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Declined Admin Application from Duck Lurch

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Duck Lurch

Somewhat Threatening
Staff Member
May 22, 2017
Personal Information


Your Age


Your SteamID

Server Information

Have you managed servers previously?

If Yes, which ones?

Are you familiar with admin commands?

On which servers do you usually play?
JailBreak EU
DeathRun #2

Application Questions

Why do you want to become an admin?
I want to become an admin because we definetely have a lack of admin activity especially on the JB server. I want to change something and improve the BW-community! We have so many nice admins but most of them are not active. I am trying to be as active as possible

Do you know any of our current staff members?

If Yes, please tell us the their names.
will5023, Pkay, Benedevil

Please tell us when you usually play and are available.
I play almost every day from 6pm to 8pm or longer in winter: UTC+01:00 in summer: UTC+02:00

How would you go about punishing a hacker, spammer, simple rulebreaker, etc?
*General Rules*

Spamming chat: First i'll ask them politely to stop. If they not stop gag for: 15 / 30 / 60 / 360 / 1440 / 10080 / 20160 / 43800 / permanent.
Spamming mic : First i'll ask them politely to stop. If they not stop mute for: 1440 / 10080 / 20160 / 43800 / permanent.
Foreign language: First i'll ask them politely to stop. If they not stop mute for: 30 / 60 / 120 / 720 / 1440 / 10080 / 20160 / permanent.
Racism: 1 day gag or mute than 3 day gag or mute than 1 week gag or mute than 2 week gag or mute and finaly permanent gag or mute.
Pornography spray: permanent spray-ban.
Exploiting: slay with one warning. If they continue: ban for 60 / 120 / 720 / 1440 / 10080 / 20160 / 43800 / permanent.
Hacking: I'll start recording so i have a prove and than perma ban when i am sure they are hacking.
Advertising hacks: i'll start to record and i'll spectate the guy the most time they are hacking too. If he/she is only advertising hacks than he/she will end in a perma silence, if he/she is hacking too than he/she will end in a perma ban.
Shouting out the admin when he wants to be under cover: 60 / 120 / 720 / 1440 / 10080 / 20160 / 43800 / permanent.

*Jailbreak Rules*

Over-talking an admin during a mic check: I'll say them before i'll give a mic check, over-talking over me will end in a mute. If they not hear they will end up in a mute: 30 / 60 / 120 / 720 / 1440 / 10080 / 20160 / Permanent.
Talking over warden giving orders: I'll ask them politely to stop. If they not stop mute for: 30 / 60 / 120 / 720 / 1440 / 10080 / 20160 / permanent.
Armory Camping: I'll warn them. If they not leave amory they will end up in a slay.
Delaying the round: if the person is ot rebelling or hunting for example a rebeller they will end up after one warning with a slay.
Ghosting: I'll warn the person who ghosted. If he/she continues they will end up in a mute/gag for: 30 / 60 / 120 / 720 / 1440 / 10080 / 20160 / permanent.
Sticky Trapping: I'll ask the person politely to remove the sticky trap without an accident. If the person doesn't react, he/ she will end up with a slay.
Latespawn: I'll ask the person to slay him-/herself if the person doesn't react he/she will receive a slay.
Ammo Glitching: If the guy does it on purpose he/she will receive a ban for: 60 / 120 / 720 / 1440 / 10080 / 20160 / 43800 / permanent.
Being AFK: he/she will receive a kick from the server.

*Red-Team Specific Jailbreak Rules*

Freeday abuse: he/she will receive a warning. If he/she continues he/she will be slayed.

