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Accepted Admin Application from Dirakia

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Positively Inhumane
Dec 26, 2015
Member Name Dirakia

Name Simon or Dirakia, what you prefer more

Contact Information

Your Age 17

Location Sirnach, Switzerland

Other Information

Have you managed servers previously? Yes

If Yes, which ones? I was Moderator on another x10 Server that after bout 7 Months had to shut down because of the lack of income. The Servers name was Takaishii
Also last time i forgot to mention that owned a GMod Server but that was bout 2 years ago, but i guess it still could be worth mentioning it

Why do you want to become an admin? I would like to become an admin because I have been playing on the servers for about 3-4 months now and it is the main server that I play on. I also would then be able to control the chaos that happens when I play on the servers like kids not following the rules, micspamming, chatspamming, hackers, spawncampers etc.

Are you familiar with admin commands? Yes

Do you know any of our current staff members? No

If Yes, please tell us the their names. None

Please tell us when you usually play and are available. Usually nighttime from bout 6:00 PM - 4:00AM ((UTC+01:00) Central European Timezone)

Please give any other information you might think is useful for us to know. Since i just came out of school and had to break off from my Job cause back then i was heavily suffering from Epilepsy, i am like always aviable (just text me, i might be asleep but after i wake up i will response)
This is my second try on an application, so it might be that some stuff can appear as almost the same since nothing much changed that i have to tell about me


Scarcely Lethal
Jan 16, 2016
+support for your application, to be honest i dont see much of a reason not to accept you, you help the servers alot so +support.
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