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Accepted Admin Application from markk

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Staff Member


Sep 21, 2017
Personal Information



Your Age


Your SteamID

Server Information

Have you managed servers previously?


If Yes, which ones?

Are you familiar with admin commands?

On which servers do you usually play?
Blackwonder LA | Jailbreak

Blackwonder | Jailbreak

Application Questions

Why do you want to become an admin?

The answer to this question is cliché but:
As Blackwonder is the only server that I am now mostly dedicated and active in, having to spend more than 5 months(?) than in any other communities that I have been in. And that would mean I have seen a lot of things, in fact, this community provided me the experience that got me better than who I was a year ago.

The time I've been in Blackwonder, is long enough for me to think that I honestly wished an admin was in the scenario that I was in (although admittedly a lot of people do think about that) and I absolutely disliked the fact that these rulebreakers ruin those few minutes of gameplay that could last to almost thirty minutes if nothing was done to them. There were so many occasions where I could have done something but really couldn't do anything.
So basically, I absolutely love this community and although it is true that I do not need to be an admin to stay in it, I decided to apply because I want to ensure that as long as I'm active, I'll show new visitors to think, "Hey, this server is much more organized than I thought." like how when I first came to Blackwonder.tf as it had exceeded my expectations.

TL;DR as cliché as this may be; I love this server, and since I'm pretty active in it. I would want to spend my time in this community and be useful.

Do you know any of our current staff members?

If Yes, please tell us the their names.
Although it was not much of a conversation and more like small talks for clarifications, I have talked to these admins before:

Noodle ball

(Feel free to tell me to remove your name)

Please tell us when you usually play and are available.
(GMT -4) Mostly online around 18:00 to 09:00 during weekdays; Usually up 24 hours during weekends

How would you go about punishing a hacker, spammer, simple rulebreaker, etc?
General Rules
Chatspamming; Tell them to stop, if they still continue > 1 day gag > 2 day gag > 1 week gag > 1 month gag > permanent gag (purposely spamming sentences/binds more than five times or spamming false accusations)
Micspamming; Tell them to stop, if they still continue > 1 day mute > 2 day mute > 1 week mute > 1 month mute > permanent mute (purposely making obnoxious noises or playing music for a long period of time)
Inappropriate Spray; Permanent spray ban
Inappropriate Decal/Avatar; Advise them to change conscientious objector/profile picture to a different weapon/profile picture for next match. If they don't change it, kick them off the server. If they still have the exact same profile picture or still equipping the conscientious objector decal; 2 hour ban > 1 day ban > 2 day ban > 1 week ban

Hacking; Record a video and once sufficient evidence has been provided > Permanent ban.
Else if unsure whether or not suspect is cheating, ask an admin to view it and if multiple perspectives agree > Permanent Ban
Advertising cheats; Record a video just in case. If the suspect is cheating, permanent silence and ban. Else, permanent silence.
Exploiting; Slay with warn, if they still continue > 1 day ban > 2 day ban > 1 week ban > 1 month ban > permanent ban

Impersonating Admins; If suspect is impersonating specifically to threaten victims, warn them. If they still continue > 1 day gag/mute > 2 day gag/mute > 1 week gag/mute > 1 month gag/mute > permanent gag/mute
Calling out on Admins; Privately warn them, if they still continue > 1 day gag/mute
Abusing "!calladmin"; Warn them, if they still continue > 1 day ban > 2 day ban > 1 week ban > 1 month ban > permanent ban

Jailbreak General Rules
Overtalking the warden; Tell them to stop, if they still continue > 1 day mute > 2 day mute > 1 week mute > 1 month mute > permanent mute
Overtalking the admin; Tell them to stop, if they still continue > 1 day mute > 2 day mute > 1 week mute > 1 month mute > permanent mute

