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Accepted Admin Application from Melectrome

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Jun 3, 2017
Personal Information


Your Age

Warsaw, Poland

Your SteamID

Server Information

Have you managed servers previously?

If Yes, which ones?
A private Minecraft server and a private Minecraft: Pocket edition server

Are you familiar with admin commands?

On which servers do you usually play?
Blackwonder | Jailbreak
Blackwonder | VS Saxton Hale
Blackwonder | Freak Fortress 2
Blackwonder | Stop that tank
Blackwonder | Hightower no carts
Blackwonder | 2fort
Blackwonder | 2fort no crits
Blackwonder | Achievement idle
Blackwonder | Bullet time (if there are any people online, which is rare)

All EU (and UK)

Application Questions

Why do you want to become an admin?
I really love blackwonder servers and I'm annoyed when people break the rules and ruin everyone else's fun. Mass freekillers, mic spammers, donor abusers, they all ruin the experience for everyone and I can't always punish them, due to them vote dodging or me not getting their steamID in time to create a report. In addition, on the servers I play (and at the time I play) admins rarely come, even when I call them via discord. I know the rules very well, I'm very active online, I have made a total of 83 comm blocks via votes and 18 valid reports. I want to help blackwonder to become a better place overall.

Do you know any of our current staff members?

If Yes, please tell us the their names.

Please tell us when you usually play and are available.
Monday - Friday 15:30-22:00
Saturday - Sunday pretty much all day 8:00-23:00

How would you go about punishing a hacker, spammer, simple rulebreaker, etc?
General Punishments:

Hacker - Get their steamID, start recording a demo and permamently ban if I see that they're hacking.

Spawncamper - Warning, if it won't work then 1 day ban

Inappropriate spray - Permament spray ban

Donor abuse - Record a demo, with enough evidence 1 week ban and report to Benedevil

Admin abuse - Start recording a demo and report it to Benedevil

Chat punishments:

Chat spammer - Warning, then 1hr gag if it's first time, 3hr if it's the second time, 1 day gag if it's 3rd time and more

Hack advertising - Because I take it more seriously than all other chat punishments, 1 week gag, 2 week gag if the person was punished for that reason before

Mic punishments:

Earrape/micspam - 1 hour mute, 3 hour if the person was punished for that reason before

Beind disrespectful/rude - Warning, then 1 hour Mute/gag depending on the communication form they used (both if they used mic), 3 hour mute if they were punished for this reason before

VS Saxton Hale punishments:

Point farming - Warning, then slay and 1 day ban for hale and the red

Camping (both teams) - If it results in delaying, warning, then slay, if they continue then 1 day ban

Delaying/Being friendly as hale (and with hale) - Warning, then slay both, if they continue then 1 day ban

Jailbreak punishments:

Ammo glitching - Slay and force the ammo glitcher to rejoin

Teamkilling - Slay the teamkiller, and 1 hour guard ban him. If he repeats teamkilling, 1 day guard ban or even permament guard ban. Also respawn for the person that got teamkilled.

Illegal !uw - Force the person that did !uw to be warden again. If he uses !uw again, 1 day guard ban.

Illegal FF - Force turn off FF and warning. If noone got hurt, I won't do anything. If someone gets hurt, request warden to let everyone go to medic. If few people get killed, respawn them and 1 day teamban the current warden.

Mass freekilling - 1 week ban

Freekill - I'll ask them to slay themselves, if they won't I'll slay them. Also I'll respawn the freekilled person

Latespawning - Slay and warn, because this glitch is actually really easy to reproduce. 1 day ban if they continue latespawning.

Ghosting - 3 hour gag/mute

No mic/using an inaudible mic on blu- Permament team ban and note to appeal on forums if they get a normal mic

Overtalking warden on purpose - 1 hour mute, then 3 hour mute

Overtalking during mic check - 1 hour mute, then 4 hour mute.

Freeday abuse - Just a warning or an instant slay, depending on the intensity

Armory camping - Warning, if they won't, slay.

Delaying - Reminder about active rebelling, if they still delay, slay

All punishments may differ depending on the intensity and past punishments.

Please give any other information you might think is useful for us to know.

EDIT: Added some colors and text formatting to the punishment section to make it easier to read, I couldn't do it in the application page.
EDIT2: Added and edited things suggested by Toast | blw.tf and frankie
EDIT3: Corrected a few mistakes
EDIT4: Added donor&admin abuse
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Feb 13, 2017
Theres nothing about illegal ff, random !uw, no teamkilling, no warden hogging,

(Sorry didnt see them)


Jun 3, 2017
Theres nothing about griefing, illegal ff, random !uw, no teamkilling, no ammo glitching, no overtalking warden, no warden hogging,
I mentioned overtalking warden and griefing in the app
Thanks for the feedback! I'll update it in a second.
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Jan 15, 2017
Hack advertising - 2 week gag, then permament silence if the person was punished for that reason before


Earrape/micspam - 1 hour mute, 3 hour if the person was punished for that reason before
In between Hack ads and Earrape there is a blank section called "Mic" don't know if you would like to fix that


Jun 3, 2017
In between Hack ads and Earrape there is a blank section called "Mic" don't know if you would like to fix that
That was supposed to be a section for mic punishments, edited to make it more clear, thank You for pointing it out!
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Wicked Nasty


Mar 18, 2017
and you don't really have a lot of information about yourself in your app...
Please give any other information you might think is useful for us to know.

