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Accepted Admin Application from Cinnamon

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May 9, 2017
Personal Information


Your Age

New York, USA

Your SteamID

Server Information

Have you managed servers previously?

If Yes, which ones?

Are you familiar with admin commands?

On which servers do you usually play?
Blackwonder LA | Jailbreak:
Blackwonder NY | Jailbreak:
Blackwonder EU | Jailbreak:
Blackwonder NY | Trade :

Application Questions

Why do you want to become an admin?
I was actually not planning on applying for an Administrator position. I was always afraid to click on that 'Apply for Admin' link on Blackwonders's homepage. However, it was not because I felt like I didn't have enough time on the forums, nor was it because I still didn't know many of Blackwonder's amazing staff members. It was because I didn't feel like I was ready to take on the responsibilities of an admin position. Then a person close to me told me that I shouldn't be afraid to take a leap of faith. That is why I am here today, writing my application. It is because I am ready and willing to sit on my chair and answer reports all day so that rulebreakers get the punishments they deserve. I am willing to keep a watchful eye on the servers so many players can have an uninterrupted and fun time after a long day of school or work. I am willing to do what is necessary and fit of a staff member for a community that has brought me nothing but joy.
I have countless mutes and gags under my belt using my donor powers. I have around 7 valid reports (during the time I write this), and even though it may not seem like much, it proves that I try to help the community whenever I am on.

Do you know any of our current staff members?

If Yes, please tell us the their names.
Hey ya

Please tell us when you usually play and are available.
12 PM - 10 PM EST Monday-Thursday. Sometimes I will stay up till 2 or 3 AM if I'm not feeling tired.
12 PM - 5 PM EST Friday-Sunday. I'm usually spending time for my family or other endeavors these days.
How would you go about punishing a hacker, spammer, simple rulebreaker, etc?
Lengths should be considered as minutes, and those lengths increase with each offense

~General rules~

Spamming Chat: Gag for 30/60/360/1440/10080/20160/43800/Permanent. Spamming chat would be spamming a phrase or bind frequently in a short time frame (Less than a minute), not necessarily in a row.
Spamming Mic: Mute for 1440/4320/10080/20160/Permanent. Music, non-player sounds, and loud/irritating voices fall under this category
Only English and mature voice on mic: a Mute for 30/60/120720/1440/10080/20160/Permanent. Exceptions if player is warden and only if the warden is speaking English.
Player Disrespect: Warn them to stop immediately. if it persist, A gag and/or mute for 60/180/360/1440/10080/Permanent.
Racism: Gag and/or mute for 120/360/1440/10080/Permanent. This includes but is not limited to using b's instead of g's for the n word.
Inappropriate Sprays: Spray-ban
Inappropriate Decals/Avatars: Warn and ask to switch their conscientious objector with another weapon, or to immediately change their profile picture. If not, kick. If they rejoin with the same decal/avatar, ban for 120/360/1440/10080/20160/Permanent.
Hacking: Record a demo, and if they are actually hacking, permanent ban.
Exploiting: Slay with a warning. If it persist, ban for 60/120/720/1440/10080/20160/43800/Permanent
Advertising Hacks: start recording and spectate the advertiser, because they are usually hacking themselves. Permanent Silence if they are not hacking. Permanent Ban if they are hacking.
Abusing "!calladmin": Ban for 1440/4320/10080/20160/Permanent
Impersonating Admin: Ban for 360/1440/4320/10080/20160/Permanent. Impersonation counts if there is an [Admin] tag in the beginning of their name
Calling out Admin undercover: Silence for 30/120/720/1440/10080/20160/43800/Permanent. Depends on if the admin were pursuing any potential rulebreakers or not.

