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[Jailbreak] Allow mfk

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Face Melting
Jul 2, 2018
Jailbreak is a fun and competitive game mode in Team Fortress 2 that allows players to simulate a prison environment. While some players prefer to follow the rules and work with their team to win, others find joy in breaking the rules and causing chaos. This is where MFKing comes in.

MFKing, or Mass Freekill, is a term used to describe the act of killing a large group of players on the opposite team. While it may seem disruptive and unenjoyable for the victims, it is actually quite hilarious for the perpetrator. Watching a sea of players fall to the ground at once is an experience that cannot be matched.

Some players argue that MFKing creates an unfair advantage for the BLU team, as they have access to weapons and the Armoury, while the RED team is stripped down to their melees. However, this is simply not true. MFKing creates an equal playing field, as it eliminates large groups of players on both teams, allowing for a more balanced and competitive game.

Furthermore, MFKing adds an element of excitement and unpredictability to the game. It keeps players on their toes and encourages them to always stay alert and vigilant. It also adds a level of humor and lightheartedness to the game, which is essential for a fun and enjoyable gaming experience.

In conclusion, MFKing should be allowed in Jailbreak. It adds an element of chaos and unpredictability to the game, keeps players on their toes, and provides a much-needed dose of humor and lightheartedness. So next time you're playing Jailbreak, don't be afraid to break the rules and MFK your way to victory! Just kidding, please don't actually do that. Happy April Fool's Day!
ChatGPT did not agree to write the essay without clarifying it as a joke, and I wish to honor its wish

Steve Harvey Oswald

Blackwonder's Own
Nov 12, 2016
The only way to improve Jailbreak would be to remove it



Spectacularly Lethal
Staff Member
Aug 8, 2023
I agree with this statement (I have no idea what I'm talking about)
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