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Accepted Vick's Admin Application

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Aug 17, 2017
Holger Jonson
Your Age
Uppsala, Sweden
Your SteamID
Have you managed servers previously?
If Yes, which ones?
VSH and DR I started 2016 and retired after about a year and a half after due to lost of interest, friends leaving and difficulties communicating due to language barrier.
This is my forum account. The forums got reset and so did all my messages.

Are you familiar with admin commands?
Yes, but it was about 2 years ago I last Administered, so I would like to be refreshed.
On which servers do you usually play?
LA Jailbreak
UK VSH 24/7
SG Jailbreak
Why do you want to become an admin?
I see this change as a way to show what I go for. Blackwonder has been a community I've been following for about a year and a half and thus Is why it motivates me further to become an admin as I've noticed throughout my many hours of playtime how much these servers are in need of an Admin. I am also motivated to strive forward and learn more and more every day and therefore, it leads me to believe that I would be a great asset to the Admin team.

About my history: I was a bit toxic when I started playing on Blackwonder. I will go more in-depth detail about my comms blocks down below. There were many times when I wouldn’t think about my actions and start rambling nonsense uncontrollably but I believe that that toxic phase has disappeared. I have reflected and improved a lot when it comes to communication and handling situations. I also use voice chat more frequently now.

Recently I have noticed a considerable amount of decrease in the numbers of Admins being active so what I want to do to is to compensate that by helping players, getting rid of rule breakers and making Jailbreak and VSH as clean from rule breakers as possible. Lastly, I want to ensure that the players of Blackwonder get the best experience as possible.
Do you know any of our current staff members?
If Yes, please tell us the their names.
Kiryoto, Pkay, Wanka, Herald 11 and Egg
Please tell us when you usually play and are available.
UTC+1 Around from 2pm to 10pm (Any time I'm not in school or busy)
How would you go about punishing a hacker, spammer, simple rulebreaker, etc?
General punishments
1 day = 1440 min 2 days = 2880 min 3 days = 4320min 1 week = 10 080 min 2 week = 20 160 min 1 month = 40 320 min

I will be extending the punishments if the player has done previous offenses.

General punishments

Hacking - A permanent ban that includes a checked demo
Advertising Hacks – I will check if the user does actually hack, if he/she does not hack I will only permanently gag that user.
Mic/Chat spam - A warning will be given out through either csay, voice or chat and if the suspect ignores my warning I will be gagging/muting that person for 30min > 1days > 2days > 1week > 1month > permanent.
Foreign language over mic - I will be warning the user through mic or csay if needed. I will also notify the user that they are allowed to speak whatever language in chat. If the user does not comply with my warnings, I will be applying a 60min mute> 1day mute > 2day mute > 1week> 1month > permanent.
Racism over mic or chat – Gag/Mute for 1day > 2days > 1week > 1month >permanent
Non-mature voice over mic – I will notify them that they aren’t allowed to talk, and if not obeyed, I will issue a 1h mute>1day mute>2day mute>1week mute
Revealing an undercover Admin – I will gag/mute the suspect for 1h > 1days > 2days > 1week > 2weeks > 1month > permanent.
Impersonating an admin(having [Admin] " in their name purposefully to impersonate for example) – I'd tell them to stop impersonating/change their name and if they fail to
comply, I will issue a 1h ban>1day ban>2day ban>3day ban>1week ban>1month ban>permanent ban
Evading punishment – Original punishment will be multiplied by 2x
Inappropriate spray – I will spray ban them.
Abusing !calladmin - I will issue a 1 day ban > 2day ban > 1week ban> 1month ban > permanent (The reason why I jump straight to a ban is because the user is usually aware that what they’re doing is a bannable offense.)
Ammo glitching – They will be kicked with a clear explanation to why they got kicked, and if the suspect does not comply and keeps ammo glitching on purpose I will issue a 1day ban >2day ban>1week ban>1week ban>1monthba >permanent ban