Armory Camping; Tell them to leave armory. If they are still inside of armory > slay
Delaying; Slay only when they are hiding, rebelling or hunting is excluded.
Ghosting; Tell them to stop, if they still continue > 1 day gag/mute > 2 day gag/mute > 1 week gag/mute > 1 month gag/mute > permanent gag/mute
Stickytraps; Tell them to detonate it as soon as it is safe for reds. If they don't comply > slay

Red Jailbreak Rules
Freeday abusing; Tell them to stop, if they still continue > slay

Blu Jailbreak Rules
Inaudible microphone; Permanent teamban (usually when you can't even hear their voice and only hear horrid static in the background)
No microphone; Permanent teamban until player speaks

Freehitting; Tell them to stop, if they continue > slay > 1 day teamban
Freekilling; Revive the victim and warn the suspect. If player continues to freekill on purpose > slay > 1 day teamban > 2 day teamban > 1 week teamban
Massfreekilling; 1 week teamban and revive the supposed victims. (if possible)
Teamkilling; Tell them to stop and revive the supposed victims, if they continue > slay > 1 day teamban > 2 day teamban > 1 week teamban

Baiting; Tell them to stop, if they continue > slay
Not being with warden; Tell them to go back to the warden, if they don't > slay > 1 day teamban
Favoritism; Tell them to stop favoriting their victims, if they still continue > slay > 1 day teamban > 2 day teamban > 1 week teamban
Griefing; Slay with warn, if they still continue > 1 day teamban > 2 day teamban > 1 week teamban
LR denial; Give victim freeday and as well as providing suspect 1 day teamban

Warden Jailbreak Rules
Trick orders; Tell the warden to repeat with more simplicity, if not > slay (goes with lying)
Unwillingness to repeat; Warden would be told to make a repeat once again, if not given > slay

Illegal orders; Warden will be told to stop, if warden continues > slay >1 day teamban > 2 day teamban > 1 week teamban (goes with illegal days and games)
Illegal friendlyfire; Disable friendlyfire and warn the suspect not to do it again, if they still continue > 1 day teamban

Warden Hogging; Force-unwarden and warned to not warden hog, if suspect still continues > slay > 1 day teamban > 2 day teamban > 1 week teamban
Unwardening; Force-wardened, if player still unwardens > slay > 1 day teamban > 2 day teamban > 1 week teamban

Please give any other information you might think is useful for us to know.
My alternate account

Before I continue, I must admit that I am trying to expose a lot of myself as much as possible to be fair with the community when applying as an admin. I do admit that I was not a good person long ago and it took me quite a long time to be, more, controlled if that makes sense.

My Chatlog
I can admit that I have been using a lot of vulgarities when I first came in BLW.TF. Ever since, I've been trying really hard to avoid being obnoxious and salty. I don't know if I have improved, but I've definitely been trying to keep my cool whenever I've dealt with rulebreakers who wouldn't listen to me, and I do admit that I could've definitely reacted better when it comes to many of the situations where I've exploded. Again, I've been trying to improve, sorry for sounding like a broken record.

My Bans
I'll be putting this in spoilers for you to read them so that it doesn't look really cramped like the application already does.

Long story short, as mentioned above, I was not a very nice player but more of a rebellious person but in a stupid way, I used to do really stupid stuff that would break the server rules when it was really uncalled for. So in this scenario, I was banned permanentely due to the fact that I massfreekilled, I have not made an appeal yet. This was during December 13th 2016.
It was a really long time ago, and I've learnt from my stupidity and have not really done any purpose massfreekillings ever since.

Okay, so. This happened due to the fact that I thought it was Last Guard Kills All even though I was still a warden. I did not make an appeal because I knew I was definitely in the wrong for this, and thanks to will5023, I've learned from it. I admit that I should have read the rules beforehand and should not have assumed that it was LGKA just because I was the last blu alive. But because of this scenario, I re-read the rules regularly when needed.
TL;DR I cheated and griefed multiple times in Counter Strike: Global Offensive, which got both my old account and current main account banned due to mobile authentications. I've learned my lesson now and am completely away from cheating ever again, I do not want to be a part of it and I genuinely wished that I didn't make this foolish act of thinking about cheating in the first place.
Otherwise, I think that's about the things I can remember about my horrid past and you can search for more, and I'll try my best to answer them if I remember.
Thank you for reading my appeal and feel free to criticize any error or ask me any questions.

