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FF2 Suggestions (new ff2 that uses VSH Remake plugin)


Sep 7, 2021
First let's talk about General Changes.

1) Add Nominate and RTV: No further explanation needed.

2) Remove the RPS Taunt Blocker: Its fun to play RPS with the Boss, pretty bad change imo.

3) Modifier - Magnet: Very strong modifier. It's a free Slowness to all enemies around the hale, i think it should get replaced entirely.

Weapon Changes:

1) Bison: Shots knockbacks the enemies/hale. Removed: No reload necessary
Explanation: Being more of a "Spam" weapon is not a good idea imo, it doens't even do that much damage + the projectile is slow. So removing the Infinite Ammo and adding the Knockback should make the weapon viable enough.

2) Fists of Steel: Removed: -20% Movement Speed Penalty.
Explanation: Why does it have in the first place? Not needed at all.

3) Iron Bomber: Increased reload speed.
Explanation: The rework is weird but we can make it look good. It feels really slow and a worse version of the stock Grenade Launcher, so a little buff should make it good.

4) Beggars Bazooka: No Self Explosive Damage Taken
Explanation: He got no changes, so give it at least one lol. Pretty trash weapon overall so just buff it.

5) Every Demoman's Stickybomb Launcher: Permanent mini-crit buff OR Less damage taken for self.
Explanation: The removal of Amplifier and Taunt Crits really killed all of them, so one of them should help a bit.

6) Heavy's primaries: Theres tons of stuff to say so i separated them in sections.
Explanation: Has the same problem as the Stickybombs. No crit? = Bad.
> Permanent Mini Crit buff: Definitely a viable option, but it kills Huo Long Heater.
> Increased Damage: Viable, but Critted Heavies can be very annoying to deal with.
> Extra Ammo or/and Increased Weapon Switch Speed when the Minigun is spinning: Ammo really encourages camping so not really viable, but the other one is good.
> Natascha: +8 HP per Hit is beyond useless. Maybe +35/50% healing based on the damage dealt? (Example: 20% of 20 damage = 4) Idk man.

7) Pyro's Airblast: Reduced Cooldown
Explanation: This has to be my least liked change. Completely killed Pyro unless you are using Dragon Fury + Gasoline, but still... The idea is great don't get me wrong, but 12 fuckin seconds for an Airblast? I'd reduce to 8 at least, or 5.

I will update this post later on.
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