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Declined Report against 10000 Cold Knights (Staff member report)

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Face Melting
Aug 3, 2021
Username: Percy

Who are you reporting? 10000 Cold Knights

What server game mode is the report concerned with?
Staff member report

What is the accused persons's SteamID? [U:1:29035457]

What is the reason of the report? Abuse of power both on discord and forums.

I am reporting 10000 Cold Knights because of his recent actions regarding abuse of power over the discord, and on the blackwonder forums.
Why do I believe this? Because recently, within the discord, Sheriff pawbs started an argument regarding their report from before being declined
from 10k and started mentioning it in general chat. They complained the report system was rigged and reported another user 2 hours after their previous declined report.
I told to Sheriff that its ironic that it was on a friend (me) no less on their most recent report regarding freekill/lr denial. And then some of us jokingly brought up
10k getting busy this Christmas. He then later calls us both Brainlets (me and pawbs). After that was said, the chat seemingly died down and we talked about a game
that I noticed 10k was playing more recently called "Town of Salem". After an hour of talking about it, the chat would die down further, killjoy later then replies to 10k's
previous comment about "same to you" when Sheriff wished them a merry Xmas, asking if it is okay to report someone (me) regarding a 3 week-old clip of a supposed free kill.
10k then says it wouldn't likely be valid. I then bring up in the conversation that you supposedly cannot report other users regarding the use of the F slur due to my recent
declined (now overruled, accepted) report to Snakeman. 10k then says, for both me and killjoy to stop our asinine rivalry, which I do admit, is just childish for us.
Killjoy then argues that he should only say that to one person only (me), and to control your dog 10k (me). 10k replies to Killjoy saying "I'm about to put all of you
down tbh". Pawbs then replies to him, saying "We weren't finished". In which 10k says that "we were, I lost interest", Sheriff then starts an argument with them in general
regarding knowledge of rules. Practical brings up a genuine point of people being able to report a staff member if someone has an issue with them. To then I later brought up that
Robb seems to be away for a long while, but some say he's active. Practical later says if there isn't a single JB player that does not hate 10k. I then reply to them
with the comment in Tax Frauds conveniently cropped out chat images in my appeal, "I don't hate 10k, just kinda weird he allows homophobia". This is mentioning the
Snakeman report which was declined by him shortly after I posted it. Pawbs continues to make more arguments which I jokingly say "I've had worse joker arcs".
The chat calms down within a few minutes after, with Owl going to bed, and then I make the mistake of directly @'ing 10k and quote: "whats ur town of Salem referral thing
tryna sign up rn". Practical then says "Raven is 10k homophobic" to which Raven says "idk". I was promptly dbanned afterward by 10k himself.

This report has 3 main reasons as to why I even decided to make this.
Reason one: 10k very easily, declined a report that should have gone through given the gross comments within the report itself regarding Snakeman.
The reason for the decline? A resounding "No". The thread was put in the declined tag and locked. (Thankfully, was overruled a while later).

Reason two: My discord ban is two weeks in length, because the last time I was banned from the discord, it was a first-time offense (a total of two total dbans).
The last ban was a week in duration for inciting an argument within the general chat. I believe this was a misuse of power,
as Sheriff pawbs was only given a two-hour ban for the very same reason for his first discord ban, being the main reason this is all happening to begin with.
While I was banned as well for a second time, this will supposedly last two whole weeks. I've consulted with Aba about this, "normally it should've been the same punishment as the last one for
leniency-related reasons". Make whatever of this you will, but the length of the ban should be much shorter than two entire weeks.

Reason three: Through alternative sources from people within the discord, I was then shown an instance shortly after my discord ban that 10k then accidentally discord bans
Killjoy, for two hours. He then says "Wait, that's the wrong one". His main target was Sheriff Pawbs, in which Sheriff notices his attempt and made another snarky
comment "Ik I was right but damn don't overstep your powers". Call it an accident, but it was clear that he did not accurately address a proper punishment to the correct
person no less, and hit someone in the crossfire. 10k intended to hand out punishments at the slightest @ mention (he did kick zuperduper from the
discord due to him mentioning him with a jojo stand attacking gif previously mid-conversation as well).

I do not ask for him to be demoted, but I would rather ask for a shorter discord ban length.