*Blue-Team Specific Jailbreak Rules*

Non-working mic : I'll tell the guy with the non-working mic to stay out of team blue. If he/she stays he/she will receive a perma teamban. If he/she has a bether mic he/she can tell me this and i'll remove his/her teamban.
Freehit: I'll tell the guy who freehits to stop otherwise he/she will end up in a slay. If he/she continues next round he/she will end up with one day ban.
Freekill: if he/she doesn't slay him-/herself i'll slay him/her and tell him/her to stop. If he/she continues(if it's on purpose) he/she will end up with a one day ban from the server.
Mass freekill (4 people and more): Directly a slay if he/she doesn't slay him-/herself. If it was on purpose he/she will get a permanent teamban or a 1 week ban from the server.
Not with warden: I'll ask politely if he/she could return to the warden. If he/she doesn't react I'll slay him/her.
Team killing: I'll give them a chance to slay theirselfs. If they not react or continue they will end up with a permanent teamban.
Favoritism: I'll ask politely to stop. If they not stop they will end up with a one day teamban.
Griefing: directly slay. If they continue they will receive a 1 week ban.
No mic : I'll ask politely the guy to leave team blue if he/she doesn't react he/she will receive a permanent teamban. If they can prove, they have a mic they can tell me this and I'll remove their teamban.
Denial of LR: The killer will receive a teamban and the killed person will receive a freeday.

*Warden Specific Jailbreak Rules*

Tricky orders: I'll tell the warden to change the order to a possible one. If the warden doesn't react he will get a slay.
Illegal FF: I'll turn off "FF" and if someone got killed I'll slay the warden if he/she doesn't slay his-/herself. He/she will end up with a 5h team ban.
Illegal orders/lieing: I'll tell the warden to give normal orders or to stop liing. Otherwise he/she will end with a slay.
Unwardening from server-selected warden: I'll ask them if they have a mic if yes they will receive a slay of not they will receive a permanent teamban. After the illegal unwardening I'll force someone to become warden.
Not repeating: I'll tell them to give repeats and if not, they will end up with a slay.
Warden hogging: I'll unwarden them with my power and tell them not to hog warden if they continue they will receive a slay or a guard ban.
Illegal days/games: I'll warn them to not do an illegal day. If they continue, they will end up with a slay or teamban.

Please give any other information you might think is useful for us to know.
I have a lot of comm blocks. In the past I was a kid screaming and crying like everyone but I changed and I promised I will never scream or cry anymore!

Edit: added colors; big letters to punishments; headings bigger
Edit: removed smily

Edit: changed freekill-punishments (thanks Overkill)
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a byte
May 9, 2017
Shouting out the admin when he wants to be under cover
Did you just assume my gender? jkjk.

Alright, all jokes aside, I guess I'll start off by saying your app looks pretty good. Your reasoning for being an admin is sort of generic and short in my opinion, but it still has a nice touch to it and gets straight to the point which I like so it looks fine to me.

+ Well written app with good understanding of rules (a few grammatical errors but I'm pretty sure English isn't your first language so its fine)
+ Played with you a couple of times. You're a good fellow in my opinion, and when I played with you today you were respectful to the others even while I was undercover so props for that.

~ If you could, could you expand the Please give any other information you might think is useful for us to know. part? I feel like there's more you can say. Just try not to leave anything out, most of the admins here will dig deep trust me.
~ Forum Activity can use some work.

- Harsh punishments: Perma-Teamban for simple freekill is way to harsh. Normally I'll teamban for 60 minutes (a whole map) if accidental and one day if on purpose.
- Way too many comm-blocks. This isn't a straight con but having a lot of comm-blocks paints a bad picture of you. But on the bright side it's been close to 4 months since your last mute and gag
so I can believe you've changed.
- No successful reports. Having evidence is something admins must do, and making reports is a good way to show that you know how to record demos and increases your message count to show activity. It's a win-win situation.

There's probably more stuff (plus pending on chat logs) but I'll leave some ammo for the other admins (especially that Jimbo, he's a mean one). I'm going ~Neutral. Everything said here should be heeded. And if anyone has a problem with what I've written you can message me about it. Or post it here. Whatever floats your boat.