~Jailbreak rules~
Over-talking an Admin during mic check: Mute for 60/360/1440/10080/20160/43800/Permanent
Talking over warden orders: Mute for 30/120/720/1440/10080/20160/Permanent
Armory Camping: Warn to leave armory immediatly. if not, slay.
Delaying: Slay if said person is not rebelling or hunting, and instead hiding
Ghosting: Gag and/or mute for 30/60/120/1440/10080/20160/43800/Permanent
Sticky Trapping: Delays the round. Ask to detonate the stickies away from reds. If not then slay.
Latespawn: immediate slay if caught.
Ammo Glitching: kick. If they are purposely doing it, then a ban for 30/60/120/1440/10080/20160/43800/Permanent
Being AFK: will be moved to spectator.

~Blue-Team Specific Jailbreak Rules~
No Mic: Permanent teamban until they prove they have a mic.
Freekill: Ask why they freekilled. If they cannot give a valid reason, ask them to acknowledge it and slay themselves. If they do not, they will be slayed. If they continuously freekill, teamban for 720/1440/4320/10080/20160/Permanent.
Mass Freekill: Immediatly Teamban for 20160 and Ban for 10080. If they say it was accidental and kill themselves, I will only do a teamban for 10080.
Killing a Freeday: If a guard kills a freeday during someone else's last request when that freeday had not yet rebelled, then a teamban for 720/1440/4320/10080/20160/Permanent.
Freehitting: warn the guard to stop freehitting the reds. if they persist, slay. if they do it again the next round, teamban for 720/1440/4320/10080/20160/Permanent.
Baiting: If a guard baits another red by getting in their melee range, the red is allowed to hit them. If the guard kills the red because the guard was baiting, then teamban for 720/1440/4320/10080/20160/Permanent.
Force-baiting: Same context as regular baiting.
L.G.K.A when warden hasn't yet locked: Warn them by saying warden hasn't locked yet. If they kill beforehand, teamban for 720/1440/4320/10080/20160/Permanent
Teamkilling: If they slay themselves after due to it being accidental, then it will be forgiven. If they persist, teamban for 720/1440/4320/10080/20160/Permanent
Disguising as guard: Ask to remove the disguise immediately. If not slay. If they continue, teamban for 720/1440/4320/10080/20160/Permanent
Last Request Denial: Teamban the guard who denied the lr for 720/1440/4320/10080/20160/Permanent. Then give the red (who was lr denied) a freeday the next round.
Griefing: Slay with a warning. If they continue, teamban for 720/1440/4320/10080/20160/Permanent.
Favoritism: Warn and slay. if they continue, Teamban for 720/1440/4320/10080/20160/Permanent.

~Warden Specific Jailbreak Rules~
Unwardening: Slay and ask if they have a mic if they were randomly chosen but did !uw. If they do not have a mic, permanent teamban until they get a working mic.
Kill orders: Teamban for 1440/4320/10080/20160/Permanent
Illegal FF: If a red dies due to the illegal FF, Teamban for 720/1440/4320/10080/20160/Permanent
Tricky orders: Warn the warden to be clear. if not, then Teamban for 720/1440/4320/10080/20160/Permanent
Freekill orders: Tell warden that it isn't allowed. if they ignore, teamban for 720/1440/4320/10080/20160/Permanent
Warden Hogging: Warn them that they cannot !w more than 3 times in a row. If they ignore, teamban for 720/1440/4320/10080/20160/Permanent
Not Repeating: Ask the warden to repeat it and warn him. If he doesn't give a repeat, slay. If he continues to never give a repeat, then teamban for 720/1440/4320/10080/20160/Permanent
Lying: Warn the warden that they cannot lie and to cancel the order. If damage is done and the warden slays himself then he will be forgiven. If he continues, teamban for 720/1440/4320/10080/20160/Permanent
Illegal mini-games/days: Warn that he cannot do those minigames/days. if he ignores, teamban for 720/1440/4320/10080/20160/Permanent

