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Accepted FROTZYZ's Moderator Application

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New Member
Staff Member
Sep 30, 2019
Username: FROTZYZ


Your Age
17, soon 18.

Do you have at least 3 days cumulative days of playtime on Blackwonder servers in the last year? If I am looking at it correctly, It says I have 5 days that Session.

Have you been punished in the last 60 days? No

Have you had an application declined in the last 90 days? No

Do you have a microphone? Yes

Have you read the forum guide on how to apply? Yes


Your SteamID2

Your DiscordID

Have you managed servers previously? No

On what servers do you usually play on, and which servers would you like to moderate?
I usually play Dodgeball on Blackwonder servers, but I've found other Blackwonder gamemodes such as, Deathrun. Any of those two I would gladly moderate on as they are quite active.



Why would you like to become a moderator?
I've decided to apply for a position as a staff member on Blackwonder because I am confident that I will fit in here. I applied because I enjoy seeing communities grow larger by the day. And I enjoy interacting with people from all walks of life on the internet. If anyone ever needs help, I will do my best to help them. The primary goal is to assist the community and its members. Keep it safe, and there will be no problems. I don't have any moderator experience in TF2, but I am Staff for Discord servers such as Phasmophobia, Kandyland, Phasmophobia Senior Developer's Discord, Minecraft Discord, and another Twitch/Discord server. Simply having active moderators on servers to help, guide, and monitor is what prompted me to apply for a moderation position.

Do you know or have spoken to any of the current staff members? No

How often do you play TF2?
I've taken loads of break in the recent year due to school and other IRL stuff. But I usually play 3-4 hours a day once I've started playing TF2 again.

Please give us your ideal way of punishing players, specific to the servers you want to moderate
Let's split it into some stuff. Spam/Name/Inappropriate/disrespect. All of these are included in the messages.

If a user spams, I will warn them and mute them. It depends on what they spam and how much they spam. 3-4 times is about right. If they persist, gag them for 30-60 minutes. If they continue, they will be gagged for a longer period of time. And don't forget about voice chat. If they spam or troll the mic, it will result in a mute for an hour. If people are arguing in either VC or Text, I will guide them away from each other and stand between them, telling them both to remain silent and play without ruining anyone else's day or gameplay. If they continue, they will receive a warning and be muted.

If their username is inappropriate or violates the server's rules, they will be kicked and told to change it to something more appropriate for the server. If they persist despite numerous warnings, I assume they will be banned/kicked for X number of minutes in order to change their username.
The same is true for the avatar; change it if it is inappropriate.

Stealing Rockets:
If I see another user stealing rockets and I see it or the chat posts a message about it, I will warn them. If they continue stealing in the next two rounds, it will be a slay and a warning. If they haven't stopped and thought about what they did, I will kick them with a message like "Knock it off, please stop ___, you've been told many times" or something along those lines.

NSFW Spray:
Not Safe for Work Sprays will result in an automatic Spray ban and a warning to change it, with the option to appeal on the Forum.

Evadeing Punish...:
Evading punishments can result in a ban for x number of days, depending on the offense. Punishments should not be avoided because it is their own fault that they broke the rules and they should not have done what they did to deserve the punishment.

People delaying with the rocket isn't a big deal, but if they keep delaying with the rocket every round, action will be taken. Warnings will be the first line of defense against them, if they stop, all is well. If not, slay will come first to ensure that if they continue, slays will occur, and then kick if they continue.

Delaying and dragging the round time out in Deathrun is an annoyance, if they do not start moving and stall the round, they will be warned and then slayed if they continue to delay in the next few rounds. This is to ensure that people will not leave due to someone just stalling the round to be "funny".

NSFW Spray:
Not Safe for Work Sprays will result in an automatic Spray ban and a warning to change it, with the option to appeal on the Forum.

Using any offensive language in chat or Voice Chat will result in an immediate gag / mute action. This is done to ensure that the server has a good time playing on that particular server.

I do not wanna copy paste stuff from my TFDB message, It's almost the same here in Deathrun as in TFDB.

Is there any other information you would like us to know about?
I sincerely regret my recent application(s). It was a stupid mistake that will never be repeated. If this is not accepted because of my previous applications, I truly understand and will not continue because of the past or other reasons for the denial of this application.

Wanna also add that I am friends with Nebula and got his permission to add his name in this application. Asked VIA Discord DM.
Are you proficient in languages other than English? Yes

Are you proficient in languages other than English? My native language is Swedish.
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Staff Member
Apr 12, 2021
Hi, just going to list a few things.

Second application
First application

No major punishments and clean chatlogs

Active too

Please give us your ideal way of punishing players, specific to the servers you want to moderate
You have a good start. Since you're applying for dodgeball and deathrun, could you include punishments specific to those gamemodes? In dodgeball, for example, stealing/blocking/delaying.

How would you address some of the other general rulebreakers? Nsfw spray, evading punishments, to name a few

Feel free to edit your application to include missing information

Best of luck!


New Member
Staff Member
Sep 30, 2019
Hi, just going to list a few things.

Second application
First application

No major punishments and clean chatlogs

You have a good start. Since you're applying for dodgeball and deathrun, could you include punishments specific to those gamemodes? In dodgeball, for example, stealing/blocking/delaying.

How would you address some of the other general rulebreakers? Nsfw spray, evading punishments, to name a few

Feel free to edit your application to include missing information

Best of luck!

I apologize for the delay of editing it. I have changed it and I hope that this is more accepting then my previous edit.



The King of Fish
Staff Member
Dec 3, 2016

Thanks for your patience as we comb through applications. I'll admit that I was disappointed when I combed through your chat logs and found slur usage and toxicity, however even the most recent instances of those were almost a year ago at this point. Recognizing what was wrong and moving past it is all a part of the growing and healing process, and I think that giving you a shot can prove to be worthwhile. I think it goes without saying what will happen if you regress to slurs and toxicity.
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