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Completed Store Credits

Daddy Puddin'

Truly Feared
Dec 10, 2017
So, as of this moment, you can gain credits by doing the following:

1. Selling items to the Storebot (which is slightly broken at the moment).
2. Spending time in-game and it'll automatically give you credits every x amount of time.
3. Doing contracts (fuck winning rounds).

Now, I'm not sure if this has been suggested before or if it's being planned now that TFS is properly working but, what about giving credits for kills or doing other "things" in-game?

Obviously, not 1 kill = 1 credit because that would just be abused and farmed and less people would donate to the Storebot.

This kills the Storebot economy.

Maybe 10 kills = 1 credit or 15 kills, whatever. The numbers can always be tuned to motivate people to actually play the game and not AFK and take up spots on the server (Trade servers, I'm looking at you).

As for the other "things"; maybe getting MVP at the end of the round (thinking of Dodgeball and any other maps where the round actually ends) would give you 1-3 credits depending on your position (MVP #1 - #2 - #3). Also maybe from doing "uncommon" actions such as airshooting someone (that isn't very rare, but it's just an example, I'm sure we can think of something else).

I'd add a poll but I'd rather people discuss this suggestion instead of just ticking yes or no.

Thank, God bless.

General Zimmer

Store Manager


Sep 28, 2017
I don't think this is a good idea if this were to be implemented, because if all the servers had the same amount of credits like 1 credit = 10 kills, the amount of credits depends on not only how well you're doing, but also what server you're playing on.

This would make a huge difference in the income of each individual player. It is possible to make the income not increase too much if you replaced this with contracts. But people that play for a longer period of time will have a higher income of credits because contracts have x amount per day.

Daddy Puddin'

Truly Feared
Dec 10, 2017
I don't think this is a good idea if this were to be implemented, because if all the servers had the same amount of credits like 1 credit = 10 kills, the amount of credits depends on not only how well you're doing, but also what server you're playing on.

That's the beauty of custom plugins; you can fine-tune every single setting to your liking. This suggestion was for people who actually play the game and not idle/afk for credits. It is a reward-based credit system and of course, depending on what server you're playing on, you'll get more or less credits per 10/15/20 kills, however many kills it is.

The point of the suggestion is to give an incentive to actually play the game instead of, like I've said before, idling for credits.

This would make a huge difference in the income of each individual player. It is possible to make the income not increase too much if you replaced this with contracts. But people that play for a longer period of time will have a higher income of credits because contracts have x amount per day.

As I said, this suggestion isn't supposed to "sustain" or give players an income. It's a reward, unlike idling.
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Daddy Puddin'

Truly Feared
Dec 10, 2017
It can be farmed with some friends, i don't think is a good idea. Imagine 4 ppl going on an empty ctf_2fort (or any free deathmatch server) just to come back out with a lot of metal. (Unless you raise the price to something about 100000 credits per 1 scrap).
Atleast the contract is limited once per day.

The pricing system could be revamped, yes, or you could make it so you need a minimum amount of people for the plugin (higher than 4, obviously) to actually start giving you credits per x amount of kills.
You can also lower the amount of credits (or in this case, raise the amount of kills needed per credit) based on the amount of people on the server:
32 people = 1 credit per 15 kills
16 people = 1 credit per 30 kills
8 people = 1 credit per 45 kills
Maybe even lower the amount of credits (again, raise the amount of kills needed) if the plugin detects you killing the same person over and over again (of course, this could be avoided by just getting two different people, but I'm just brainstorming some ideas here).


Jun 18, 2017
What I would like to see are more contracts, contracts with different payouts per difficulty (hard contracts give better rewards), and "long term" objectives (like "Get 10000 kills. Payout: 1000 credits)


Staff Member
Dec 3, 2016
Sounds doable and fun once Bene and Noodl are motivated to set parameters for every single kill situation for every single game mode and stuff.


Can fly, can fight, can crow.
Dec 19, 2016
if people are afk on trade servers they're probably... trading as that's what they're for, but discounting that it seems like an alright idea once it's balanced right though it could encourage credit farming/boosting between friends


Something Else
Staff Member


Feb 24, 2016
I had an idea for a TFS module once it has a website and is totally functional *cough @Benedevil :

A monthly 'lottery' of sorts, you gain a 'ticket' or something for being in the top 3/5/10 of each server per week, and at the end, the 3 winners get a credit pool or something similar.

Another plan I had was to extend store by adding server seeding - that is the first 4 players to join a server which then reaches 8/12+ players or whatever will get double credits for the rest of their playtime.

The issue with awarding credits per TFS event is that I can't protect that from abuse, which would be inevitable if people already idle for credits.

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