Change logs
I've changed this application for my own reference.
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Mildly Menacing
Feb 17, 2018
I play a lot of jb and seen mark countless times. From what I've seen, mark is the most responsible person I've seen, everytime there is a freekiller or something he not only tried to explain the rules but makes reports. If I can comment here I do a +Support.


Not really active
Staff Member
Oct 24, 2016
Is it okay if I don't specify it?
According to your profile, you are from Canada, which is enough information there.

You are being honest about your past, which is very much appreciated.
Making a mistake is possible, and learning from them is a great thing.

Not gonna say anything, except:


Staff Member


Sep 21, 2017
According to your profile, you are from Canada, which is enough information there.

You are being honest about your past, which is very much appreciated.
Making a mistake is possible, and learning from them is a great thing.

Not gonna say anything, except:

Hey, LucasX. Thank you so much for taking your time and commenting in my application!
I am absolutely thankful about the fact that you gave me support and giving me a chance despite my past.


Aug 19, 2016
Hello Mark,

I have nothing negative to say about you so far. You are fairly active, you have a mic, you have presence in the server and you are a decent warden.
I am leaning strongly towards +support but I will stay neutral because I have my reservations.

Good luck on your app.


The King of Fish
Staff Member
Dec 3, 2016
I think your profile comment history on Steam is very telling; why not block the dude? Why not end the conversation sooner? He was obviously trolling and trying to get you mad and it worked. I do however admire that you never really snapped and stayed calm in your replies; there isn't a doubt that you'll encounter many similar situations and you can't afford to sit there and argue. I believe with some help from staff though, this can be conditioned.


Staff Member


Sep 21, 2017
Hello Mark,

I have nothing negative to say about you so far. You are fairly active, you have a mic, you have presence in the server and you are a decent warden.
I am leaning strongly towards +support but I will stay neutral because I have my reservations.

Good luck on your app.
Hello Pkay, thank you for taking your time to reply. I am glad that you do not have any negative to point out so far but if you do, please do let me know.

I think your profile comment history on Steam is very telling; why not block the dude? Why not end the conversation sooner? He was obviously trolling and trying to get you mad and it worked. I do however admire that you never really snapped and stayed calm in your replies; there isn't a doubt that you'll encounter many similar situations and you can't afford to sit there and argue. I believe with some help from staff though, this can be conditioned.
Hey Fish, about my comments, though it is true that I could have blocked him and end it immediately, he was someone that I am not fond of and was still trying to affect my reputation, not only in the comments, but in other sources. Though, it doesn't necessarily go so well. I would rather keep my comments as a mark just incase any more baddies decided to do what the troll did as well in the future. I want them to think twice before even trying to raid my comments as I honestly could not care less what they type in my comments unless its a valid point.

Otherwise, thank you for mentioning about my comments and about the troll as well as appreciating how I took it. If there is anything more you would like to mention out, please do so.
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The King of Fish
Staff Member
Dec 3, 2016
Hello Pkay, thank you for taking your time to reply. I am glad that you do not have any negative to point out so far but if you do, please do let me know.

Hey Fish, about my comments, though it is true that I could have blocked him and end it immediately, he was someone that I am not fond of and was still trying to affect my reputation, not only in the comments, but in other sources. Though, it doesn't necessarily go so well. I would rather keep my comments as a mark just incase any more baddies decided to do what the troll did as well in the future. I want them to think twice before even trying to raid my comments as I honestly could not care less what they type in my comments unless its a valid point.

