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  1. J

    Resolved Report against Mini-Hades (Jailbreak US)

    first of all why did you stop the game it all day space kart if vaild reason hades is guilty
  2. J

    Resolved Report against porta1980 (usjb)

    porta techincally ghosted by telling them your health
  3. J

    Declined Report against crikey, DaggerSable (JBUS)

    icos icos be like = 1-wake up 2-boot up pc 3-opens tf2 4- join blackwonder jb us 5-report everyone 6-yap about hating admins
  4. J

    Invalid Report against lali (us jailbreak)

    well first of all this is my first report thanks for your information
  5. J

    Invalid Report against lali (us jailbreak)

    Username: john/lazer Who are you reporting? lali What server game mode is the report concerned with? us jailbreak What is the accused persons's SteamID? https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198115397361 What is the reason of the report? ghosting Files you have as proof File(s)...
  6. J

    Resolved Report against porta1980 (USJB)

    i think the warden didnt kill him for some odd reason
  7. J

    add vsh lr

    means like the saxton hale code like mighty slam and his other moves bugged???
  8. J

    Resolved calladmin takes toooooooo long {in jail break}

    im not hating or whatever but we got a freekiller it been like an hour
  9. J

    add vsh lr

    make only one blu becomes saxton or make all players saxton
  10. J

    look i might be cooking here ok???

    my brain hurts i only typed the hole report in title
  11. J

    look i might be cooking here ok???

  12. J

    look i might be cooking here ok???

    i can only report this week so be quick i have exams in 2 weeks
  13. J

    look i might be cooking here ok???

    sooo i want to report a dude called palptine i meant palutena ermmm technically i dont have any reocording or video soo add me in discord zeyad8676 i didnt post in reports it bugged and this is for mods /admins technically im not breaking any rules i think im just planing for a report ok????
  14. J

    Declined Report against Herphomatonic (jb jail break)

    dude you were THE WORST WARDEN EVER + YOU FREEKILL PEOPLE + WE CANT EVEN HEAR YOU btw cookie didnt even rebell
  15. J

    Answered sigma

    ima apply for donor i have 3 keys will that make me donor rank???
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