Staff Member
Dec 3, 2016
Overkill’s response makes me cringe because of that pros cons list *flashbacks that overkill doesn’t get*

but I'll leave some ammo for the other admins (especially that Jimbo, he's a mean one).


From what I’ve seen, to be honest I think you’re kind of a dolt which may stem from English not being your first language (which is also one of my big gripes with having new admins), *insert spheal about how language -> communication -> very important for admin*. I haven’t seen you nearly enough recently to make an accurate judgement on your state now which even with our limited interaction, there should be at least a little more meaningful discord and forums interaction.

Your word choice/convections are poor in some places (and by that I mean mostly the single over consistency that you can refer to “he she” as “they” generally after mentioning it occasionally).

Use a free grammar checker, it’ll make you look much more professional and takes just a few minutes.

I’m on mobile so I can’t formally write up an essay on your existence at Blackwonder (logs blocks bans appeals why I’m too tired to use commas etc) until Tuesday the earliest.

Apologies for the mostly rude and purposefully difficult to understand response. I’m on my edge period right now and this is more of a notes response for me to formulate something concise next week. *spheal about professionalism*

-meh? Don’t know you a lot personally as of late



Blackwonder's Own
Staff Member
Aug 7, 2016
You were banned for 29 days last year
1 days for admin impersonation
28 days for freekilling

You had 27 Comm blocks in 2017, including 1 permanent that was successfully appealed.

I have not gone to your chat logs yet, nor have I looked for information in other communities. But if you were approved, you would have the worst sourceban record of any applicant.

Also, you've never filed a single successful report? The one I found was marked invalid.
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Can fly, can fight, can crow.
Dec 19, 2016
i'm listed as known :p so i shall respond. i'd say that the application is good and looks like it has had plenty of work put into it although listing yourself as someone who goes on DR but not listing any DR punishments isnt quite so good. i dont have anything against you however your commblocks and bans arent the best indicator of how you might act as an admin. though you do seemingly look to have changed considering how long ago those were but i dont know if we can accept someone with a sourcebans record like that simply on the point that being an admin isnt a get out of jail free card you'd need to act mature almost all the time when in servers dealing with incidents.i think i'll go with a ~NEUTRAL as well.


Who you gonna call?!
Staff Member


Jun 26, 2016
No activity on the forums, barely any activity on discord, not a single successful report, no responses to the people who have been leaving comments, a lot of comm. blocks and if @Wanka and @Pkay | Noob.tf would have considered previous punishments then you would be permabanned already.

Duck Lurch

Somewhat Threatening
Staff Member
May 22, 2017
Yes...the thing with the comm blocks is an argument against my admin application but @Buster i am really active on discord i think you haven't seen me anytime because we live in different time zones? This could be a reason you can ask @Benedevil i have talked with him and Julia a lot and the biggest problem on discord is that allmost noone is online or in voice chat and to be honest sometimes i just don't want to speak.

Duck Lurch

Somewhat Threatening
Staff Member
May 22, 2017
i'm listed as known :p so i shall respond. i'd say that the application is good and looks like it has had plenty of work put into it although listing yourself as someone who goes on DR but not listing any DR punishments isnt quite so good. i dont have anything against you however your commblocks and bans arent the best indicator of how you might act as an admin. though you do seemingly look to have changed considering how long ago those were but i dont know if we can accept someone with a sourcebans record like that simply on the point that being an admin isnt a get out of jail free card you'd need to act mature almost all the time when in servers dealing with incidents.i think i'll go with a ~NEUTRAL as well.

okey thank you @will5023 yes the point with my commblocks and bans is a good point against me and my application but as i allready mentioned people changed. Yes, okey i must say today i am still a bid loud and unmature but when you compare it with 2017 or 2016 in my opinion i changed a lot but what you think from me is the other thing so thanks will5023 for your post.

Duck Lurch

Somewhat Threatening
Staff Member
May 22, 2017
You were banned for 29 days last year
1 days for admin impersonation
28 days for freekilling

You had 27 Comm blocks in 2017, including 1 permanent that was successfully appealed.

