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Declined Nerf for stock weapons. (x1000)

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May 29, 2022
Could the knockback on the stock rifle, shotgun and smg be reduced? I'm tired of rolling as beggars soldier only to get launched into a corner or halfway across the map just because some random sniper caught sight of me.
also, could the nerf be more severe to the rifle too? such as reducing the firing rate or removing the knockback entirely?


Bodyshot Machine
Staff Member
Nov 13, 2021
That's one of the worst reasons to advocate for the nerf of a weapon I've heard.

The Beggars needs to be nerfed into the ground. Not because it's good, but specifically because it's bad. You can't kill anything outside point-blank range due to the spread, and it lags/crashes the server. Firing the Beggars in the tiny box outside spawn isn't "rolling", especially when you can easily be put down by a Tomislav Heavy, Splendid Screen Demo, stock Spy, or Direct Hit Soldier.

What about the knockback on the Force of Nature? Should that be reduced too?

Plus, with the Beggars, you can overload jump back onto the map.

Soldier is already one of the best counters to any Sniper, especially a Darwin's with stock rifle.

- Support. We should absolutely not nerf a class for a individual who's calling for a nerf simply so they can crash the server without getting yeeted.

Tony The Fat Fluffy Wolf

The Fattest and the Fluffiest
Staff Member
Nov 30, 2016
The beggars and the sticky bomb launcher(s) and the Engineer Buildings all need Nerfs. Had about enough of people constantly sitting in corners trying to ruin the game for everyone else, for nothing more than a quick laugh.

Egging each other on, to see who can get banned the fastest.
"Oh the Admin banned him, let's all do it too."
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