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Accepted Egg's Admin Application

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Eggstremely Eggceptional
Dec 3, 2017
User name: Egg


Your Age


Your SteamID

Have you managed servers previously? No

Which servers have you previously managed? None.

On what servers do you usually play on? Mostly on Blackwonder | Trade Minecraft, Blackwonder | 2fort and Blackwonder LA | Combat surf, but I play on Blackwonder | Jailbreak and Blackwonder LA | Jailbreak aswell. I can also occasionally be seen on Blackwonder | Minecraft World.

Why would you like to become an admin? One of the reasons I want to become an admin is because I play a lot on Blackwonder | Trade Minecraft, this server really lacks admins, there come a lot of people on there everyday which naturally means rulebreakers. I usually will try to report them, but you can't always catch everything on recording or screenshot it where it still makes sense, and most of the reports just lay there for days and weeks without getting resolved. Which is why I would like to become an admin, to help with these problems, whether it be going through reports or solving conflicts in game. Another reason is that I play Jailbreak, now Jailbreak is generally full of toxic people, and people who don't know the rules. There are only two admins I see on EU Jailbreak almost everyday, Pkay and Ducklurch. Now if you think about it, that's not a lot, the EU Jailbreak reaches up to 32/32 on almost daily basis, usually only one of these admins are on at once, and I don't think that one admin looking out for 31 other players is enough, many things can happen at once and it can be hard to deal with all the problems if there is just one admin. I am on Jailbreak almost everyday ranging anywhere from 3 to 6 hours and I can always come on if there are any problems since I know the rules very well, at least I think so myself. Then there is 2fort. 2fort can have some people I wouldn't necessarily call toxic, just annoying. People that spam their lenny binds, or spam things like "Fuck you camper!!!111!" Salty people with binds or copy-pastes. There are some occasional hackers too, but I feel like this is very rare. I have only seen about 4 on 2fort. Then there is Blackwonder | Minecraft World. Like I said, I don't play this often but sometimes I feel like it, and hop on the server. The only rulebreakers I've really seen on there are people who talk a foreign language in voice chat, it actually surprises me how many Russians come on there. The thing is when one Russian kid starts screaming cyka blyat in voice chat, there will usually be another Russian kid who'll be like "Oh you're Russian too? Let's swear at these none-Russian noobs." and then there will be a lot of screams and Russian swear words. This is just an example, and it's not all Russian people who come on, but it's rare that there are people who speak English in mic now that I think about it. What I'm trying to say is that I just want to help Blackwonders servers become "cleaner", and more enjoyable for people to play on. I know there will always be rule breakers and annoying, toxic people, but I want to help lessen the amount of them.

Do you know and have spoken to any of the current staff members? Yes

If you do know and have spoken to any staff members, please tell us their names These are the staff members that I feel like are my friends. Will5023, Kiryoto, Melectrome, DuckLurch, Overkill, Pkay and Cinnamon. If you want to get removed from this list feel free to message me or reply saying so. I added Overkill out of respect for him, I know he is no longer admin but I felt it'd be wrong to exclude him.

When are you usually available to play? CEST UTC +2. Weekdays would be from around 3 PM to 8 PM, Weekends around 11 AM to 10 PM. I can still be active on the Forums, Discord and on Steam after this time but I cannot be in-game. (I will be getting a new computer this summer, so I can most likely be active later than those times in-game as well.)

Please give us your ideal way of punishing players, specific to the game modes you play

General Rules

Spamming in voice chat- Warn them, then depending on how bad it is > 1 hour mute > 8 hour mute > 12 hour mute > 1 day mute > 4 day mute > 1 week mute > 1 month mute > Permanent mute. If they have a long list of previous mutes the punishment will be worse.

Foreign language in voice chat- Tell them that only English is allowed in voice chat, but they can talk whichever language they want in chat. If they then continue to talk a foreign language in voice chat > 8 hour mute > 12 hour mute > 1 day mute > 4 day mute > 1 week mute > 1 month mute > Permanent mute.

