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Pending GeneralMeme.'s Moderator Application


New Member
Feb 3, 2024
Username: GeneralMeme.


Your Age
16 Years

Do you have at least 3 days cumulative days of playtime on Blackwonder servers in the last year? Yes

Have you been punished in the last 60 days? No

Have you had an application declined in the last 90 days? No

Do you have a microphone? Yes

Have you read the forum guide on how to apply? Yes

If you have ever played on a Blackwonder server, you will have had a user profile automatically generated on tfstats.tf. Locate and link your tfstats profile here. https://tfstats.tf/players/237514

United States, California

Your SteamID2

Your DiscordID
GeneralMeme (or generalmeme40)

Have you managed servers previously? No

On what servers do you usually play on, and which servers would you like to moderate?
Only Zombie Survival for the time being, it's one of the first BLW servers that I managed to grind and experience when I started TF2. With my time around servers like this of different states or regions, I feel that managing one server can help me supervise an organization of responsibilities.

Why would you like to become a moderator?
From what I have seen while reading small information regarding specific individuals and their actions, combined with my time playing TF2 community servers, I feel that my experience in moderating other servers can help add more numbers to the support or roster with moderators.

Do you know or have spoken to any of the current staff members? Yes

Please let us know the names of staff members you know or have spoken to
Chibby, Venusari

How often do you play TF2?
While I play weekly, I tend to play from time to time, mostly daily. In specifics, around a couple of hours to a few. That's all I can describe for my availability.

Please give us your ideal way of punishing players, specific to the servers you want to moderate

Management for Overall Behavior and Consequences​
  • Exploits/Glitches | Issued Warnings (Verbal and Normal) -> 6-12 Hour Ban -> 1 Day Ban -> Week Ban -> Perma-Ban (Review).
  • Forms/Acts of using Cheats | Crackdown on the situation and details -> Enforcement of Permanent Ban (When investigated).
  • Dangerous Links/Offers | Silenced for both VC and Chatlogs -> 1-4 Week Length -> Perma Silence on comms.
  • Loopholes/Bypasses (Evading Punishment) | Warnings (Verbal and Normal) -> Day Bans -> Week Bans -> Permanent Ban (Will vary on situations and specifics).
  • Donor and Command Abuses: Verbal and Normal Warnings -> Hourly-Day Bans -> Week Bans -> Removal of Role (Donor Perms) and Silenced (Lengthy-Permanent | Both) -> Permanent Ban follow-ups.
  • Verbal Abuse (Harassment, Spam, Hate) | Hourly Mutes/Gags -> Day/Weekly Mutes/Gags -> Perma-Silenced.

Other Information​
  • Sellouts/Ghostings/Griefers (Faulty Abuses, Cross-Teaming, etc.) | Verbal and Normal Warning (vary) -> Hourly Restrictions (Silence, Gag, Mute) -> Day/Weekly Restrictions (increased Silence, Gag, Mute) -> Permanent Restrictions to Ban. (Reviewal and Ban).​
Is there any other information you would like us to know about?
I do tend to make several or a few mistakes and will comply with any guidelines to fix my errors.

Are you proficient in languages other than English? Yes

Are you proficient in languages other than English? Spanish (Mostly Proficient)
Last edited:


Staff Member
Apr 12, 2021
Hi, just gonna go over your application real quick.


Good playtime, active sessions

No prior punishments
Chatlogs are fine for the most part, but you could be kinder. Just another tip from looking through your logs, if you see a rulebreaker and you have evidence, please feel free to report the player as there is no benefit from withholding that.

Your DiscordID
generalmeme40 (or generalmeme40#5602)
I dont see you in our discord

1. Cheating/Exploiting of different kinds - Instant/Permanent Ban
Exploiting won't necessarily go straight to perm ban

2. Inappropriacy/Explicit Usages (sprays, bypasses, etc.) - 1st Warning: Mute - Length will vary on reason. | 2nd Warning: Ban on spray usage and longer mute implementation.

3. Others (Spamming, Evasion, Speech Hate) - Results will vary from other mods' usages of punishment and coordination of periods until lessons are improved. Can range from more mutes/gags of hourly or day restrictions, and other methods of enforcing rules for a better environment.
I'm not fully understanding the categorization here, so would you clarify a few things please? What to you is the difference between evasion and bypasses? A sprayban for an explicit spray is appropriate, but why does it come as the second punishment? And are mutes included with spray-related punishments?
Everything else seems to be thrown into 'Others' but it's not entirely clear from your response whether you know the rules or if you threw mute/gag in there alongside "other methods."
Feel free to edit your application to include any missing information

Here are some closing thoughts:
Your clean punishment record and relatively clean chatlogs are great for your application. I'm sure other staff will put in their words on your application soon. You seem to have most of the major rules listed but the formatting/wording is a little confusing.