Otherwise, thank you for mentioning about my comments and about the troll as well as appreciating how I took it. If there is anything more you would like to mention out, please do so.
Yeah no problem; that's what I do. :)
If I'm being completely honest you really didn't have to defend yourself; anyone who thinks "nig nog" and "faggot" are insults likely don't have anything credible to say anyway. Either way, I'm glad you're taking criticism really well and I'll stop talking about this since this is more of a detail I wanted to clear up rather than what the focus of the app should be.


Staff Member
Dec 3, 2016
Saw you a few times in game recently, as myself and undercover. You aren't a tard and aside from a few rule confusions you seem to be ok.

+Support assuming no one else discovers evidence of you being a major tard.

~neutral cuz ugly chat logs

side note, what tard approved of a useless pleb comment on an app :mad:
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Can fly, can fight, can crow.
Dec 19, 2016
mark is a good boy and has definitely learnt since his naughty stages and it's good that he talks about it in this app too, i think mark would fit in very well in the admin team and i dont think i have any concerns about giving him a preliminary +support


Hunky Chunk of Love
Sep 5, 2016
Not that I like to play Devil's advocate, but I'm gonna stave away from a definite support and just go neutral while leaning towards +support and offering what I can.

Your application is solid. Some punishment times are a bit jumpy (30 minutes to a day for multiple offenders, though times can often vary between admin and situation) but otherwise are incredibly detailed and sensible. Also, regarding hackers, while the second opinion thing is a nice idea, keep in mind it's not required; just make sure you have hard evidence in case the ban is challenged.

However, that VAC ban and the recent-ish ban from Will are like a bad taste in my mouth after eating something nice. You've presented yourself well here, but they are incredibly hard to ignore, especially with one being only 3 and half months ago. Yes, change is possible within that time frame, but not easy, and while I'm not saying I think it's impossible for you to have changed, I am saying it makes it very hard to trust you.

Again, I'm going to lean towards +support personally. I would be leaning towards -support, but after conversing with staff I've decided to trust their judgement but stay relatively cautious.

Normally I'd give some tips on how to improve the application, but that's not a problem for you at all. All I'll say is, while I am being a sceptical bastard, you've done everything you should have given your past mistakes; to make sure we know about it and make sure we have information about it. Now it's just a matter of whether we trust you, which is where my aforementioned caution lies. Good luck in your application! o>


Staff Member


Sep 21, 2017
Saw you a few times in game recently, as myself and undercover. You aren't a tard and aside from a few rule confusions you seem to be ok.

+Support assuming no one else discovers evidence of you being a major tard.

side note, what tard approved of a useless pleb comment on an app :mad:
Hey Jim! Thank you so much of supporting me, and I'm glad you think I'm okay in games. Sorry if my replies are too dull.

mark is a good boy and has definitely learnt since his naughty stages and it's good that he talks about it in this app too, i think mark would fit in very well in the admin team and i dont think i have any concerns about giving him a preliminary +support
Hey Will, thank you so much for taking the time to write and support me. I am really glad that you think I have improved and learnt from my past,

Yellow =|= Green and 400+ is a bad score
I'm quite sure the Surf's "yellow" ring is green, and 400+ isn't that bad. I reached 459 once! :^[

Not that I like to play Devil's advocate, but I'm gonna stave away from a definite support and just go neutral while leaning towards +support and offering what I can.

Your application is solid. Some punishment times are a bit jumpy (30 minutes to a day for multiple offenders, though times can often vary between admin and situation) but otherwise are incredibly detailed and sensible. Also, regarding hackers, while the second opinion thing is a nice idea, keep in mind it's not required; just make sure you have hard evidence in case the ban is challenged.

However, that VAC ban and the recent-ish ban from Will are like a bad taste in my mouth after eating something nice. You've presented yourself well here, but they are incredibly hard to ignore, especially with one being only 3 and half months ago. Yes, change is possible within that time frame, but not easy, and while I'm not saying I think it's impossible for you to have changed, I am saying it makes it very hard to trust you.