Earrape, songs and screaming in voice chat- 1 day mute > 4 day mute > 1 week mute > 1 month mute > Permanent mute. The reason I jump straight to 1 day mute with no warning is that the people who do these kinds of things obviously know what they're doing.

Using a voice changer- I will ask them to stop using it if they continue to use the voice changer > 1 day mute > 4 day mute > 1 week mute > 1 month mute > Permanent mute.

Spamming in chat- Warn them, then depending on what it is and how bad it is > 1 hour gag > 8 hour gag > 12 hour gag > 1 day gag > 4 day gag > 1 week gag > 1 month gag > Permanent gag.

Player disrespect- Warn them, then depending on how bad it is > 1 hour gag/mute > 8 hour gag/mute > 12 hour gag/mute > 1 day gag/mute > 4 day gag/mute > 1 week gag/mute > 1 month gag/mute > Permanent gag/mute.

Racism- 1 day gag/mute > 4 day gag/mute > 1 week gag/mute > 1 month gag/mute > Permanent gag/mute.

Hacking- Record a demo of them, watch it over to make sure they really are hacking and with enough evidence, Permanent Ban.

Exploiting- Ask them to stop and if they fail to listen depending on the exploit and how bad it was > 12 hour ban > 1 day ban > 4 day ban > 1 week ban > 1 month ban > Permanent ban.

Advertising hacks- 6 month gag > Permanent gag.

Calling out an admin- If it was by accident and they didn't know they were doing wrong, no punishment just a warning. If it was on purpose, 2 day silence > 4 day silence > 1 week silence > 1 month silence > Permanent silence.

Calladmin abuse- Depending on how bad it was, and if they have any previous bans for abusing calladmin > 12 hour ban > 1 day ban > 4 day ban > 1 week ban > 1 month ban > Permanent ban.

Innapropriate spray- Permanent sprayban.

AFK- They will get moved to spectator.

Donor abuse- First record a demo of them donor abusing and send it to Benedevil for them to get their powers removed, then either a 2 week ban, 1 month ban or permanent ban. This is all depending on how bad it was and if they have any previous bans for the same thing.

Admin abuse- Again, record a demo of them abusing and send it to Benedevil for them to get their powers removed.

Admin impersonation- Warn them to stop impersonating, if they continue > 4 day gag/mute > 1 week gag/mute > 1 month gag/mute > Permanent gag/mute. If they have an admin tag in their name and do not remove it when asked, 4 day ban > 1 week ban > 1 month ban > Permanent ban.

Spawn camping- Warn them, if they continue > 12 hour ban > 1 day ban > 4 day ban > 1 week ban > 1 month ban.

Inappropriate Objector- Warn them that it is not allowed on Blackwonder, if they don't remove it, 4 hour ban. If see them having it equipt again, 2 day ban.

Jailbreak Rules

Talking over admin during mic check- Warn them, if they continue to talk over > 30 minute mute > 1 hour mute > 8 hour mute > 12 hour mute > 1 day mute > 4 day mute > 1 week mute > 1 month mute > Permanent mute.

Talking over warden- Warn them, if they fail to listen > 1 hour mute > 8 hour mute > 12 hour mute > 1 day mute > 4 day mute > 1 week mute > 1 month mute > Permanent mute.

Armory camping- Ask them to leave armory, if they stay there > Slay.

Delaying- Ask them to stop delaying the round and do what they're supposed to do, if they keep delaying > Slay.

Ghosting- 1 hour gag/mute > 8 hour gag/mute > 12 hour gag/mute > 1 day gag/mute > 4 day gag/mute > 1 week gag/mute > 1 month gag/mute > Permanent gag/mute.

Sticky trapping- Ask them to detonate them, if they don't do so > Slay > 6 hour ban > 12 hour ban > 1 day ban > 4 day ban > 1 week ban > 1 month ban.