~Trade Specific Rules~
Scamming/Sharking: Will ask the victim to provide sufficient evidence, including the scammer's/sharker's steam id. If their evidence is valid, then I will permanently ban the scammer/sharker. After, I will advise them to report the scammer on backpack.tf, steamrep.com, and fortress of gamers using the evidence and will try to guide them through the process. If they were scammed but not sharked, I will advise them to report it on steam (Because Steam will not do anything to a sharker, claiming it was the victims fault for being gullible).
Spycrabbing/Gambling: Will advise the use of a verified middleman that isn't a staff member if they are gambling more than a key. If not, will ask them to take their sport elsewhere. If they both ignore me, kick.
Hosting Raffles/Spycrabbing events: Will make sure they are doing a free-to-enter raffle and not taking any form of payment. If they are hosting a pay-to-enter event, warn them. If they ignore, ban for 1440/4320/10080/20160/Permanent.
Begging: Will ask them to not do that here and to stop. If they keep on asking, gag for 30/60/120/360/1440/10080/20160/Permanent.

Please give any other information you might think is useful for us to know.
I have two commblocks from around 5 months ago, both received because I used a third-party software called SLAM. I regret using the software and stopped using it after I received my second commblock. However even though I regret it, that doesn't mean I can ignore the past. I will talk about my commblocks, so if you do not want to read about it you can skip this paragraph.

I received my first commblock on May 31, 2017 under the name Zweilous. That day I was playing Jailbreak with a couple of friends. Because I was only thinking about how the server would react about me and my sounds, I would play the first part of "PPAP" every now and then. Obviously it is against the rules, so I was punished for 2 hours. Because it was a small and simple sound that everyone on the server loved I simply ignored my punishment. I received my second commblock on June 12, 2017 under my new name, Cinnamon. I was blocked the second time because I went on a trade server and played "The Magic School Bus Earrape Version" on the mic, and I was immediately commblocked for 3 days by an admin, who I would like to thank for doing that. By micspamming I was inevitably causing harm to all the players on the server who do not like micspam at all. I ruined the players day, the admin's day, and especially my day. And because of that I decided that the sounds and music were not worth it. So, I stopped using it for good.

I learned from my past mistakes, and I will not repeat them. I have completely removed the SLAM software from my computer, and will never use it in the future (unless I am hired by a government organization where life depends on using the software, which I doubt 99.8% because you never know)

I am a little anti-social, but I try my best to start conversations with others, even though they may end up extremely awkward. It is also partly the reason why I haven't been able to get to know some of the older staff of Blackwonder.

Also, I am pretty sure most of you know me as Overkill's alt account, but I assure you, we are brothers. I picked up on learning the admin commands because I usually watch him administrate. However, I do not want to be judged because I am someone's brother. I want to be judged solely for me and my own app.

Thank you for taking the time to read my application and I hope you all have a wonderful day (or night)

EDIT: Added colors and black outlines to punishments
EDIT: Added Jim to known admins
EDIT: Minor Tweaks
EDIT: More Minor Tweaks + added extra punishment in ~General rules~ under Spamming Mic
EDIT: Made some changes to my usual play times to correlate with my schedule
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Staff Member
Dec 3, 2016
Doesn't say he knows me ;-;

Most of what I've seen from you is good admin behavior. I'm on my phone so I can't scour the interwebs for stuff on you but I think you're fine. The only major concern I have is that if something either happens here, or at another community, you and overkill would be linked together via ip and via being brothers. I know there's nothing you can actually say to counter this other than "don't worry I would never do that" which is fine, I just want you to be aware.

~Neutral pending I check stuff on you.


Not really active
Staff Member
Oct 24, 2016
Let me start by saying: "Your choice of signature is amazing". Code Geass is Godlike.

Well, now serious...
Your application is very detailed, easy to read and was put a lot of effort into.
Looking at the ratings, people like you. This is always a +.

I got nothing else to say except one thing..

