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Jailbreak Map Feedback General


Scarcely Lethal


Oct 12, 2017
Share your opinions, ideas, and suggestions regarding jailbreak maps.
All relevant posts will be shared to the map's creator.

Posts should ideally mention at least one of these:
  • Layout
  • Visuals
  • Minigames
  • Optimization/Framerates
  • RED/BLU balance
  • Secrets/Unique aspects
  • Overall thoughts about anything in a jailbreak map

Guiding questions (pick one, none, or a ton):
  • Which maps are good/bad and why?
  • What do you like/dislike about a specific map?
  • What should be changed in any map?
  • What would fix the bad maps?
  • What maps are the most enjoyable as both RED and BLU?

There are no wrong answers.



Staff Member


Jul 26, 2017
In my opinion, space jail is the best jailbreak map. I think the layout is extremely good, with only a few problematic sightlines. Large buildings with multiple floors as well as the hallways having automatic doors allows classes other than sniper to work. The vents both into the armoury and in pool helps the map a lot by allowing movement between the major areas without weird teleports that don't make sense.

The visuals of the overall map are great and the textures work well and I've never experienced performance issues. The map only has a few rebel spots which are out of the way and don't feel overpowered. This combined with sightlines helps the map stay balanced.

Although the minigames aren't the best considering all of them, I really like obby, deathrun, and space karts. If just a little more variation was added while keeping a similar layout then I think this map would be a clear top pick for more people.

Some things could still be improved though like how some blues will delay in deathrun and the teleport for blue side karts should probably be moved a little further from red side.

Layout and fair rebel spots are aspects a lot of mappers struggle with and I think there is a lot to learn from space jail. Most maps are very flat and some of the newer maps feel gimmicky at times with the rebel spots and secrets but space jail is a map I've enjoyed playing a lot throughout my whole time playing jailbreak.

Deleted User 4826

Jul 1, 2022
uneducated opinion here, but I have played a variety of JB servers since 2016, equally as both red & blu team, so I think I'm a little qualified to say something.
Some of our most liked maps are definitely the better looking ones. jb_carcerem was a terrible map for our servers, for example, but I still see people talking about it occasionally here because it simply was a great looking map that sold itself on what little it had on presentation alone.

Its the same reason why maps like wetworks are so hated despite not really being downright terrible unlike some other maps, while others are remembered more fondly despite being worse overall.

Its hard to talk about JB maps because JB maps are complicated.. a few of our members have had a crack at making them & failed, a few of our staff make maps themselves which are usually either terrible or pretty good (not saying any names here) not to mention the fact that because we have bhop on our servers, theres alot more to think about when adding maps & stuff, crits and bhop make adding & changing maps just more complicated overall

What could be a great map on another server, is terrible on ours. And viceversa. my favorite maps are usually the most simple ones, bootcamp, quake, spacejail, district remake, both fuckzz and famouz_2 are also distinct favorites. (keep in mind all of these maps are pretty visually distinct from one another, and are relatively simple.)

My opinion probably doesnt matter, since the only people who really use the forums anyway are staff members, but I thought I'd post anyway

Deleted User 4826

Jul 1, 2022
The best maps are unique or good looking maps with simple layouts, a decent variety of minigames, dont chug on performance too much (looking at you cargo, even after your fixes), and idealy are balanced slightly more in reds than blu's favor due to bhop & crits

Getting into specific maps I dont like, wetworks is a excellent example
Atleast the last version I played before it got updated was a terrible looking map whos only unique aspect of it was the water that was around cell area & some of the minigames, that had boring uninspired minigames and a layout which is generic as all hell, and a AHG room that was chokey & boring.
again, I HAVENT PLAYED THE NEW VERSION that was added recently but my opinion didnt last time, so I doubt it will again.

I could point out more examples of maps which just didnt work but I dont wanna come off as insulting the map makers.

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