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Invalid Report against Percival (Jailbreak US)

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Sheriff Pawbs!

Jun 12, 2022
Username: Sheriff Pawbs!

Who are you reporting? Percival

What server game mode is the report concerned with?
Jailbreak US

What is the accused persons's SteamID? https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198213128693

What is the reason of the report? Freekill
LR denial

Files you have as proof File(s) attached

Any other proof you have Out of pure spite, killing immediately after RPS, which is freekill. The winner was waiting for the loser to killbind, or attack a blue (You can see he toes with me) Instead Percival jumps down to kill both, denying another LR from happening simply because he was not happy with the results.


  • perc.dem
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