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Fix the (censored) kids

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Scarcely Lethal
Aug 21, 2016
Seriously. I know it's considered normal for a server to have kids, but it's an infestation at this point. 95% of all kids that come on the jailbreak server are fucking autists who only know how to play as warden.


Swiss Knife


Jul 20, 2016
Just so you know that I have autism and you use it as an insult for kids who know nothing it insults me. I have a high mid IQ so don't call anyone who is acting silly or dumb autistic because that's not what autism stands for.

For the rest, you have to learn and deal with kids. If they don't know how to be a Warden they will break rules very quickly so you can report them in.


Inactive, But always lurking.


Jul 25, 2016
It also insults me, because I have autism myself and you use it for people that, like Miyuki said, know nothing.

Just deal with the kids, I got used to it already by now


Aug 24, 2016
Calling people autistic is wrong and you should know that but it seems your manners have gone off to another place. Yes the population of little kids has spiked drastically but that doesn't mean it is bad. Some are very mature and I've talked to them myself, others are of course little spoiled brats but no matter it's not a big deal. Kids will be kids and we can't tell them to stop playing the game since it's their parents jobs to discipline them. Also you said all that they know to do is play warden. You must be playing with a good bunch than since the kids I play with usually take up space as a Guard not wanting to go warden. Still some go warden but not usually. Above all there is no real problem with the kids coming on, they want to enjoy the game and have fun as everyone else does unless one comes on to screw over everyone else's fun.

DasMalzbier| Lazy Panda

Tfw ab0se is not an allowed title word
Jun 24, 2016
Why did you make this thread again? And what did you hope to achieve with it? That we now ban every 3rd kid that joins the server?

It was idiotic enough to publicly complain about our player base on jailbreak, but to also call them autistic was definitely NOT needed. People use words like cancer and autistic as insults without thinking what it means to have one of these. People who simply use the names as insults should be ashamed of themselves. I myself have a sister with down-syndrome and life is and was not easy for us, yet we are a happy family. So please, stop using these (chronic) diseases (since my English is not the best, this is the word I'm sticking with. Sorry if it offends you, but my limited English knowledge in that area makes it hard for me to convey what I want to say) as insults.

Also, you should know that even if we are pretty busy reading reports and punishing players, we love our player base, if young or old. Just because this doesn't fit in your optimal game experience doesn't mean that we should change the way we act around our player base.
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