Latespawning- Ask them to slay themselves and if they don't do so > Slay > 8 hour ban > 12 hour ban > 1 day ban > 4 day ban > 1 week ban > 1 month ban.

Camping or just being in an unreachable area- Ask them to get out and if it's somewhere you can't get out of once you've gone in, > Slay > 8 hour ban > 12 hour ban > 1 day ban > 4 day ban > 1 week ban > 1 month ban.

Red Team

Freeday Griefing- Slay.

Ammo glitching- Instant kick. If I see that they ammo glitch again or if there is any proof that they ammo glitched on purpose > 12 hour ban > 1 day ban > 4 day ban > 1 week ban > 1 month ban.

Blue Team

No mic/Inaudible mic- I'll give them a permanent teamban and tell them when they have gotten a new mic/fixed their mic they can appeal.

Freekilling- Respawn the red that died and ask the blue to slay themselves, if they don't do so explain to them why it was a freekill, after that if they do not slay themselves > 2 day teamban > 4 day teamban > 1 week teamban > 1 month teamban > Permanent teamban. (Depending on previous punishments and if they continue to freekill.)

Mass freekill- 1 week ban > 2 week ban > Permanent teamban. This all depends on if they have any previous offenses for mass freekill.

Freehitting- Warn them not to do it again, if they do it again > Slay. If they then continue to freehit or mass freehit > 2 day teamban > 4 day teamban.

Going away from warden without their permission- Ask them to return to the warden, if I have to ask them multiple times and they are aware of what they're doing, > 1 day teamban > 4 day teamban > 1 week teamban > 1 month teamban > Permanent teamban.

Team killing (4+ blues)- Respawn the blues who died and punish the person who killed them. > 1 day teamban > 4 day teamban > 1 week teamban > 1 month teamban > Permanent teamban.

Disguising- Ask them to undisguise themselves if they don't do so > Slay. If they disguise any the rounds after and do not undisguise immediately > 2 day teamban.

Favourtism- Slay > 1 hour teamban > 8 hour teamban > 12 hour teamban > 1 day teamban > 4 day teamban > 1 week teamban > 1 month teamban > Permanent teamban.

Griefing- Slay > 2 day teamban > 4 day teamban > 1 week teamban > 1 month teamban > Permanent teamban.

Teaming when it's a FFA- Ask them not to team, if they continue to team slay the teamers.


Illegal FF- Turn FF off and then > 8 hour teamban > 12 hour teamban > 1 day teamban > 4 day teamban > 1 week teamban > 1 month teamban > Permanent teamban. This is all depending on how many people died, and if it was intended or not.

Not giving repeats- Ask them to repeat, if they don't repeat > Slay.

Unwilling to be warden- Force-warden them, if they then unwarden again > 12 hour teamban > 1 day teamban > 4 day teamban > 1 week teamban > 1 month teamban > Permanent teamban.

Renaming- Tell them that it is not allowed, if they then later try to rename again > 8 hour teamban > 12 hour teamban > 1 day teamban > 4 day teamban > 1 week teamban > 1 month teamban.

Warden hogging- Ask them to unwarden, if they don't unwarden > Slay.

Lying- Slay > 8 hour teamban > 1 day teamban > 4 day teamban > 1 week teamban > 1 month teamban > Permanent teamban.

Giving trick orders- Tell them that it is not allowed, if they keep insisting that it is and trying to make reds fall for it > 12 hour teamban > 1 day teamban > 4 day teamban > 1 week teamban > 1 month teamban > Permanent teamban.

Trade Rules

Scamming/Sharking- With enough evidence, permanent ban.

Advertising paid raffles- Tell them that it is not allowed if they continue to advertise > 1 day gag/mute > 4 day gag/mute. If they're doing it through names or trades, 1 day ban.