This is mostly for expected downtimes for stuff like exams, special skills the applicant has or just stuff he thinks the community should know about him when it considers his application.
If he thinks there isn't anything important to add, he is very well to leave this free, I do not need to hear his lifestory to judge his application.

Also @Melectrome could you expand delaying and being friendly in the VSH section to both players and boss?
The onliest exeption would be if it is Pointfarming as you may not know whether or not the player is friendly, otherwise both should be punished.


Jun 3, 2017
This is mostly for expected downtimes for stuff like exams, special skills the applicant has or just stuff he thinks the community should know about him when it considers his application.
If he thinks there isn't anything important to add, he is very well to leave this free, I do not need to hear his lifestory to judge his application.

Also @Melectrome could you expand delaying and being friendly in the VSH section to both players and boss?
The onliest exeption would be if it is Pointfarming as you may not know whether or not the player is friendly, otherwise both should be punished.
Thank You for Your feedback on my app! Yes, I must've overlooked it when I was checking my app, I'll clarify the VSH punishments now.

you don't really have a lot of information about yourself in your app...
I didin't provide any additional info becasue I don't think that there is any more useful that admins could use. And I think it's kind of pointless to type things like "I like sailing" or things like that just to fill in that blank space. Nevertheless, thank You for Your feedback!
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Jun 3, 2017
I'll make a more formal review but I wanted to add this for now.
Hi, RainbowRob!
Regarding some of the comm blocks:
  • One of them is made by myself; I called a votemute on myself as a joke and I even got unbanned by Viking34 after contacting him.
  • 3 of the mutes made by SynFox were just donor abusing; he was constantly muting me when I had my mic set a bit too loud, when I coughed accidentally and once it even was because he said in the chat "omg melec is a micspammer" and then proceeded to mute me for literally no reason.
  • The mute by copyright was unfair but I didn't bother to appeal it because it was just 1 hour. He muted me for laughing too hard when I killed the warden and the remaining 1 guard as a spy with a revolver. The whole server was laughing, but apparently I was "the loudest".
The other ones I truly can't remember, but I did actually micspam once, and I was muted for 4 hours by Will back in June I believe. But a lot of time has passed and I've changed a lot since then, and I no longer micspam as I find it really immature and pointless.


Blackwonder's Own
Staff Member
Aug 7, 2016
3 of the mutes made by SynFox were just donor abusing; he was constantly muting me when I had my mic set a bit too loud, when I coughed accidentally and once it even was because he said in the chat "omg melec is a micspammer" and then proceeded to mute me for literally no reason.

I struggled to find a report against SynFox for abuse. Did you report this? This is important because of how seriously we take this matter on the admin team. And if someone was abusing and you were aware of it, we would have expected you to report them. And if you did not, that is not very confidence inspiring.

The mute by copyright was unfair but I didn't bother to appeal it because it was just 1 hour. He muted me for laughing too hard when I killed the warden and the remaining 1 guard as a spy with a revolver. The whole server was laughing, but apparently I was "the loudest".
Again....if you suspected abuse, why no report it? We need to be able to trust our fellow-admins to uphold this very important rule.

The other ones I truly can't remember, but I did actually micspam once, and I was muted for 4 hours by Will back in June I believe. But a lot of time has passed and I've changed a lot since then, and I no longer micspam as I find it really immature and pointless.

Truly, I don't expect you to remember each of your mutes. Especially since you have that many in a 2 month period...

I appreciate your creative attempt of trying to make the beginning of summer seem like a long time ago, but it's not going to pass with me. " a lot of time has passed" almost all of them were within 90 days of you making this applications. That is not a long time ago, and they should absolutely be considered as a blemish.

It was neat that you used like 6 different colors and did a decent job with you punishments on paper, with the exception of donor abuse. Something is not settling right with me, and I am having trouble believing that you will evenly punish people. You have managed to mention both donor and admin abuse, but you don't mention anything about the punishment for either, or how you would handle it.

For me, it is a no.


Jun 3, 2017
I struggled to find a report against SynFox for abuse. Did you report this? This is important because of how seriously we take this matter on the admin team. And if someone was abusing and you were aware of it, we would have expected you to report them. And if you did not, that is not very confidence inspiring.