I think you will be accepted, depending on what people like @Overkill @Melectrome and @hey ya will say about you.
Good luck ;)

EDIT: 10 likes already, of which 5 admins... This is gonna get accepted if nothing weird turns up :p
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Blackwonder's Own
Staff Member
Aug 7, 2016
I couldn't find anything too bad after a little Googling. You chatlogs are a little Lenny spammy. I like that I am clearly able to tell you when to the rules page and actually considered each infraction. The duration are off on some of them, but your attention to detail is appreciated. There is a slight cause for concern, related to what @Jim said. If one of you did something foolish, we would likely need to remove both of you. Since you live together it would be impossible to discern who did what, potentially. So that is something that you and @Overkill would need to discuss.

Then a person close to me told me that I shouldn't be afraid to take a leap of faith
You mean your genetic clone?

You have my tentative +Suppoot


The King of Fish
Staff Member
Dec 3, 2016
"Scamming/Sharking: Will ask the victim to provide sufficient evidence, including the scammer's/sharker's steam id. If their evidence is valid, then I will permanently ban the scammer/sharker. If the victim was scammed, and only if he was scammed, I will advise them to report the scammer on steam using the evidence and will try to guide them through the process (Because Steam will not do anything to a sharker, claiming it was the victims fault for being gullible)."
Don't forget to encourage the victim to create reports on sites such as SR, backpack.tf, and f-o-g. In a lot of cases, taking detailed screenshots of the chat log and trade history is paramount to a successful report.
That aside, your application is pretty impressive. Plenty of relevant information available, but what stood out to me is you watching your brother administrate and saying that you don't want to be compared to Overkill. To me, it communicates that you strive to improve and are willing to learn by example, and also have a sense of independence and ability to make independent judgement calls. Good work.

hey ya

Dark Elf


Aug 26, 2017
This is a very nice app, it's thought out and there was a lot of effort put into it.

Though I don't know you as well as I do Overkill, I know you enough to know that you follow in his footsteps and that you're very helpful and strive to improve.

I enjoy playing with you, and I believe you and Overkill would make a great team together.

I'll drop a +Support. Good luck.


Jun 3, 2017
Nothing more to say here except +support :^)

The app is great, you know the rules very well, you would make a great admin :D


May 9, 2017
Doesn't say he knows me ;-;

Most of what I've seen from you is good admin behavior. I'm on my phone so I can't scour the interwebs for stuff on you but I think you're fine. The only major concern I have is that if something either happens here, or at another community, you and overkill would be linked together via ip and via being brothers. I know there's nothing you can actually say to counter this other than "don't worry I would never do that" which is fine, I just want you to be aware.

~Neutral pending I check stuff on you.
Hey Jim! First off I want to say that the reason I didn't put you on my known admins was because I felt like I didn't know you as well as I would have liked. I am going to put you in the known admin's anyways, but I will take it off at request.

Now about the major concern, the worst thing that I have ever done on TF2 is micspam, which I stopped doing. I don't use hacks, I do not insult other players, and I don't rage. However, I can't really give you anything but my word. So it is up to you to decide the kind of person I am through in-game and out-game behavior (not sure if out-game is an actual phrase.) The risk is big since if Overkill or I do something unethical on another server, we will both be punished. However like I said above, I am taking a leap of faith. So if our deeds are linked, then its something I have to live with.

Other than that, I want to thank you for replying to my application. Have a good day!


May 9, 2017
Let me start by saying: "Your choice of signature is amazing". Code Geass is Godlike.

Well, now serious...
Your application is very detailed, easy to read and was put a lot of effort into.
Looking at the ratings, people like you. This is always a +.

I got nothing else to say except one thing..

I think you will be accepted, depending on what people like @Overkill @Melectrome and @hey ya will say about you.
Good luck ;)
Code Geass is amazing and I am glad to see someone who thinks so too!
On another note, thank you for your verdict. I spent a lot of time on this application, so it means a lot.
Have an amazing day! :D:D


May 9, 2017
I couldn't find anything too bad after a little Googling. You chatlogs are a little Lenny spammy. I like that I am clearly able to tell you when to the rules page and actually considered each infraction. The duration are off on some of them, but your attention to detail is appreciated. There is a slight cause for concern, related to what @Jim said. If one of you did something foolish, we would likely need to remove both of you. Since you live together it would be impossible to discern who did what, potentially. So that is something that you and @Overkill would need to discuss.

