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  1. dArk_alex333

    Answered rtd perks

    ah i see thank you very much
  2. dArk_alex333

    Answered rtd perks

    So im asking how can i use rtd roll perks like hat throw and how you use it like if there is a button to throw the hat?
  3. dArk_alex333

    Accepted dArk_alex333's Ban appeal

    ok then
  4. dArk_alex333

    Accepted dArk_alex333's Ban appeal

    Oh that? well my younger brother is actually the one using light andrew. I chose that name for him when i was making his steam account
  5. dArk_alex333

    Accepted dArk_alex333's Ban appeal

    Username: dArk_alex333 What is your type of punishment? Ban Where were you banned from? Servers What is your SteamID? 76561199120716791 Who has punished you? Console Why were you punished? Banned for [SourceSleuth] Duplicate Account Why should we revoke your punishment? I do...
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