Again....if you suspected abuse, why no report it? We need to be able to trust our fellow-admins to uphold this very important rule.

Truly, I don't expect you to remember each of your mutes. Especially since you have that many in a 2 month period...

I appreciate your creative attempt of trying to make the beginning of summer seem like a long time ago, but it's not going to pass with me. " a lot of time has passed" almost all of them were within 90 days of you making this applications. That is not a long time ago, and they should absolutely be considered as a blemish.

It was neat that you used like 6 different colors and did a decent job with you punishments on paper, with the exception of donor abuse. Something is not settling right with me, and I am having trouble believing that you will evenly punish people. You have managed to mention both donor and admin abuse, but you don't mention anything about the punishment for either, or how you would handle it.

For me, it is a no.
I even had a demo of that game when he donor abused, but I didn't report SyNFox back then because I have voice_loopback set to 0 at all times which means that my own voice is not recorded on the demo. Because of this some of the illegal votemute reports would be confusing as it wouldn't be clear if I really micspammed or if I was framing SyNFox for donor abuse.

I'm trying to find the demo of that game though. I've searched 10/30 JB demos already I have on my disk so far, I still want to report him for votemuting me for no reason.

I didn't report Copyright because of how my demo support settings work. I have ds_autodelete set to 1 which causes a demo without any events recorded to get autodeleted after being recorded, and I accidently pressed the bind to stop the demo instead of pressing the bind to record a event to prevent the demo from being auto removed. The demo was the only evidence I had because I don't record any gameplay live with OBS, only planned things.

Even if I had the demo though, it still would be insufficient evidence because of voice_loopback. It wouldn't be possible to tell if I was micspamming if my voice was not in the demo.

(tl;dr problems with reporting due to how demos are recorded)

I added donor and admin abuse to the punishment section, thank you!
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DasMalzbier| Lazy Panda

Tfw ab0se is not an allowed title word
Jun 24, 2016
Time to rate!

  • Has previous moderation experience
  • Familiar with (some) admin commands
  • Good looking application
  • So far, did 22 valid reports, 2 still pending

  • Decent English
  • Punishments could be different:
    • General punishment:
      • Donor abuse: It's too lenient in my opinion. We take donor abuse very seriously. That is also the reason why we refuse to give them more power, like getting access to sm_voteban. I would record a demo, ban them with enough evidence for a week (or more, depending on previous bans) and send the demo to Benedevil
    • Chat punishment:
      • All: Try to generalize you punishments more. It is not very helpful if every admin gave out their punishments way differently. It can differ a bit, sure, but it should be similar to others. I don't differentiate between spammers, being rude and earrape. I mute and gag them based on previous punishments and intensity all the same
    • VSH punishment:
      • All: Always add a warning before you punish someone. Always. If they are previous offenders, you may punish them immediately, but for "first timers", be a bit more lenient
      • Camping (both teams): Camping is a bit tricky. There are instances where it is just delaying, and some where a player has set up a trap... every case is different. Your task is to determine whether is can be seen as delay or not and act appropriately
  • Before you made you application, you activity was rather inconsistent. You 'really' started getting active starting August, a month prior to posting this application. But since then, you have been staying active. So that's a small plus (small as in: it has been only a week. But it is a week.)
  • While your help is most appreciated in Suggestions, Questions and even reports, there are instances where it would have been smarter not to say anything. There are certain topics/threads where your input was unnecessary and out of place. Luckily, from all the posts you made, only two stood out for me:
    This comment and That reply

  • Edited his app 4 times
  • Does have some comm blocks. And while some may have been given unfairly, there are those comm blocks that were given to you by Ben and Wil. You admitted that you did micspam at least once. You also have 2 teambans

Other (maybe) useful information:
  • Had a soundlist ban. Though who banned him and why is unclear
  • Gave away free premium gifts

I'm honestly very neutral about this. Nothing really speaks for you, but nothing really speaks against you. And while the comms don't speak for you, I'm willing to overlook that because of your previous experience and amount dedication to keep the servers nice and clean by making reports.

Best of luck with you application,

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Jun 3, 2017
Time to rate!

