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  1. TheTannerIdea101

    Declined TheTannerIdea101's Ban appeal

    Wait wait wait, your telling me i got banned for a map design?
  2. TheTannerIdea101

    Declined TheTannerIdea101's Ban appeal

    Dosent explain why or how i never exploited tho? And if i did plz tell me exactly how
  3. TheTannerIdea101

    Declined TheTannerIdea101's Ban appeal

    Username: TheTannerIdea101 What is your type of punishment? Ban Where were you banned from? Servers What is your SteamID? 76561199052172543 Who has punished you? alex_ Why were you punished? For exploiting? Why should we revoke your punishment? I dont see how i did i was just...
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