You mean your genetic clone?

You have my tentative +Suppoot
Yes I am quite memey in-game, and I am guessing it does not look like good admin representation. However, I try (and will keep on trying) to keep it as less spammy as possible. I was constantly looking at the rules as I typed out my punishments, thinking about what punishments were more severe than others. I thank you for noticing that :). About the concern, like I said in @Jim reply, I am willing to take the risk. I asked @Overkill to write his response in my app so I am not just telling you what he said. Thank you for replying Rob!

P.S: Overkill encouraged me to make the application, but it was actually my aunt who said I shouldn't be afraid to do the things I want to.
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May 9, 2017
"Scamming/Sharking: Will ask the victim to provide sufficient evidence, including the scammer's/sharker's steam id. If their evidence is valid, then I will permanently ban the scammer/sharker. If the victim was scammed, and only if he was scammed, I will advise them to report the scammer on steam using the evidence and will try to guide them through the process (Because Steam will not do anything to a sharker, claiming it was the victims fault for being gullible)."
Don't forget to encourage the victim to create reports on sites such as SR, backpack.tf, and f-o-g. In a lot of cases, taking detailed screenshots of the chat log and trade history is paramount to a successful report.
That aside, your application is pretty impressive. Plenty of relevant information available, but what stood out to me is you watching your brother administrate and saying that you don't want to be compared to Overkill. To me, it communicates that you strive to improve and are willing to learn by example, and also have a sense of independence and ability to make independent judgement calls. Good work.
Editing my punishments to correlate with what you advised.

Thank you for the kind words and advice, Fish. I hope you have an amazing day! :)


a byte
May 9, 2017
Oh that's weird. Look at what my alt account went ahead and did. Brb gonna reprogram it to spam lenny...

All jokes aside, gonna give the maniac a +Scrubort cause he's memey always doing good in-game and is respectful.

P.S. I'll risk losing powers cause I trust my bro and he deserves a chance to show his greatness all hail Lelouch.



May 9, 2017
This is a very nice app, it's thought out and there was a lot of effort put into it.

Though I don't know you as well as I do Overkill, I know you enough to know that you follow in his footsteps and that you're very helpful and strive to improve.

I enjoy playing with you, and I believe you and Overkill would make a great team together.

I'll drop a +Support. Good luck.

Thank you so much, Hey ya! Overkill is going to make me do all the reports while he sits back and plays MVM work with me on the reports, so we're gonna make the worst team be a great team! (y)


May 9, 2017
Oh that's weird. Look at what my alt account went ahead and did. Brb gonna reprogram it to spam lenny...

All jokes aside, gonna give the maniac a +Scrubort cause he's memey always doing good in-game and is respectful.

P.S. I'll risk losing powers cause I trust my bro and he deserves a chance to show his greatness all hail Lelouch.


Hi Overkill! This is kinda weird since i'm sitting less than a meter away from you. Thank you for supporting me like you always do, and also i'm not a maniac. i'm a highly-functioning maniac

PS: Whats to say your not MY alt account, huuhh??


Not really active
Staff Member
Oct 24, 2016
Oh that's weird. Look at what my alt account went ahead and did. Brb gonna reprogram it to spam lenny...

All jokes aside, gonna give the maniac a +Scrubort cause he's memey always doing good in-game and is respectful.

P.S. I'll risk losing powers cause I trust my bro and he deserves a chance to show his greatness all hail Lelouch.

Wouldn't it be fun if @Cinnamon took control and @Overkill has been abducted??
Noo? Just me?