Files you have as proof File(s) attached

Any other proof you have Discord chat logs exist in chronological order within the discord, no comment I said within the text file is out of order and does not paint anyone within a bad light on purpose. I bring up key points as opposed to Tax frauds very little image proof on my discord ban appeal.


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a killjoy

Scarcely Lethal
Oct 8, 2020
TL;DR: Percival is reporting 10k for abuse of admin powers. In the discord, 10k unreasonably banned 3 people for a minor argument that didn't escalate further. Percival thinks that he was banned for an unreasonable amount of time aswell due to an admin telling him that he should've received a shorter discord ban. 10k also kicked someone from the discord for posting a gif in #general.

Had to read all through that fucking mess to get a TLDR. Have you never written a fuckin essay? Your english teachers are rolling in their graves right now. Space your shit out my guy, and make it so much shorter next time.

P.S I just summed it up, don't think of this as the full story.


Oct 16, 2022
I just ordered general tso and it's arriving to my destination


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Blackwonder's Own
Staff Member
May 14, 2020
So, I don't against 10k or anybody, However, Percy could have DM 10k about the town game code to avoid this issue, and yes really don't need a write-up essay for the report. So, if you have an issue with any staff, I would recommend dm Robb or Viking.


Face Melting
Aug 3, 2021
So, I don't against 10k or anybody, However, Percy could have DM 10k about the town game code to avoid this issue, and yes really don't need a write-up essay for the report. So, if you have an issue with any staff, I would recommend dm Robb or Viking.

I dm'd Viking on the 25th, two whole days before I posted this thread regarding the report previously on Snakeman. And I've dm'd 10k various times regarding town of salem a few times before, but not have yet asked for his referral code as I've not bought the game until during the argument that sparked then. And yea I don't expect everyone to hate him, but I think that him discord banning me for two weeks on my second offense, despite Sheriff pawbs only having two hours for his first time (I had a week ban for my first time) with the same offense is a clear abuse of power. Along with him declining my report for no reason, this essay is necessary.


Staff Member


Jul 13, 2020
So, I don't against 10k or anybody, However, Percy could have DM 10k about the town game code to avoid this issue, and yes really don't need a write-up essay for the report. So, if you have an issue with any staff, I would recommend dm Robb or Viking.
Unless you actually have something important to add to the report, it would be greatly appreciated if you could take this elsewhere.

10000 Cold Knights

Staff Member
Feb 20, 2019
Gotta love having to lock my own report because a certain mod who should know better would rather ask nicely that people stop being trolls.
Anyway, time to get the house in order.
The shitshow in the discord is entirely my fault and I'll be paying a penance for that shortly. My actions on the forums are a very different story, however.
So, for context, shortly after resolving some unrelated reports a few hours before any of this occurred, I recieved a DM from @Percy asking about a jailbreak situation. This was not an uncommon occurrence; my DMs are open to pretty much anyone who has a legitimate jailbreak question. The screenshot of that question is attached. Shortly after, @Sheriff Pawbs! submitted a report on them involving the exact situation.
Only, when I inspected the demo, what actually happened was quite different from what had been described. Anyone who takes the time to view the demo will see a fairly normal round of HG, rather than a large group of players stalling the round out by not attacking each other. I couldn't punish Mae for it since Pawbs is incompetent and doesn't know how to record jailbreak demos, but shortly after Mae submitted a report containing @snakeman 's rather distasteful reaction to the situation. Was it an infraction of the rules? Of course. Did Snakeman care whether he was punished or not? Probably not. The fact remains however that it was caused by Mae gross misinterpretation of the rules and the resulting report was yet another petty attempt to get back at people they don't like, not an unusual circumstance as of late. As such I elected to pardon it in this instance, pardoning jailbreak reports based on context was encouraged, last I checked. While I did not elaborate as such on the report itself, I by no means am required to, and hoped to keep the exact circumstances a secret to try and contain a situation that was already spiraling out of control. Spoiler alert: it didn't work. The aforementioned mod that "overruled" grossly overstepped and will be sorted out shortly.

So yeah, that's how that went. Oh, and regarding my earlier statement about my DM's? @Percy that does not include you anymore. I keep giving you chances to not be a clown and I'm tired of being disappointed.

And about the Town of Salem stuff? You're not my friend, please leave me alone.


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