camping In Red Rebel Areas: If a player camps in RED rebel areas, I will follow the same punishment ladder as armoury camping.

Illegal Hunt and Chase: If a player leaves the warden and chases a RED without the warden stating that guards can hunt and chase, I will use the smite command to smite the player and use the warning command to inform the player that they can only hunt and chase with wardens’ permission. If the player continues to hunt and chase illegally, I will use the teamban command to issue a team ban on the player depending on priors. The ladder I usually follow is 60-120-240-720-1440-4320-10080-20160-43800-Permanent.

Teamkilling: If a guard illegally teamkills (without being provoked), I will use the smite and warning commands to warn the player that guards are not allowed to teamkill each other. If the player continues to teamkill, I will use the teamban command to team ban the player depending on priors. The ladder I usually follow is 60-120-240-720-1440-4320-10080-20160-43800-Permanent.

Griefing: If a BLU griefs, I will use the smite and warning commands to warn the player to not grief. If the player continues to grief, I will use the teamban command to team ban the player depending on priors. The ladder I usually follow is 60-120-240-720-1440-4320-10080-20160-43800-Permanent.

Favouritism: If a guard is giving a specific RED an advantage, by pardoning or giving them free passes on minigames, I will use the smite and warning commands to smite the guard and warn him to not give certain REDs advantages. I will also inform the server using csay that the RED that has been given an advantage is KOS. If the player continues to have favouritism, I will use the teamban command to team ban the player depending on priors. The ladder I usually follow is 60-120-240-720-1440-4320-10080-20160-43800-Permanent.

Killing REDs During Repeats: If a BLU kills a RED during a repeat, I will follow the freekilling ladder.

Going Into Unreachable Places: If a BLU goes into unreachable places to delay the round, I will follow the delaying ladder.

Warden Specific Punishments:

Kill Orders: If a warden issues a kill order, I will warn the warden not to using the warning and psay commands. If the warden continues to dish out kill orders, I will use the teamban command to issue a team ban on the warden depending on priors. The ladder I usually follow is 60-120-240-720-1440-4320-10080-20160-43800-Permanent. If the warden issues a guard to kill a RED, I will follow the freekilling punishment ladder.

Illegal Friendly Fire: If a warden turns on friendly fire for no reason or during a freeday for all, I will use the smite command to smite the warden and the teamban command to team ban the warden depending on priors, and then I will refer him to the rules. The ladder I usually follow is 60-120-240-720-1440-4320-10080-20160-43800-Permanent.

Tricky Orders: If the warden gives out tricky orders and kills REDs due to them, I will follow the freekilling ladder.

Pardoning REDs: If a warden pardons a RED, I will follow the favouritism ladder.

Conflicting Orders: If a warden gives conflicting orders and kills a RED due to them, I will follow the freekilling ladder.

Failing To Give LR: If a warden doesn’t give LR, I will use the forcelr command to give the LR to the player who deserves it and use the warning command to issue a warning to the warden to give LRs. If a warden gives the LR to a rebel knowingly, I will use the revokelr command to remove the LR from the rebel and instruct the warden that the RED is KOS. If the warden fails to kill the RED and gives LR again, or the warden fails to give LR even after the warning, I will use the teamban command to team ban the warden depending on priors. The ladder I usually follow is 60-120-240-720-1440-4320-10080-20160-43800-Permanent.

Failing To Give a Repeat: If a warden fails to give a repeat for the second time, or players are talking over the warden and the warden doesn’t give a repeat, I’ll use the csay command to ask the warden to give a repeat. If the warden continues to not give a repeat, I’ll use the smite and warning commands to warn the warden. If the warden continues to not give repeats, I’ll use the teamban command to team ban the warden depending on priors. The ladder I usually follow is 60-120-240-720-1440-4320-10080-20160-43800-Permanent.

Meat Grinder/Arena as First Round: If a warden plays meat grinder or arena as a first round, I will follow the same punishment ladder as illegal friendly fire.

Renaming REDs: If a warden renames REDs to anything other than “REDs” or “Prisoners”, I will inform the warden using voice chat or the csay command to only refer to REDs as either of these two.

Warden Hogging: If a player hogs warden for more than 3 times in a row, I will use the smite command to smite the player and use the force warden command force warden onto a random guard.

Lying as Warden: If a warden lies, I will use the warning command to warn the player not to lie as warden. If a RED is killed due to the warden lying, I will use the same punishment ladder as freekilling. If the warden continuously lies, I will use the teamban command to team ban the player depending on priors. The ladder I usually follow is 60-120-240-720-1440-4320-10080-20160-43800-Permanent.

Chaining Specific Days: If a warden chains hunger games, hide and seek or war day, I will use the smite command to smite the warden and use the csay command to inform the server that specific days can’t be chained and therefore the order is invalid, whilst forcing warden onto a random guard if one hasn’t forced warden already. I will also use the warning command to warn the player that was warden that specific days can’t be chained. If the same player continuous to chain days, I will use the teamban command to team ban the player depending on priors. The ladder I usually follow is 60-120-240-720-1440-4320-10080-20160-43800-Permanent.