Again, I'm going to lean towards +support personally. I would be leaning towards -support, but after conversing with staff I've decided to trust their judgement but stay relatively cautious.

Normally I'd give some tips on how to improve the application, but that's not a problem for you at all. All I'll say is, while I am being a sceptical bastard, you've done everything you should have given your past mistakes; to make sure we know about it and make sure we have information about it. Now it's just a matter of whether we trust you, which is where my aforementioned caution lies. Good luck in your application! o>
Hello Grizzly, thank you for being honest when putting up your comment. I understand how the bans are something that can't be ignored and definitely affect the trust. I am simply thankful that you have a little bit of faith in me.

I will keep that in note and will hopefully find a way to show myself to be more trustworthy whether or not this get accepted. Otherwise, thank you so much once again for being honest, your honest feedback truly means a lot.


Blackwonder's Own
Staff Member
Aug 7, 2016
I think you are a bit of an odd-ball and slightly annoying. But don't appear to be toxic in any sort of lasting manner. So, maybe that annoying side of you that I perceive will result in a dedicated admin.


Who you gonna call?!
Staff Member


Jun 26, 2016
Hi @markk,

Thanks for applying, I got a feeling of sincerity and thoughtfulness when reading this which was great. I wish you wouldn't have issues elsewhere.
The cheating and those comments are fairly off-putting and were you to be accepted you would have trust issues with a few members. I also don't think anyone has looked into your chat logs yet and you also play Jailbreak which is a red flag on it's own. Wish you good luck with your application and I hope you're more like what you show yourself to be here than what your chat or history might suggest, otherwise this will be a short lived experience.

I purposefully skipped everything before 2018, it would look much worse otherwise.

BlackWonder LA | Jailbreak 2018-05-04 20:18:07 mark if people are clearly fucking overtalking, just telling them to 'oh, dont overtalk the warden'
BlackWonder LA | Jailbreak 2018-05-04 20:18:10 mark isnt good enough for them to fucking understand.
BlackWonder LA | Jailbreak 2018-05-04 20:18:12 mark that theyre fucking mentally stupid.

BlackWonder LA | Jailbreak 2018-04-06 19:53:38 mark trying to be a fucking smartass, is necessary.

BlackWonder LA | Jailbreak 2018-04-06 07:03:41 mark how about dont fucking advertise

BlackWonder LA | Jailbreak 2018-03-02 04:51:46 mark Don't fucking do that again.
BlackWonder LA | Jailbreak 2018-03-02 04:51:49 mark I'm already getting pissed off.

BlackWonder LA | Jailbreak 2018-02-24 17:52:10 mark Fucking retarded guards.

BlackWonder LA | Jailbreak 2018-02-24 05:32:40 mark The kid's fucking retarded.

BlackWonder LA | Jailbreak 2018-02-10 22:34:52 mark Don't use the word 'retarded' randomly
BlackWonder LA | Jailbreak 2018-02-10 22:35:01 mark its not cool, player disrespect mdude

BlackWonder LA | Jailbreak 2018-02-17 01:28:54 mark when mark dies, all the blus become retarded.

BlackWonder LA | Jailbreak 2018-04-02 00:46:39 mark this is a different server, you idiot.

BlackWonder LA | Jailbreak 2018-02-17 16:57:08 mark YOU FUCKING IDIOT.

BlackWonder LA | Jailbreak 2018-01-02 04:59:08 mark The creator of this server community is German themselves.
BlackWonder LA | Jailbreak 2018-01-02 04:59:22 mark Not only can I screenshot the chat, it just proves how much you really should get the fuck out of here.
BlackWonder LA | Jailbreak 2018-01-02 04:59:30 mark But you know.
BlackWonder LA | Jailbreak 2018-01-02 04:59:34 mark You're being a smartass for a reason.



