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Changes to Skyhigh & Reservoir (VSH)

Deleted User 4826

Jul 1, 2022
I dont know if it's in the servers interest or means too (and it probably isn't even worth it), but I think that these maps need some changes for the better.

Why am I suggesting this? Well, it's 2 things really.
  1. Both Skyhigh & Reservoir are old maps, and are very boring looking maps. They could use a face-lift of some sort, whether is commissioning entirely new versions (again, likely not of server interest) or something else, I dont know.
  2. Sky-high just needs a entire rework for BLW servers. Considering how different people play in BLW compared to other VSH servers, Skyhigh just isn't very popular with most people because it's kinda crammped, a little more difficult to play on some classes, and so on and so fourth
Reservoir namely needs tweaking in some spots to prevent some bugs, like the "water tanks" near cargo & main building entrance which if you go into the creases cause you to get stuck, or that doorway near red spawn shack which for some reason isn't clipped right and requires you to crouch half the time to get in.

Sky-high as I already said needs a entire rework (which isn't in the servers interest probably), it's a little too small (but shouldn't be expanded to retain its uniqueness), hot air balloon being more annoying than anything else, little to no climbing space for HHHJR, being able to put a dispenser or sentry to ignore the falling teleport via RTD's, etc etc.

I really don't expect this post to get much upvotes but any discussion of this would be intriguing, since I don't think alot of people really think too deep about it (not the ones I've talked too, anyway.]


Scarcely Lethal
Jan 4, 2021
Well, this post was gonna happen someday, whether by me or someone else. Let me deduce this really quickly.
Both Skyhigh & Reservoir are old maps, and are very boring looking maps. They could use a face-lift of some sort, whether is commissioning entirely new versions (again, likely not of server interest) or something else, I dont know.
These maps are old, like very old. Sky-High Resort is 9 years old which is of course, going to be outdated with the updates we've been getting but it is still an overall good map, the only thing that needs changing really is the drop spot when you fall down to prevent center camping, good map though.

Reservoir.. I cannot even find how old this map is, but it was first seen in 2021 based off of teamwork.tf, so this map is REALLY recent, 2 years recent. As I believe which has been said, and I completely agree with 10k Cold Knights here, Reservoir could only need a cosmetic update. Other than that, there are a few minor things that can be updated, but not majorly.

Sky-high just needs a entire rework for BLW servers. Considering how different people play in BLW compared to other VSH servers, Skyhigh just isn't very popular with most people because it's kinda crammped, a little more difficult to play on some classes, and so on and so fourth
I agree that Sky-High Resort does need its glory of being changed to be better updated to what the current situations are, but to call the map unpopular it like saying reservoir is unpopular because it's too big and can lead to stalling. The map size is great for faster rounds and excellent teamplay which happens more than you can know.

I have had no trouble playing any class as well as anyone that has played that map which I am sure most of, if not all of the regulars and newer players that indeed keep coming back to enjoy the map and players. You really only see rage-quits from people falling to their death, being killed by the train (guilty here), or dying by Hale.

I'd rather get a community vote here on this map because, in my honest opinion, the only thing that needs to be updated is the center point spawn point to be random, otherwise the map, which has been up for 9 years, is great to play and get started with.

like the "water tanks" near cargo
If you're talking about the water tank nearest to the Hale spawn, there is NOTHING wrong with that other than you can get inside of it and shoot out of it, but that's my opinion. If you are talking about the giant water tank on the Red side, there isn't an issue with this other than with a certain rtd, cough Tiny Mann cough cough, you can get outside of the map with.

main building entrance which if you go into the creases cause you to get stuck
Again, you cannot get stuck there, you can get out of there by jumping in a certain spot or moving around if this is the place near the water behind that machine. This is not an issue.

that doorway near red spawn shack which for some reason isn't clipped right and requires you to crouch half the time to get in.
This is ONE problem with the map and has lead to several deaths (Many times for me). Would I wish this fixed, yes, do I see people complaining about this, no, how many people are used this this spot by now, just about everyone.

Sky-high as I already said needs a entire rework (which isn't in the servers interest probably), it's a little too small (but shouldn't be expanded to retain its uniqueness)
Like I've said, Sky-High Resort is a great map and the only thing that really needs changing is that center point spot because that map is a great size for the number of people that join on the daily. Do I think the map is too small, not really to the point it needs to be enlarged and given a new meaning to delaying rounds like Reservoir can do at times.