Versus Saxton Hale Specific Punishments:

Camping: If a player is camping, I will use the psay command to tell them to stop camping. If the player continuous to camp, I will use the smite and warning commands to warn them to stop camping. If the player doesn’t listen to the warning, I will use the ban command to ban the player depending on their priors. The ladder I usually follow is 60-120-240-720-1440-4320-10080-20160-43800-Permanent.

Delaying: If a player is delaying the round, I will use the psay command to tell them to stop delaying. If the player continuous to delay, I will use the smite and warning commands to warn them to stop delaying. If the player doesn’t listen to the warning, I will use the ban command to ban the player depending on their priors. The ladder I usually follow is 60-120-240-720-1440-4320-10080-20160-43800-Permanent.

Being Friendly: If players are being friendly, I will use the csay command to tell the server to stop being friendly. If certain players don’t listen, I will use the smite and warning commands to warn those players. If players still don’t listen, I will use the ban command to ban the player/players depending on priors. The ladder I usually follow is 60-120-240-720-1440-4320-10080-20160-43800-Permanent.

Is there any other information you would like us to know about?
I was a moderator in Blackwonder from August 2020 to September 2023, where I was demoted due to my extremely bad behavior. I genuinely apologise for all the drama I caused in the community over the years and for all the offensive things I've said. In the last 4 months, I hope I have demonstrated a genuine desire to change and stop being so negative and toxic. Thank you all for reading my application.

Are you proficient in languages other than English? Yes

Are you proficient in languages other than English? German

Ash Shaw

Staff Member
Aug 2, 2020
Hey Oak, not a whole lot to comment on asides keep the activity up which you already know. Your activity in the discord has always been a delight and appreciated. Hope to see you back on the team.


Blackwonder's Own
Staff Member
May 14, 2020
Hello Oak,

It's good to see you input a lot of your time in this mod app, I see you have been active over Discord besides the "oop" that Discord made. I have nothing to say besides hope to see you back on the staff team!


Sufficiently Lethal
Aug 18, 2019
Previous Dodgeball Mod, mature enough
As long as he doesnt repeat his previous mistakes




Nov 18, 2018
You've played tf2 twice in the past month including today.
I am aware of this; however, I've been on holiday for the past month and away from my PC setup, so I couldn't play TF2 at all during that time.


Truly Feared
Staff Member


Jul 21, 2020
Since I wasn't there, nor know anything exactly about what happened with you, but I'm sure there were a reason, and I hope you can prove that you changed and can continue your service as a mod. In person I had fun with you, when we met, so I don't see any problem with you coming back, if the higher-ups decide so too. Aaaand I'm sorry but I ain't readin that much, I did take a look at the dodgeball section, that seemed fine. Goog luck!;)

10000 Cold Knights

Staff Member
Feb 20, 2019
Howdy Oak. I'm glad you decided to stick around and work on improving yourself, but I'm not sure we should let you back in just yet. It's only been a few months since you threatened possible legal action if we didn't take down your forum account, after all.
You haven't caused any further problems to my knowledge, and you seemed to have earned high marks from some of the other staff, but imo its just too soon (though considering how long some of these apps have been open that might not be a huge issue).




Nov 18, 2018
It's only been a few months since you threatened possible legal action if we didn't take down your forum account, after all.
Hi 10K, threatening legal action is something I regret, and I apologise for not thinking before making that forum status. I acknowledge that it's only been a few months since the incident. However, before I posted this application, I made sure to ask Viking for permission to proceed, which he granted. I wouldn't have posted this application if I didn't have permission to reapply. I also promised that I wouldn't cause any mishaps, drama, or anything of the like again. I've demonstrated this in the last few months, and I don't plan on changing my word. Thanks for your reply.


Staff Member
Jul 13, 2020
Hey Oak. I'm glad to see you are applying again for mod. From my time experiencing you within the staff team, I believe you had fit in well and I believe that it would be great if you were given a second chance.




Nov 18, 2018
I’m going to be away from my PC and unable to play on the servers for a long period of time due to personal reasons starting today. If you need any information about the duration or reason for my absence, feel free to reach out to me on Discord.

With thanks,




Nov 18, 2018

I'm back at my PC tomorrow, so I will be active on the servers again. I do have a field trip to Italy from the 27th of April to the 4th of May, but this shouldn't affect my activity too much. Apologies for the inconvenience, and thank you for understanding.

With regards,




Nov 18, 2018

I was wondering if my application needs any updating, or if there are any recommendations on things that I should add to it.

Many thanks,


The King of Fish
Staff Member
Dec 3, 2016
Hi Oak,

It seems that you are still exhibiting behaviors that led to your demotion. I could list them all out here piecewise, but I think that would be a missed opportunity for growth. We want you to take a look over your Discord logs and have a long think over what message(s) you think could have led to this outcome. We hope you don't perceive this reply as sanctimonious, rather we hope you can see that we genuinely want you back, but it is impossible to justify without you taking action.
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