Begging- Warn them, if they continue to beg > 1 day gag/mute > 4 day gag/mute > 1 week gag/mute > 1 month gag/mute > Permanent gag/mute.

Randomly trading people- Ask them to stop randomly trading people, if I see they continue > 2 day ban.

Is there any other information you would like us to know about? Please give any other information you might think is useful for us to know. First, of, I have applied before and you can check out my previous application here https://blackwonder.tf/threads/admin-application-from-egg.10970/ I asked Overkill to close it down due to some personal problems I had at the time. Soon after that, I made a thread saying I'd be leaving Jailbreak, mostly because many of my friends that played it had left as well, and it was starting to get a lot more toxic than it used to be. I did quit Jailbreak, but I ended up leaving TF2 and Blackwonder all together for about a month, in that month I just played a lot of single-player games, watched videos and I was a lot on Overkill's discord. I then came back to TF2, after having completed most of the games I liked a couple of times, and really having nothing else to do. Then I came back to Blackwonder and Jailbreak (Yes, I play Jailbreak again just not as much.) and developed an interest in trade servers. I'm happy I took that one month break, I was getting very bored of TF2. I also have quite a few comm blocks, 7 to be exact. You can look at those here https://bans.blackwonder.tf/index.php?p=commslist&advSearch=STEAM_0:1:124278894&advType=steam most of them are from when I had no idea that the server had rules and thought there were only a couple of servers, but then I took a long break from TF2, came back learned the rules and started playing Jailbreak. Some of them are from after my break though, like the one from Wanka and the one from Dj Ennis. Wanka's for talking over warden, (6 hour mute.) Dj Ennis's is just a standard donor mute (30 minutes mute.) I also have one ban which is for staff disrespect (1 day ban.) you can take a look at that here https://bans.blackwonder.tf/index.php?p=banlist&searchText=STEAM_0:1:124278894&Submit=Search. Also here is my discord tag in case you need it to message me or anything else: Egg#6310. This is everything that I think you can use if I'm missing anything you would like to know about feel free to either message me or reply with it.
This part of the application isn't so important, it's just some things about me that I thought some of you might enjoy reading.
I live in a camping pod https://traehygge.dk/141-large_default/luksus-camping-pod-55m.jpg (Mine actually looks exactly like that.) The internet out there is really bad though so I can't play TF2 or any other games I can easily be on Discord, Steam and on the Forums. Though I might sometimes lose connection completely for 2-5 minutes most of the time it's okay. I know this might sound a bit strange but we don't have a lot of space in our main house and we're a lot of people, and it's just like a one-room house with no bathroom. I added this mostly because some people are confused when I say, "I have to go to my house." Though I am sometimes lucky and the connection is good enough for me to play TF2, but when I'm out there you shouldn't count on me always being able to join a server. I also love sorting big things out, fx Large sets of colors, long lists of things. I'd be happy to sort all admin commands out, give definitions and put them under the game modes they are most useful for if there isn't already anything like that. I don't know why I like doing this but it is just very satisfying to see it completed and sorted.
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Can fly, can fight, can crow.
Dec 19, 2016
You make plenty of reports and have been around for a long time and as far as i am aware you're well behaved and know our rules well in server i dont think you've had any reports against you that i can see. your chat logs did get a little bit toxic a while back but it looks like you've made progress on that too, you can be a little immature at times but who isn't honestly. your well known and liked by a lot of players. i dont believe there is anything against you that i can see right now against making you an admin at this current time Neutral leaning +support


Eggstremely Eggceptional
Dec 3, 2017
You make plenty of reports and have been around for a long time and as far as i am aware you're well behaved and know our rules well in server i dont think you've had any reports against you that i can see. your chat logs did get a little bit toxic a while back but it looks like you've made progress on that too, you can be a little immature at times but who isn't honestly. your well known and liked by a lot of players. i dont believe there is anything against you that i can see right now against making you an admin at this current time Neutral leaning +support
First off, the chat logs, I am very aware that I was an extremely toxic person, it was because at the time I thought I could say whatever I wanted online, I then realized that I couldn't do that for many reasons, for one it was unacceptable to say those kinds of things, and another thing was I would never say that to someone in real life, so why should I do it here? And yes, I can be a bit immature sometimes but as you said, who isn't from time to time? Thank you for taking time out of your day to reply to my app. :)


Professional Nap Taker
Staff Member
Feb 2, 2017
I'm here to do a quick drive by to revive this application.

