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Declined Votekick option

Desert Dragster

New Member
Feb 28, 2024
I made an account on this site for the sole purpose of getting this out there considering how repulsive the backstory of this suggestion is.

So I was on the 1000x Highertower server getting credits to buy myself a key when 2 people, xbox gamer24 and 1 2 3 green sauce, decided to CONSTANTLY micspam hard r N-words nonstop from 15.ai Soldier saying "Fuck all N-words", to Peter Griffin raging at Call of Duty. I think they also played a song about praising Nazis as well. No matter how many times I told them to shut up and stop being racist, they just kept going, so I tried to call a vote against them and found out the votekick option is disabled, practically allowing them to spam racial slurs until they decided to leave on their own.

This also counts as a report so I'd highly recommend these two get banned


Staff Member


Jul 13, 2020
Donators are the only ones who receive command perms to be able to call vote mutes/gags/kicks/teambans in an attempt to limit abuse (even though it still happens). If you have players you wish to report, feel free to collect sufficient evidence and report them on the forums.

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