Jailbreak General punishments

Exploiting – I will be warning the user and if the user doesn’t comply, I will be banning the suspect for 1day> 2days> 1week> 1month> permanent. This may also depend on the severity and how much it effects the round as a whole.
Freeday griefing/abuse - I will ask the RED to stop and slay if he/she continues.
Being in an unreachable area – I will ask them to get out and if they don’t, I will issue a slay.
Delaying – I will ask the RED/BLUE to stop delaying through csay and if they fail to comply, I will slay.
Evading punishment – Original punishment will be multiplied by 2x
False accusations – A warning will be given as well as an explanation if needed. If said person remains unaware of my warnings, I will issue a 60min gag/mute > 1day gag/mute > 2day gag/mute > 1week gag/mute > 1month gag/mute > permanent gag/mute
Sticky trapping – They will be requested to detonate their stickies far away from REDs, and warn them if they're on the RED team. If they don’t comply, I will slay>1day ban>2day ban>3day ban>1week ban>1month ban>1 month ban>permanent ban
Delaying the round – Tell them to stop delaying and if they don’t, I will issue a slay.
Ghosting – I will issue a 1h mute/gag>8h mute/gag>1day mute/gag>2day mute/gag>3day mute/gag>1week mute/gag>1month mute/gag>permanent

RED’s punishments

Abusing/exploiting as a freeday: I will give a formal warning and if they do not comply, I will issue a slay on them. If they continue I will issue a 1day ban> 2day ban > 1week ban > 1month ban > permanent ban.

Guards punishments

Team kill – I Will determine if it was accidental or not, if it wasn’t accidental, I will issue a slay as well as a 1 day guard ban and if it was accidental, I will inform them to not do it again + respawning the other BLU.
Freehit – Warn them to not do it again, and if they do not comply, I will slay them. Their punishment will extend to 1day guard ban > 2day guard ban > 1week guard ban > 1month guard ban > permanent if they do not stop.
Freekill – I will warn them to not do it again, slaying the BLU who freekilled, guard banning them for 1day and respawning the RED who was freekilled. TIf the suspect freekills again, the punishment will extend to a 3day guard ban > 1week guard ban > 1month guard ban > permanent guardban.
Massfreekill > I will issue a 1 week ban as well as a permanent guardban. If possible, I will respawn the ones who got killed (Another scenario is to just smite them all to begin a new round)
No mic – I will issue a permanent guard ban. They can appeal their guardban by proving that they have a mic later.
Muffled/Inaudible mic – I will tell them to fix their mic and switch to RED just in case. If they do not comply and are still on the BLU team causing trouble, they will receive a permanent guardban until their mic Is fixed.
Favoritism – I will tell them to stop favoring, and if they don’t comply, I will issue a 30min guardban > 1hour guard ban > 1day guard ban > 2day guard ban > 1week guard ban > 1month guard ban > permanent
Disguising as a spy – I will tell them to undisguise, and if they don’t undisguise, I will slay them.
Forcebaiting - I will ask the BLU to stop forcebaiting, and if they don't comply, I will issue a 1day guardban>2day guardban>1week guardban>1month guardban>permanent guardban

Warden punishments

Unwardening – I will force them to go warden, as well as mic checking them. If they do not comply, I will issue a 1 day guardban>1day guardban>1week guardban>1month guardban>permament guardban
It will be permanent directly if the suspect does not have a mic.
Not willing to give at least a second repeat – I will tell them that they have to repeat their order, and if they do not comply I will issue a 1day guardban> 2day guardban> 1week guardban>1month guardban>permanent guardban.
Illegal FF – I will turn off FF, slay the warden + placing a 1 day teamban>2day guardban>1week guardban>1 month guardban on him/her
(if possible, I will try to respawn the victims. This may also depend on how many people that got killed, and if it was intended or not)
Lying to REDs – I will inform the suspect that what they’re doing isn’t allowed + giving them a 1h guardban> 1day guardban>2day guardban>1week guardban>1month guardban>permanent guardban
Renaming REDs – I will tell the Warden not to rename them, and if he/she doesn’t comply, I will issue a slay>1day guardban> 2day guardban> 1week guardban>1month guardban>permanent guardban
Misleading/Tricky orders – I will explain to them why it’s a tricky order, and to make them clearer. If they do ignore my warnings, I will issue a slay>1day guardban >2day guardban >1week guardban>1month guardban>permanent guardban
Warden hogging for the 4th time – I will force them to unwarden, and if they keep hogging warden, I will issue a slay>1day guardban>2day guardban>1week guardban
LR Denial – I will inform them about their wrong doings, giving the victim LR, as well as giving them1h guardban>1day guardban>2day guardban>1week guardban >1month guardban > permanent
Doing Illegal days (chaining specific days for example) - I will tell them not to do it again, and if they fail to comply, I will issue a 1h guardban>1day guardban>2day guardban>1week guardban>1month guardban>permanent

