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Search results

  1. squidmeme

    Declined squidmeme's Moderator Application

    User name: squidmeme Name squidmeme Your Age 13 Location finland Your SteamID 1856175 Your DiscordID #4610 Have you managed servers previously? No On what servers do you usually play on and which one would you like to moderate? blackwonder.tf and be moderator on the same...
  2. squidmeme

    Declined squidmeme's Moderator Application

    User name: squidmeme Name squidmeme Your Age 13 Location finland Your SteamID 1856175 Your DiscordID 4610 Have you managed servers previously? No On what servers do you usually play on and which one would you like to moderate? blackwonder.tf Why would you like to become a...
  3. squidmeme

    Declined squidmeme's Moderator Application

    im a new member of blackwonder so dont bully :)
  4. squidmeme

    Declined squidmeme's Moderator Application

    User name: squidmeme Name squidmeme Your Age 13 Location finland Your SteamID 1856175 Your DiscordID 4610 Have you managed servers previously? Yes Which servers have you previously managed? i have managed a saxton hale On what servers do you usually play on and which one...
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