Regardless, I recommend that you join our utilize our Discord, Forums, or in-game !calladmin system to report any rulebreakers. It helps the servers and helps you familiarize yourself with the rules and their proper punishments. That should be all for the basic review. Thank you for applying, feel free to reach out if you have any questions. Take care


Somewhat Threatening
Staff Member
Nov 13, 2020
Hi, good to see you're applying to become a moderator! Zombie Survival can always use a few extra hands to help,

First off I'm glad to see you've included me as a staff member you know albeit me being a recently new hire, and thanks for reaching out to me so I could assist you in writing your application beforehand, so I'll keep my response short and straight to the point!

From my time interacting with you before and after becoming a moderator, I can say for certainty that you'd be a great addition to the team. You keep a level-headed attitude and maintain a chill atmosphere toward other members, and not to mention you've showed tremendous involvement within the zombie survival sub-community discord by hosting events for members to enjoy.

Lastly, whilst In-game it's no different as you strive to keep the gamemode enjoyable as ever by not indulging in point-farming or exploiting that would've otherwise soured gameplay for others, although I have noticed you retrying as a way to save your points, this can be overlooked as this is a common recurrent amongst regular players. Nonetheless this type of behavior that should be taken note of and being actively worked on as you continue to play on our servers.

As I conclude my statement:
Your application as mentioned by Sera is great and if you have any questions or need clarification about how your application should be formatted please feel free to reach out to me again or Spade/Chubba as I'm sure they'll be elated to assist you.

Anyways you have my blessings so good luck and I hope you make it in!


New Member
Feb 3, 2024
Hi, good to see you're applying to become a moderator! Zombie Survival can always use a few extra hands to help,

First off I'm glad to see you've included me as a staff member you know albeit me being a recently new hire, and thanks for reaching out to me so I could assist you in writing your application beforehand, so I'll keep my response short and straight to the point!

From my time interacting with you before and after becoming a moderator, I can say for certainty that you'd be a great addition to the team. You keep a level-headed attitude and maintain a chill atmosphere toward other members, and not to mention you've showed tremendous involvement within the zombie survival sub-community discord by hosting events for members to enjoy.

Lastly, whilst In-game it's no different as you strive to keep the gamemode enjoyable as ever by not indulging in point-farming or exploiting that would've otherwise soured gameplay for others, although I have noticed you retrying as a way to save your points, this can be overlooked as this is a common recurrent amongst regular players. Nonetheless this type of behavior that should be taken note of and being actively worked on as you continue to play on our servers.

As I conclude my statement:
Your application as mentioned by Sera is great and if you have any questions or need clarification about how your application should be formatted please feel free to reach out to me again or Spade/Chubba as I'm sure they'll be elated to assist you.

Anyways you have my blessings so good luck and I hope you make it in!
Hi, just gonna go over your application real quick.

View attachment 35720
Good playtime, active sessions

No prior punishments
Chatlogs are fine for the most part, but you could be kinder. Just another tip from looking through your logs, if you see a rulebreaker and you have evidence, please feel free to report the player as there is no benefit from withholding that.

I dont see you in our discord

Exploiting won't necessarily go straight to perm ban

I'm not fully understanding the categorization here, so would you clarify a few things please? What to you is the difference between evasion and bypasses? A sprayban for an explicit spray is appropriate, but why does it come as the second punishment? And are mutes included with spray-related punishments?
Everything else seems to be thrown into 'Others' but it's not entirely clear from your response whether you know the rules or if you threw mute/gag in there alongside "other methods."
Feel free to edit your application to include any missing information

Here are some closing thoughts:
Your clean punishment record and relatively clean chatlogs are great for your application. I'm sure other staff will put in their words on your application soon. You seem to have most of the major rules listed but the formatting/wording is a little confusing.

Regardless, I recommend that you join our utilize our Discord, Forums, or in-game !calladmin system to report any rulebreakers. It helps the servers and helps you familiarize yourself with the rules and their proper punishments. That should be all for the basic review. Thank you for applying, feel free to reach out if you have any questions. Take care
Greetings once again and I apologize for any inconvenience with my last response/check-in on my Application. I have gone through the advice and revisions to improve my writing so I can be clear on my explanations and formatting of how I would deal with certain problems that go on for the server I wish to help handle.

The information and solutions provided from my perspective and approaches are what I can logically follow through like others. I may have had a long time thinking about my revised answers and will apologize once more. Please take your time and I will go over any more changes until then.

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