Your application is well made and I don't see any issues with it. As far as I'm aware, you haven't been in any serious problems and I think you have improve since your last application.

I'm going to be neutral for now because I don't really know you and I don't see you as often. Good luck!


Eggstremely Eggceptional
Dec 3, 2017
I'm here to do a quick drive by to revive this application.

Your application is well made and I don't see any issues with it. As far as I'm aware, you haven't been in any serious problems and I think you have improve since your last application.

I'm going to be neutral for now because I don't really know you and I don't see you as often. Good luck!
Thank you for the kind words, I think the reason you don't see me that much might be because of the difference in our timezones? Anyway, I'd be happy to get to know you better if you're up for it, just hit me up when I'm online and we can play/talk together. :D And thank you for giving your opinion on my application. (For now.)

Noodle ball

Beef Flavored
Feb 19, 2017
It seems that people have glossed over your punishments section possibly because it is massive compared to others so I will be pointing out the problems.

First of all. it is very inconsistent with punishment times causing them to be dynamic or flat out not make sense with some being otherwise major offences to be tiny while smaller one are ridiculous.

Teaming when it's a FFA- Ask them not to team, if they continue to team slay the teamers.
This type of thing shouldn't be punishable as if the reds team when they shouldn't it should be the blu's job to kill them and not you.
Vote dodging- Double the punishment they should've received if it was a kick, 1 hour ban.
First off, you should be taking care of the comm problems if you are on and not the donors so you should put your own punishment instead of allowing the donors to do a vote and give said person an opportunity to evade it (doubling a votegag or votemute would just be an hour). The votekick evade = a ban doesn't make much sense as if they are getting votekicked (again should be on you to do these things before the opportunity for a vote happens) and they disconnect, that was the whole point of a votekick in the first place.
Freehitting- Warn them not to do it again, if they do it again > Slay. If they then continue to freehit or mass freehit > 4 day teamban. I know you might think this is harsh, but if I already warned them then they should know what they're doing and are clearly just trolling or do not know the rules. 4 days should be plenty of time for them to catch up on the rules or realize that trolling doesn't go unpunished.
You can say this for quite literally any other punishment yet for some reason freehitting is singled out resulting in you potentially giving 4 day teambans for it while something like an actual freekill is just 1 day.
Team killing- Slay the blue that teamkilled and respawn the blue who died, if more than one blue died > 1 hour teamban > 8 hour teamban > 1 day teamban > 4 day teamban > 1 week teamban > 1 month teamban > Permanent teamban.
Absurdly low time and it says "if more than one blue died > 1 hour teamban > etc." meaning that only if they kill 2+ blu's they will receive an actual punishment.
Spamming trade binds- 1 hour gag > 8 hour gag > 12 hour gag > 1 day gag > 4 day gag > 1 week gag > 1 month gag >Permanent gag.
This is completely pointless to put in as you already listed a spamming in chat punishment which is exactly this down to the time lengths besides there is no warning.

Those are just some I wanted to point out and go into detail with but there are many others to talk about like Exploiting and Ammo Glitching, ammo glitching is an exploit yet it is taken far more serious than exploiting in general and the Inappropriate Objector punishment being stricter than exploiting and call abuse just makes no sense at all.

You do make a lot of reports and are very active but to me it seems like the application itself is Fool's Gold having it look to be magnificent with its length but in the end it is plagued with dragged out sections and white space thus making me neutral but leaning -support.