I have not gone to your chat logs yet, nor have I looked for information in other communities. But if you were approved, you would have the worst sourceban record of any applicant.

Also, you've never filed a single successful report? The one I found was marked invalid.

The point with the report.... The thing is i don't really have anyone to report there are mostly experienced players online when i am online and i allmost know everyone. When there is someone to report there is normaly directly an admin online and punishs the guy who did something.

Duck Lurch

Somewhat Threatening
Staff Member
May 22, 2017
Did you just assume my gender? jkjk.

Alright, all jokes aside, I guess I'll start off by saying your app looks pretty good. Your reasoning for being an admin is sort of generic and short in my opinion, but it still has a nice touch to it and gets straight to the point which I like so it looks fine to me.

+ Well written app with good understanding of rules (a few grammatical errors but I'm pretty sure English isn't your first language so its fine)
+ Played with you a couple of times. You're a good fellow in my opinion, and when I played with you today you were respectful to the others even while I was undercover so props for that.

~ If you could, could you expand the Please give any other information you might think is useful for us to know. part? I feel like there's more you can say. Just try not to leave anything out, most of the admins here will dig deep trust me.
~ Forum Activity can use some work.

- Harsh punishments: Perma-Teamban for simple freekill is way to harsh. Normally I'll teamban for 60 minutes (a whole map) if accidental and one day if on purpose.
- Way too many comm-blocks. This isn't a straight con but having a lot of comm-blocks paints a bad picture of you. But on the bright side it's been close to 4 months since your last mute and gag
so I can believe you've changed.
- No successful reports. Having evidence is something admins must do, and making reports is a good way to show that you know how to record demos and increases your message count to show activity. It's a win-win situation.

There's probably more stuff (plus pending on chat logs) but I'll leave some ammo for the other admins (especially that Jimbo, he's a mean one). I'm going ~Neutral. Everything said here should be heeded. And if anyone has a problem with what I've written you can message me about it. Or post it here. Whatever floats your boat.


I changed the punishment for the simply freekill yes you are right it was too harsh thanks @Overkill The thing with the report i allready mentioned in the comment for RainbowRob. The problem is i don't really have anyone to report because there are allmost everytime experienced player online when i am online and if there is a guy who needs a punishment an admin or a donator is online and punishs the guy. If there is no admin or donator online when i am online allmost nothing happens so i have noone to report.


Blackwonder's Own
Staff Member
Aug 7, 2016
The point with the report.... The thing is i don't really have anyone to report there are mostly experienced players online when i am online and i allmost know everyone. When there is someone to report there is normaly directly an admin online and punishs the guy who did something.

If you saying to me, that you have never had a reason to file a report then one of these is true.

1. There is already admin coverage when you are online, so blw doesn't need you.

2. You don't know the rules well enough to understand when people break them.

3. You're too lazy to be bothered. And/or you're lying. (Hint: I think it's this one; because, you play jb)

And I know you know Julia and Bene. However, that is like knowing the coach of a sports teams and being put on the team because you know someone, not because you've proven your value.

Your history is poor, and you've made no effort to do what you currently can do (report people). So I'm having a difficult time understanding why someone who has an unreliable history and has made no effort in the present, should be given more power.
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Staff Member
Dec 3, 2016

If you’re too lazy to make reports, I’m too lazy to consider giving you any kind of server powers.


Can fly, can fight, can crow.
Dec 19, 2016
i cant see how we can accept you if you openly admit to being lazy. being an admin isnt a dificult job but there is still times when you need to knuckle down and go through reports and things like that -SUPPORT

Duck Lurch

Somewhat Threatening
Staff Member
May 22, 2017
okey @will5023 yes I have no excuse for this I must accept this... maiby until the next application my mood changed and i am not lazy anymore :) lets be honest everyone is sometimes lazy but @Admins you can close this app it's worthless :D wee see us on discord or ingame
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