The serious thing I wanted to say, I advise you to make 1 post multi-quoting people and answering them in 1 post (while still answering them individually ofcourse).
It's not "required" or anything like it, it just looks less "spammy".


Who you gonna call?!
Staff Member


Jun 26, 2016
Spamming chat would be spamming a bind more than 5 times
There is no reason to restrict yourself like that.

Music and non-player sounds fall under this category
I would encourage you to mute spammers for a day right away. The reason is that they had a bad intention compared to someone who just has a childish voice. People who scream in their mics on purpose and download 3rd party software to play music are worse than someone who just speaks a foreign language or has a squeaky voice, punishments should represent that. I usually go 1440-2880-10080-20160-0

Silence for 30/120/720/1440/10080/20160/43800/Permanent
I'm not sure why silence, maybe someone can explain that to me because I saw others give silences for it as well. And I would like to point out that the rule says "is punishable". You decide whether the person who called you out had a bad intention, whether he caused any harm with calling you out and whether he deserves a punishment for it. I usually don't do anything unless the hacker notices and leaves because of the call-out.

Stop with the lennies and with the spam in general. Not because you want to become an admin and we tell you so, but because you're being obnoxious when you spam. Unless you like being obnoxious you should just stop from yourself. Not stop because "it's not worth it" or because you want to become an admin.

I didn't intend to look harsh if I did, the application is otherwise good, detailed and honest. I'll be neutral for the time being and I wish you good luck!


May 9, 2017
Hi Buster! Thank you for responding to my application. Of the things you said, I would like to clarify on them.

There is no reason to restrict yourself like that.
Whenever I am on the server, I assume that pushing a bind twice in a row AND between long intervals of time doesn't count as spam unless its flooding the chat in a short time frame. And in my opinion, flooding the chat is more than five times in a row. Which is why I added the cap to the spam. However, I will elaborate that further in my punishments.

I would encourage you to mute spammers for a day right away. The reason is that they had a bad intention compared to someone who just has a childish voice. People who scream in their mics on purpose and download 3rd party software to play music are worse than someone who just speaks a foreign language or has a squeaky voice, punishments should represent that. I usually go 1440-2880-10080-20160-0
There is a fault on my part, for I was planning on adding a "Only English and mature in voice chat" punishment, and I overlooked it. I apologize for this. As for the lengths, you have a point, and I appreciate the encouragement. I usually go with a "three strikes and your out" kind of thinking (which is why its first 30/120/360 before it becomes a day.) However, it is better to tell intentional mic spammers that we mean business, so thank you for shining a light on that.

I'm not sure why silence, maybe someone can explain that to me because I saw others give silences for it as well. And I would like to point out that the rule says "is punishable". You decide whether the person who called you out had a bad intention, whether he caused any harm with calling you out and whether he deserves a punishment for it. I usually don't do anything unless the hacker notices and leaves because of the call-out.
I use silence because the person who called out the admin shouldn't be allowed to communicate for a specified period of time as punishment. I will also be going into greater detail in conjunction with the things you mentioned.

Stop with the lennies and with the spam in general. Not because you want to become an admin and we tell you so, but because you're being obnoxious when you spam. Unless you like being obnoxious you should just stop from yourself. Not stop because "it's not worth it" or because you want to become an admin.
There are some notable time intervals between each lenny, as they aren't merely seconds apart like regular spam (in my opinion, everyone has their own opinion on what is and isn't spam). I wait for chat cycles to end before putting another one, and I usually lenny in response to what someone says, whether it be on chat or on mic. I don't want to entirely forsake my "memey" side in exchange for a higher position, but I will keep that side apart from my professional side in the future.

Also you weren't being harsh, just real, and I appreciate that. Thank you again for taking the time to look into my application and reviewing me for my flaws, Buster. I hope you have a brilliant day! :)


Aug 19, 2016
So far I have nothing negative to say about you or recall anything that could influence my opinion negatively, thus I will +support you.

Good luck on your application and stay safe,
Pkay, the name-shifter.
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