Again, a community vote would suffice.

hot air balloon being more annoying than anything else
I.. don't think the balloon is an annoyance, more like a utility that rarely gets used properly or is mainly used by people who aren't going to fight the Hale and wait all game to do nothing and die. When the balloon is stationary, it can either become a blockade for escaping a rage by dancing around it or block sightlines from sniper tower, but that last one is not an issue enough to warrant a response. When the balloon is in the air, it allows high mobility classes a way to land safely or take a breather, even a Hale player can find this useful. There are other times where classes that don't have mobility can use it to get to high ground or force the Hale to come at them while in the balloon.

Purely objective, everyone has their own reasonings, but I just don't understand this part.

Now, I expect this post to be quoted and equally deduced, but I just want to understand your viewpoints better and see what I cannot see through your eyes.

What does everyone else think?

10000 Cold Knights

Staff Member
Feb 20, 2019
Reservoir.. I cannot even find how old this map is, but it was first seen in 2021 based off of teamwork.tf, so this map is REALLY recent, 2 years recent.
Reservoir is nearly as old as skyhigh is. Used to play on it a lot on a different VSH server before it went dead around 2016.
Reservoir could only need a cosmetic update. Other than that, there are a few minor things that can be updated, but not majorly.
Agree with this, aside from a few clipping issues the map functions quite well.
Like I've said, Sky-High Resort is a great map and the only thing that really needs changing is that center point spot because that map is a great size for the number of people that join on the daily.
The train is a buggy piece of garbage. It gets stuck on revive markers, traps players inside of it, severely hinders movement across itself, and can even be exploited by hale to instantly reach red spawn. Map would be 10x better if it functioned properly.

Killer Kitten

Jan 8, 2023
I agree with all of this, but I would also like to mention the following:
I dont know if it's in the servers interest or means too (and it probably isn't even worth it), but I think that these maps need some changes for the better.

Why am I suggesting this? Well, it's 2 things really.
  1. Both Skyhigh & Reservoir are old maps, and are very boring looking maps. They could use a face-lift of some sort, whether is commissioning entirely new versions (again, likely not of server interest) or something else, I dont know.
  2. Sky-high just needs a entire rework for BLW servers. Considering how different people play in BLW compared to other VSH servers, Skyhigh just isn't very popular with most people because it's kinda crammped, a little more difficult to play on some classes, and so on and so fourth
Reservoir namely needs tweaking in some spots to prevent some bugs, like the "water tanks" near cargo & main building entrance which if you go into the creases cause you to get stuck, or that doorway near red spawn shack which for some reason isn't clipped right and requires you to crouch half the time to get in.

Sky-high as I already said needs a entire rework (which isn't in the servers interest probably), it's a little too small (but shouldn't be expanded to retain its uniqueness), hot air balloon being more annoying than anything else, little to no climbing space for HHHJR, being able to put a dispenser or sentry to ignore the falling teleport via RTD's, etc etc.

I really don't expect this post to get much upvotes but any discussion of this would be intriguing, since I don't think alot of people really think too deep about it (not the ones I've talked too, anyway.]
Reservoir is nearly as old as skyhigh is. Used to play on it a lot on a different VSH server before it went dead around 2016.

Agree with this, aside from a few clipping issues the map functions quite well.

The train is a buggy piece of garbage. It gets stuck on revive markers, traps players inside of it, severely hinders movement across itself, and can even be exploited by hale to instantly reach red spawn. Map would be 10x better if it functioned properly.

If possible, I'd like to see a small change in Sky High that prevents people from placing or building things on the respawn point.

For a long time, I've been expressing this to my friends and others who play Sky High, but there has always been this issue where people would exploit and Uber themselves in an attempt to get themselves stuck in hale (when they enviably fall off the map or are forced off the map) or people using rather despicable strategies that make it extremely difficult to win as hale.

The main issue is that people will use the consistent strategy of trying to force the Hale off the map as Pyros or other means so they can do one of the following, if not all, of the above at once.
A: Sticky trap them (which shredded at least 45%, if not half, of their health).
B: Use the Uber exploit (which usually kills them instantly or causes the Hale to die moments later due to a large loss of health).
C: Telefrag them (insta-kill)

I'll be the first to admit that I'm completely opposed to it because I believe it's unfair (and also lame as fuck), but I believe it's a HUGE issue for the balance of Sky High because it's already very difficult for inexperienced or casual players to succeed as Hale, but whenever I've seen this strategy employed, I've seen the MAJORITY of people opt to play reservoir as a result of dealing with this strategy, or when there are too many players but that is for another conversation, the only time I have seen this strategy fail is when I know the person who is BEYOND experienced and knows how to consistently win whenever they play Hale.

For the reasons stated above, I believe that implementing the change I suggested as well as a punishment for those who choose to use the exploits as medics would be extremely beneficial to the longevity, replayability, and general enjoyment of playing Sky High.

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