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Declined Exire's Staff Application

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May 19, 2019
Personal Information



Your Age
I'm 16 (I think my profile says 17 because I put the wrong year)


Your SteamID

Server Information

Have you managed servers previously?
I feel like everyone has been a mod on a Minecraft server at some point - similar responsibilities like chat management and rule-breakers - but never on a tf2 server.

If Yes, which ones?

Are you familiar with admin commands?
I've donated a few times so I now basic vote-commands (which I assume to be the same but without the vote at the start, gag, mute, kick, teamban etc.) but other than those, no.

On which servers do you usually play?
A small group of friends and I like to play jailbreak, VSH and Deathrun but I am open to other minigames especially if I become more involved with the server. I would also love to play more on the Minecraft server, too.

Application Questions

Why do you want to become an admin?
My friends have finally started to get back into playing tf2 after not playing for a few months so we all are playing blackwonder together again, so I thought this would be a good time to apply since I wouldn't be distracted by people asking me to play other games. Also, I have donated multiple times so I feel I have a basic knowledge of the essential admin commands and when to use them effectively, and a good understanding of the rules and when to enforce them.

I feel that there is a problem on Jailbreak, specifically as people join not understanding the rules (Common examples: Death Request, Pardoning Reds, Baiting and Freekilling) and there is a lack of admins and moderators on those servers, and since it is the main server that I play on, it would allow for a better player experience in-game as the server grows in popularity.

I have never been banned on any tf2 servers or had negative interactions with people in the discord, tf2 or Minecraft servers. I feel someone without a wide reputation could be beneficial to the staff team as there is less chance of 'bad blood' between people from past actions and would allow for a good relationship to be built with all players in the community.

Do you know any of our current staff members?
Not personally. I have played with many in-game and they are all really great people to chat with.

If Yes, please tell us their names.

Please tell us when you usually play and are available.
Timezone- GMT+00

I'm available any time from 16:00 - 23:00 On weekdays and 11:00 - 00:00 on weekends.

How would you go about punishing a hacker, spammer, simple rulebreaker, etc?
Each circumstance is different for different rules broken.
For any rule breaker, I'd give two verbal warnings, both in voice and text chats as it is likely they simply haven't read the rules. Any punishments I give are described to the Rule-Breaker so they don't make the same mistake twice.
I can only speak from experience for a few servers that I played when I had my donator status and had to punish a player, but I will try to cover all bases.

Time increments for punishments - 10 mins, 1 Hour, 1 Day, 1 Week, Permanent

Hacking always results in a permanent ban.
Spamming always results in Mute, Gag or Silence (Depending on where they're spamming)

Chat offences (Both Voice and/or Text) - Gag/Mute/Silence
Simple Rulebreaker - Ban
Offensive/Inappropriate Sprays - Permanent Spray Ban until the spray is changed.

Overtalking Warden Or Admin - Mute
Armoury Camping - Slay/Teamban (If they continue)
Ghosting - Gag (If they Continue)
Bad or No Microphone - Perm Mute (Until they prove they have a mic)
Freekilling - Slay
Mass Freekill - Teamban
Blue Teamkilling - Slay/Teamban
Illegal Friendly Fire - Slay/Teamban
Pardoning Reds - Teamban (After multiple warnings)

Scamming/Sharking - Ban
Item Begging - Gag (After multiple warnings)
Excessive use of trade binds - Gag (After multiple warnings)

Camping/Delaying - Slay
Being Friendly - Slay, Ban if continues.

-2fort, Times X Servers, Uber Upgrades, Zombie Fortress, MVM
General punishments apply

All rule-breakers are directed towards the rules page on the forums.

Please give any other information you might think is useful for us to know.
As I've mentioned throuought the application, I have Donated to the server multiple times and have had to deal with a variety of rule-breakers. I feel this is incredibly important as it shows I have an understanding of the commands used, when and how to enforce them and the knowledge of how to effectively deal with rule-breakers. I am usually readily available and always keep discord open on a monitor so I can moderate both discord and in-game and allows for a broader area for moderation.
I am completely unbiased when it comes to friends in the session and still constantly remind them of the rules.
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Staff Member
Dec 3, 2016
You do not have an adequate understanding of our jailbreak rules, let alone how the actual ones should be overseen by a staff member.


Blackwonder's Own
Staff Member
Aug 7, 2016
Please glance at other apps and if you elect to reapply, use the button on the home screen. That will make sure you include all required information and help prevent stange formatting
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