  • Has previous moderation experience
  • Familiar with (some) admin commands
  • Good looking application
  • So far, did 22 valid reports, 2 still pending

  • Decent English
  • Punishments could be different:
    • General punishment:
      • Donor abuse: It's too lenient in my opinion. We take donor abuse very seriously. That is also the reason why we refuse to give them more power, like getting access to sm_voteban. I would record a demo, ban them with enough evidence for a week (or more, depending on previous bans) and send the demo to Benedevil
    • Chat punishment:
      • All: Try to generalize you punishments more. It is not very helpful if every admin gave out their punishments way differently. It can differ a bit, sure, but it should be similar to others. I don't differentiate between spammers, being rude and earrape. I mute and gag them based on previous punishments and intensity all the same
    • VSH punishment:
      • All: Always add a warning before you punish someone. Always. If they are previous offenders, you may punish them immediately, but for "first timers", be a bit more lenient
      • Camping (both teams): Camping is a bit tricky. There are instances where it is just delaying, and some where a player has set up a trap... every case is different. Your task is to determine whether is can be seen as delay or not and act appropriately
  • Before you made you application, you activity was rather inconsistent. You 'really' started getting active starting August, a month prior to posting this application. But since then, you have been staying active. So that's a small plus (small as in: it has been only a week. But it is a week.)
  • While your help is most appreciated in Suggestions, Questions and even reports, there are instances where it would have been smarter not to say anything. There are certain topics/threads where your input was unnecessary and out of place. Luckily, from all the posts you made, only two stood out for me:
    This comment and That reply

  • Edited his app 4 times
  • Does have some comm blocks. And while some may have been given unfairly, there are those comm blocks that were given to you by Ben and Wil. You admitted that you did micspam at least once. You also have 2 teambans

Other (maybe) useful information:
  • Had a soundlist ban. Though who banned him and why is unclear
  • Gave away free premium gifts

I'm honestly very neutral about this. Nothing really speaks for you, but nothing really speaks against you. And while the comms don't speak for you, I'm willing to overlook that because of your previous experience and amount dedication to keep the servers nice and clean by making reports.

Best of luck with you application,

Thank you for your feedback!
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Alleviator of freedom
Staff Member
May 26, 2016
As many have stated before, the application should be as good as done the moment the 'submit' button is pressed, while very minor details such as adding colour or mild typos can be fixed within the minute and won't appear in the editing log.

Here there is a lot of 'hey you should add this' - 'ok', which really means you weren't thorough enough in the application itself. At least now the punishment section covers quite a lot of things, which is great, but it's more of a collaborative effort at this point. You're taking the time to address our questions and concerns on your own though, as we're grateful of.

My main issue here is that there, for a fact, is someone in your household who has (and is probably still) created alternate accounts with the sole purpose of breaking rules on them. Of course, it's not quite fair to blame you for their actions, but if you can't take care of this one person within strangling reach then it's not likely that you can take care of the dozens of near-anonymous people on the web that are and will be doing the same thing. Further, I don't want them within reach of a computer with admin access, for obvious reasons.

Otherwise, from what I can tell you are a regular on the servers who seems to be responsible with votes and reports, with the exception of that time you managed to call a vote on yourself twice within the hour on jailbreak. If accidental, managing it twice is still a feat, if on purpose then it's detrimental to the gamemode as a flood of unnecessary votes will collide with the warden menu, the LR menu, the minigame votes, and the map vote.


Jun 3, 2017
As many have stated before, the application should be as good as done the moment the 'submit' button is pressed, while very minor details such as adding colour or mild typos can be fixed within the minute and won't appear in the editing log.

Here there is a lot of 'hey you should add this' - 'ok', which really means you weren't thorough enough in the application itself. At least now the punishment section covers quite a lot of things, which is great, but it's more of a collaborative effort at this point. You're taking the time to address our questions and concerns on your own though, as we're grateful of.

My main issue here is that there, for a fact, is someone in your household who has (and is probably still) created alternate accounts with the sole purpose of breaking rules on them. Of course, it's not quite fair to blame you for their actions, but if you can't take care of this one person within strangling reach then it's not likely that you can take care of the dozens of near-anonymous people on the web that are and will be doing the same thing. Further, I don't want them within reach of a computer with admin access, for obvious reasons.

Otherwise, from what I can tell you are a regular on the servers who seems to be responsible with votes and reports, with the exception of that time you managed to call a vote on yourself twice within the hour on jailbreak. If accidental, managing it twice is still a feat, if on purpose then it's detrimental to the gamemode as a flood of unnecessary votes will collide with the warden menu, the LR menu, the minigame votes, and the map vote.
Hi! Thank You for Your feedback Viking!
I've taken care of my brother already, back when you unbanned me. He doesn't have access to my computer and my steam account; he never had.

And yes, those votes on myself were accidental.
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Staff Member
Dec 3, 2016
Punishments seem fine. Why you want to be admin is a little short but gets your point across. "Usually playing" on nine servers seems a bit much, I would nail it down to your top three to five. In game you usually act appropriate. However occasionally when you are unclear about a rule I have noticed you try and go off of what you know more, as opposed to asking an admin for clarification. With admin powers you have to be 100% sure about a rule before stating something as all the other players will listen to what an admin says 80% of the time without question. Even we discuss rules amongst ourselves when conflictions within them arise. Make sure you are certain before acting.

Wittle Itty Bitty Ploss Sooport
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