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  1. phunny

    Declined phunny's Ban appeal

    i just unfriended them im back now
  2. phunny

    Declined phunny's Ban appeal

    im trying to view the demo but i cant download it since i never even got to join the server. also its not availible for download anywhere
  3. phunny

    Declined phunny's Ban appeal

    prolly casual he had added me
  4. phunny

    Declined phunny's Ban appeal

    again i dont have a duplicate account and its unfortunate that since i was friends and the same ip warrants me being banned?
  5. phunny

    Declined phunny's Ban appeal

    Username: phunny What is your type of punishment? Ban Where were you banned from? Servers What is your SteamID? STEAM_0:1:222201082 Who has punished you? you have been banned by "this server" idk Why were you punished? duplicate account? BanReason: [SourceSleuth] Duplicate account...
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