Staff Member


Sep 21, 2017
I think you are a bit of an odd-ball and slightly annoying. But don't appear to be toxic in any sort of lasting manner. So, maybe that annoying side of you that I perceive will result in a dedicated admin.
Thanks for the honesty Rob, though I do try my best not to be annoying on purpose, or even at all.

Hi @markk,

Thanks for applying, I got a feeling of sincerity and thoughtfulness when reading this which was great. I wish you wouldn't have issues elsewhere.
The cheating and those comments are fairly off-putting and were you to be accepted you would have trust issues with a few members. I also don't think anyone has looked into your chat logs yet and you also play Jailbreak which is a red flag on it's own. Wish you good luck with your application and I hope you're more like what you show yourself to be here than what your chat or history might suggest, otherwise this will be a short lived experience.

I purposefully skipped everything before 2018, it would look much worse otherwise.

BlackWonder LA | Jailbreak 2018-05-04 20:18:07 mark if people are clearly fucking overtalking, just telling them to 'oh, dont overtalk the warden'
BlackWonder LA | Jailbreak 2018-05-04 20:18:10 mark isnt good enough for them to fucking understand.
BlackWonder LA | Jailbreak 2018-05-04 20:18:12 mark that theyre fucking mentally stupid.

BlackWonder LA | Jailbreak 2018-04-06 19:53:38 mark trying to be a fucking smartass, is necessary.

BlackWonder LA | Jailbreak 2018-04-06 07:03:41 mark how about dont fucking advertise

BlackWonder LA | Jailbreak 2018-03-02 04:51:46 mark Don't fucking do that again.
BlackWonder LA | Jailbreak 2018-03-02 04:51:49 mark I'm already getting pissed off.

BlackWonder LA | Jailbreak 2018-02-24 17:52:10 mark Fucking retarded guards.

BlackWonder LA | Jailbreak 2018-02-24 05:32:40 mark The kid's fucking retarded.

BlackWonder LA | Jailbreak 2018-02-10 22:34:52 mark Don't use the word 'retarded' randomly
BlackWonder LA | Jailbreak 2018-02-10 22:35:01 mark its not cool, player disrespect mdude

BlackWonder LA | Jailbreak 2018-02-17 01:28:54 mark when mark dies, all the blus become retarded.

BlackWonder LA | Jailbreak 2018-04-02 00:46:39 mark this is a different server, you idiot.

BlackWonder LA | Jailbreak 2018-02-17 16:57:08 mark YOU FUCKING IDIOT.

BlackWonder LA | Jailbreak 2018-01-02 04:59:08 mark The creator of this server community is German themselves.
BlackWonder LA | Jailbreak 2018-01-02 04:59:22 mark Not only can I screenshot the chat, it just proves how much you really should get the fuck out of here.
BlackWonder LA | Jailbreak 2018-01-02 04:59:30 mark But you know.
BlackWonder LA | Jailbreak 2018-01-02 04:59:34 mark You're being a smartass for a reason.

Hello, thanks for mentioning out my chatlog, as mentioned it was definitely not a clean one whatsoever. I've been trying to avoid using as many vulgarities as possible, since uhh, my past chatlogs hasn't been any better. There were definitely times where I shouldn't have reacted as so. And yeah I completely understand how my past bans can affect the trust, I'll try my best to prove myself trustworthy.

Otherwise, again, thank you so much for bringing it up and taking the time to comment. And even after bringing up my chat, I am glad that you still have a little faith in me or at least that's what I understood.


Hunky Chunk of Love
Sep 5, 2016
Thanks for the chatlogs, I was unaware of how to get them seeing as they've changed since I was last busy with this kind of thing.

I'm gonna go ahead and shift my vote to neutral with a lean towards -support. The logs from 3 months ago wouldn't bother me all that much (even though they're worse), for the same reasons I stated above -
Yes, change is possible within that time frame, but not easy, and while I'm not saying I think it's impossible for you to have changed, I am saying it makes it very hard to trust you.
But the recent ones from 2 days ago are too worrying for me to ignore. The composure you present with us here on the forums does not match the seemingly opposite attitude you have presented a mere 2 days ago on the servers, which is worrying for two reasons; one being that you did not seem to handle yourself well according to these chatlogs, and two being that your demeanour on the forums almost comes across as an act in light of this new information.