Can fly, can fight, can crow.
Dec 19, 2016
To be fair though once someone becomes admin their punishments do tend to alter and become more in line with the rest of us I mean look at mine lol I was starting people off at a 2 hour comm block on that :’)


Eggstremely Eggceptional
Dec 3, 2017
Egg said:
Teaming when it's a FFA- Ask them not to team, if they continue to team slay the teamers.

This type of thing shouldn't be punishable as if the reds team when they shouldn't it should be the blu's job to kill them and not you.
I will remove it from general jailbreak rules section and put it in the blues only one since I can see that blues might be able to kill teaming reds but I don't think reds will be able to kill teaming blues easily. Let's take midas day as an example, everyone is stripped to melee and neither blues nor reds can get ammo. Now I don't think that the reds would have much of a chance against a group of teaming blues with crits, especially since most people pick classes with lots of health, such as heavy and soldier, if a heavy, soldier and let's say a demoman were teaming, they'd be like almost unstoppable death machines, a heavy with 300 hp and 100% crits, a soldier with 200 hp also with 100% crits and a demoman with 175 hp and 100% crits, they'd be extremely hard for the reds to kill. And even classes with less hp would be pretty hard to kill because they'd still have crits.

Egg said:
Vote dodging- Double the punishment they should've received if it was a kick, 1 hour ban.

First off, you should be taking care of the comm problems if you are on and not the donors so you should put your own punishment instead of allowing the donors to do a vote and give said person an opportunity to evade it (doubling a votegag or votemute would just be an hour). The votekick evade = a ban doesn't make much sense as if they are getting votekicked (again should be on you to do these things before the opportunity for a vote happens) and they disconnect, that was the whole point of a votekick in the first place.
I'll remove the vote dodging punishments since yes, it doesn't make sense to have them there since I am supposed to be taking care of the problems anyway, I just didn't see that before for some reason.

Egg said:
Freehitting- Warn them not to do it again, if they do it again > Slay. If they then continue to freehit or mass freehit > 4 day teamban. I know you might think this is harsh, but if I already warned them then they should know what they're doing and are clearly just trolling or do not know the rules. 4 days should be plenty of time for them to catch up on the rules or realize that trolling doesn't go unpunished.

You can say this for quite literally any other punishment yet for some reason freehitting is singled out resulting in you potentially giving 4 day teambans for it while something like an actual freekill is just 1 day.
I'll change my punishment for freekilling to make it more than just one day.

Egg said:
Team killing- Slay the blue that teamkilled and respawn the blue who died, if more than one blue died > 1 hour teamban > 8 hour teamban > 1 day teamban > 4 day teamban > 1 week teamban > 1 month teamban > Permanent teamban.

Absurdly low time and it says "if more than one blue died > 1 hour teamban > etc." meaning that only if they kill 2+ blu's they will receive an actual punishment.
I'll change that to 4+ blues and edit a bit on the length, thank you for pointing this out.

Egg said:
Spamming trade binds- 1 hour gag > 8 hour gag > 12 hour gag > 1 day gag > 4 day gag > 1 week gag > 1 month gag >Permanent gag.

This is completely pointless to put in as you already listed a spamming in chat punishment which is exactly this down to the time lengths besides there is no warning.
I can see how that's pointless and I don't really know why I added it, I will be sure to remove it.

Those are just some I wanted to point out and go into detail with but there are many others to talk about like Exploiting and Ammo Glitching, ammo glitching is an exploit yet it is taken far more serious than exploiting in general and the Inappropriate Objector punishment being stricter than exploiting and call abuse just makes no sense at all.
I'll be sure to look into these punishments as well as check for others like these and the ones above. Thank you very much for replying to my application and pointing out some of my mistakes, it helps me improve. :D Also, just in case you were wondering, the reason I have the things you quoted from my application copypasted is because they didn't appear when I clicked the reply button. (Sorry my replies to the things you were saying were kind of emotionless and robotic, I couldn't think of better ways to put them.)