VSH Punishments

Afking as BLU or RED - I will make sure that the suspect is actually AFK, and when certain, I will kick them with a short message such as “Being AFK” If it’s a RED. There will be a message stating “Type /vshtoggle if you do not want to be hale” when it's the hale.
Being friendly – I will slay them, and if they continue, I will issue a 1h ban>1day ban>2day ban>1week ban>1month ban> permanent ban
Camping – I will give out a warning, and if the suspect keep’s camping, I will issue a slay. If the user keeps repeating this offense, I will issue a 8h ban>1day ban>2day ban>1week ban>1month ban
Please give any other information you might think is useful for us to know.

My playtime and activity
I have been an active member of the Blackwonder community since late 2017 and I was a donor for 1 month. I never abused during my time as a donor. Whenever I saw a rulebreaker, I would try to punish them with the power I had access to. My forum account was created around late 2017 and I have since been active on the forum till today. Around at the summer of 2018, I took a short break but came back after gaining interest again in the community servers of TF2.

I am unknown when it comes to coding, maps etc.

I have played TF2 for about 4 years consisting of playing Dr, VSH and JB mainly.

My bans and comms
Here is my bans
https://bans.blackwonder.tf/index.php?p=banlist&advSearch=STEAM_0:1:109261075 &advType=steamid
And here is my comm blocks
https://bans.blackwonder.tf/index.php?p=commslist&advSearch=STEAM_0:1:109261075 &advType=steamid

My bans: The freekill was 1 year ago and I can confirm that I have learned from it as I haven’t got any punishments related to free killings since. I made an appeal for the other punishment I got, and got unbanned. Here's my appeal: https://blackwonder.tf/threads/vicks-ban-appeal.7324/

My comms: All of these comms was slim and the only one that was initiated in 2018 was an accidental votemute by a Donor.

This was my previous Application: https://blackwonder.tf/threads/admin-application-from-vick.8469/
I declined it myself due to lacking confidence. However, I am willing to improve on the things I lacked before in this application.

I was a bit toxic in the early 2018 where I would change names to suspicious names intentionally and I would easily get in flame wars with people I disagreed with, instead of just stopping at the beginning of our arguments. I can however, confidently state that I have changed and won’t get in any trouble like I used to. I own an alt account I use rarely. (https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198809666591) I often to play on VSH or JB on this account. There’s no malicious intention behind it, just fun. Sometimes I forget to log back to my main account, which is why it has as much hours as it has.

This is my discord tag: Vick#5957
If you need any information, this can also be a way to contact me.

These are my logs: https://tfstats.tf/player/1020

If there is anything you want cleared up, I’ll try my best to answer your questions. I am consistently willing to improve so criticism regarding my application is always welcomed!

Thank you for reading my Application.
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Aug 17, 2017
Nice and thicc, just the way I like it.

Haven't read this yet, but I just wanted to say thank you and good job for putting in a lot of effort into this application. It really shows that you're taking this very seriously.

Good luck!
Thank you, and I hope I don't disappoint you.
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Deleted member 3276

I've known Vick for a year now and I have never had a bad experience with him. Vick is very nice and trustworthy, he would make a great admin!


Deleted member 2049

I have no reason to not support you, your attitude is very calm and friendly. I do not have any complaints nor have I heard complaints about you, so I am happy to give you a big thicc +Support




Aug 17, 2017
I have no reason to not support you, your attitude is very calm and friendly. I do not have any complaints nor have I heard complaints about you, so I am happy to give you a big thicc +Support
Thanc for the support! Much appreciated.
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Eggstremely Eggceptional
Dec 3, 2017
Vick Is very active and plays whenever he can, he is nice and I haven't experienced any bad things about him. Plus he makes a lot of reports which is great.


Professional Nap Taker
Staff Member
Feb 2, 2017
Hi Vick.

I just wanted to say that most (if not all) admins are proud and glad to have seen you improve over the years you've been here. Hope to see you very soon on the admin team.

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