I can understand getting angry at times; we all know that jailbreak is a cesspool of frustrating situations. But there's a certain degree of anger (or slanderous intent) to which I personally think an admin should not be able to be pushed into, and the [BlackWonder LA | Jailbreak 2018-05-04 20:18:12 mark that theyre fucking mentally stupid.] goes past that for me.

So again, leaning towards a -support. You have a good application, and you have some appraisal, but I don't agree with how you handled whatever was going on 2 days ago. Yes, you've admitted to the mistake and apologised for your previous errors, but to forgive actions from 3 months ago because you seem sincere was already stepping over my regular boundaries; 2 days ago is just too much for me.

Once again, good luck with your application. o>


Staff Member


Sep 21, 2017
Thanks for the chatlogs, I was unaware of how to get them seeing as they've changed since I was last busy with this kind of thing.

I'm gonna go ahead and shift my vote to neutral with a lean towards -support. The logs from 3 months ago wouldn't bother me all that much (even though they're worse), for the same reasons I stated above -

But the recent ones from 2 days ago are too worrying for me to ignore. The composure you present with us here on the forums does not match the seemingly opposite attitude you have presented a mere 2 days ago on the servers, which is worrying for two reasons; one being that you did not seem to handle yourself well according to these chatlogs, and two being that your demeanour on the forums almost comes across as an act in light of this new information.

I can understand getting angry at times; we all know that jailbreak is a cesspool of frustrating situations. But there's a certain degree of anger (or slanderous intent) to which I personally think an admin should not be able to be pushed into, and the [BlackWonder LA | Jailbreak 2018-05-04 20:18:12 mark that theyre fucking mentally stupid.] goes past that for me.

So again, leaning towards a -support. You have a good application, and you have some appraisal, but I don't agree with how you handled whatever was going on 2 days ago. Yes, you've admitted to the mistake and apologised for your previous errors, but to forgive actions from 3 months ago because you seem sincere was already stepping over my regular boundaries; 2 days ago is just too much for me.

Once again, good luck with your application. o>
Thank you for pointing this out, and I understand where you're coming from. Two days ago (or basically my current chatlog as a whole) was definitely that I should have done better on, though I am appreciative of the fact that you're honest about this and provided me feedback for me to work on it.


Aug 19, 2016
BlackWonder LA | Jailbreak 2018-05-04 06:32:37 mark im not recording you, sonny
BlackWonder LA | Jailbreak 2018-05-04 06:32:41 mark i was afk sorting out my other reports
BlackWonder LA | Jailbreak 2018-05-04 06:32:44 mark no lol
BlackWonder LA | Jailbreak 2018-05-04 06:32:51 mark if i were recording you, i would have told you
BlackWonder LA | Jailbreak 2018-05-04 06:33:03 mark if youre paranoid, dont worry about it, i dont record people for ammo glitching
BlackWonder LA | Jailbreak 2018-05-04 06:33:16 mark i dont blame you
BlackWonder LA | Jailbreak 2018-05-04 06:33:25 mark i know i believe you"

BlackWonder LA | Jailbreak 2018-05-04 20:14:56 mark you dont try to defend them.
BlackWonder LA | Jailbreak 2018-05-04 20:17:55 mark theres a limit to tell people the rules.
BlackWonder LA | Jailbreak 2018-05-04 20:18:07 mark if people are clearly fucking overtalking, just telling them to 'oh, dont overtalk the warden'
BlackWonder LA | Jailbreak 2018-05-04 20:18:10 mark isnt good enough for them to fucking understand.
BlackWonder LA | Jailbreak 2018-05-04 20:18:12 mark that theyre fucking mentally stupid."
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