Blackwonder's Own
Staff Member
Aug 7, 2016
Your chatlogs were less than great last year, and I waited to see if they would continue to be clean before adding much of a comment here.

I think with some guidance, you would make a good admin.


Staff Member
Dec 3, 2016
Advertising hacks- 4 day gag > 1 week gag > 1 month gag > Permanent gag.
Just perm or one long punishment before perm if you're nice.
Sticky trapping- Ask them to detonate them, if they don't do so > Slay.

Latespawning- Ask them to slay themselves and if they don't do so > Slay.
And if they continue?
Freekilling- Respawn the red that died and ask the blue to slay themselves, if they don't do so and feel as if they did nothing wrong or just fail to slay themselves > 2 day teamban > 4 day teamban > 1 week teamban.
Bolded what I have an issue with. As an admin, you are obliged to at least explain why something was done wrong. It doesn't necessarily have to be done in public with your admin tag on or anything, but it'll help when it comes to dealing with appeals. As evil as everyone thinks I am, if you watch me admining, after punishing someone, either myself or other people explain what was done wrong in game to the person so they are at least aware.
Trade Rules

Scamming/Sharking- With enough evidence, permanent ban.

Advertising paid raffles- Tell them that it is not allowed if they continue to advertise > 1 day gag/mute > 4 day gag/mute. If they're doing it through names or trades, 1 day ban.

Begging- Warn them, if they continue to beg > 1 day gag/mute > 4 day gag/mute > 1 week gag/mute > 1 month gag/mute > Permanent gag/mute.

Randomly trading people- Ask them to stop randomly trading people, if I see they continue > 2 day ban.
@Fish-Related Crimes could you verify please just so there aren't any misconceptions when punishing people if Egg is accepted.

No reason to just give a hard -Support; knowing what that likely means for the app.


Eggstremely Eggceptional
Dec 3, 2017
Egg said:
Advertising hacks- 4 day gag > 1 week gag > 1 month gag > Permanent gag.

Just perm or one long punishment before perm if you're nice.
Edited a bit on this, thank you for the help.

Egg said:
Sticky trapping- Ask them to detonate them, if they don't do so > Slay.

Latespawning- Ask them to slay themselves and if they don't do so > Slay.

And if they continue?
Added more to that, thank you for the help.

Egg said:
Freekilling- Respawn the red that died and ask the blue to slay themselves, if they don't do so and feel as if they did nothing wrong or just fail to slay themselves > 2 day teamban > 4 day teamban > 1 week teamban.

Bolded what I have an issue with. As an admin, you are obliged to at least explain why something was done wrong. It doesn't necessarily have to be done in public with your admin tag on or anything, but it'll help when it comes to dealing with appeals. As evil as everyone thinks I am, if you watch me admining, after punishing someone, either myself or other people explain what was done wrong in game to the person so they are at least aware.
Changed on this as well, thank you for the help and for replying to my application.
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Eggstremely Eggceptional
Dec 3, 2017
Your chatlogs were less than great last year, and I waited to see if they would continue to be clean before adding much of a comment here.

I think with some guidance, you would make a good admin.
As I said before I am aware that my chatlogs were very toxic and rude last year, but I can assure you I have changed for the better and left all of the unnecessary toxicity behind me, thank you for replying to my application.


Blackwonder's Own
Staff Member
Aug 7, 2016
Hi Egg, I hope you are planning an amazing weekend. We have had a few DMs to clear up a thing or two. Additionally, there appears to be a rather clear line when you decided to act in a more mature manner on the servers. This makes it much easier to trust that you will acclimate to find your place with the team. You are going to be bombarded with some emails shortly to help you get started (get ready for some reading), but let me be the first person to get to say "Welcome to the team". We all look forward to working with you. Accepted



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