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Declined Hyped's Team Ban appeal

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Rage Inducing
Jul 8, 2018
Username: Hyped

What is your type of punishment?
Team Ban

Where were you banned from? Servers

What is your SteamID? STEAM_0:0:138009523

Who has punished you?

Why were you punished?
A lot of reasons

Why should we revoke your punishment?
I feel as if I don't have the same habits as before, I don't really play for kills and I think (in-game anyway) I am much better.
But obviously, this extends beyond the servers, I was a nuisance and I apologize and I promise I won't stir up shit.
I am literally just here to chill and have a good time, or at least try to, I also promise not to be a troll on discord ;)
This isn't some grand return, this is just me wanting a clean slate and asking for the 6th time for someone to put some faith in me.
I'm a guard player so yeah.


Staff Member


Jul 13, 2020
Well, Hyped, I am going to be honest with you, I didn't expect you actually to appeal. However, here we are, and as such, I will be going through it. While some people may go "no lol" and decline straight away, I will go into detail about my thoughts on this.

Now, let's get this out of the way, this is your 4th permanent teamban, 4th. The fact that you have gotten this far amazes me. Most troublemakers only get one, let alone two. Yet, you have somehow racked up four of them. In addition, you have gone through numerous appeals for teambans alone. For simplicities sake, I will be going through your previously accepted ones and see what happened there.

Your first accepted appeal was posted on the 28th of May, 2019 as can be seen here. The teamban was put in place by Aegus Dusk on the 7th of March, 2019 for "illegal LR - many prevs" and the appeal was accepted by Herald11 on the 30th of May, 2019.
I`d like to mention it has been several months and that I believe I have reformed for the better, my overall attitude and behavior have drastically improved (in my opinion) and I would like a second chance.
I've shown that I care about blackwonder jailbreak so it demonstrates that I'm willing to play blu with no ill intention to anyone in the server.
Im asking for a second chance.
This is what you had under "Why should we revoke your punishment?". Here you have stated that your attitude and behaviour have drastically improved and you wish for another chance. In addition, you also stated that you lack ill intentions and care about blackwonder jailbreak. For a first accepted appeal, this would make sense, but we will be coming back to this reasoning later.

Your second accepted appeal was posted on the 20th of June, 2019 as can be seen here. The teamban was put in place by Sakuya on the 2nd of June, 2019 for "Player was continuously force baiting although they were told not to. Force baited immensely to the last 2 surviving reds before they disconnected" and the appeal was accepted by Sakuya on the 27th of June. What immediately alarms me is that this teamban was issued only 2/3 days after your first appeal was accepted. This incident appears to be in stark contrast to what you said in the previous appeal. You stated that you had reformed and changed for the better, yet not long after being accepted, you are back to being teambanned.
Its been some time since my ban and I have been proactively playing jailbreak in order to become a better guard and gain a better understanding of the rules.
I believe that I indeed have reformed and am ready to play as guard once again.
This is what you had under "Why should we revoke your punishment?". Here you have yet again stated you have reformed for the better and are ready to play on blue again. Obviously, the first time you had appealed, you hadn't changed at all and got teambanned. However, Sakuya had watched you and believed you changed, explaining how you managed to get untbanned a second time.

Your third accepted appeal was posted on the 30th of December, 2020 as can be seen here. The teamban was put in place by @RainbowRobb on the 7th of July, 2020 for "Continued repeated baiting, poor mic and numerous priors", just over a year since your last teamban, and the appeal was accepted by Robb on the 7th of January, 2021. This appeal was an interesting one.
So hey it’s been a while.

I really did enjoy jailbreak at the time I did play it and it really did suck that I was team-banned over a year ago. Albeit it was deserved and I will totally hold my hands up to that.
When I did play jailbreak I was very angsty and a person with many anger issues and I got a hot head way too quickly. Combining that with the toxic nature of the people I’ve played with and my weird report obsession it didn’t really create the most wholesome person. I started off playing jailbreak for fun but as time went on with personal issues and just me being dumb I quickly used it as a cathartic way which clearly isn’t the right way to play the game. I ruined loads of experiences by being a smartass that thought he was hot shit when in reality I wasn’t. A lot of people probably did quit because of me being a massive dick and I will also hold my hands up to that. Me being a hot head lead to me doing loads of dumb stuff that I totally accept the blame for.
I wasn’t really fit to play on the other team and I understand why I was banned.
It’s been a year and I genuinely think I have improved as a person and just my approach to games in general. I loved this community and since there’s a fresh batch of new players it’s a good time to have a fresh start.
Albeit this is just me saying words and isn’t really action. I’m asking for another chance. This community has given me so much and I was just a passive aggressive loser.
I have a better headset, a healthy mindset and a proper outlook on the way to play jailbreak and I feel refreshed and ready to play on blue team again.

Thanks for reading and I hope you’ll give me a chance for some form of redemption.
You had a year and one month after your second appeal until you had gotten teambanned again. The time between that and your third appeal was approaching 6 months. This is when you appealed and you gave us this reason as to why we should revoke your 3rd permanent teamban. I am going to be brutally honest with you Hyped, assuming you were being genuine when you were writing it, reading it now resonates with me, as I was in your exact same position. Back when I was 13 (well before I came to Blackwonder), I used to be a toxic shithead online. While I never wish to relive my actions, I will say 2019-2020 was a time when I was angry, a hot head, and was not in the best place mentally. I had only stopped lashing out at everyone I knew online when I realised the irreparable damage I was causing to my psyche by doing what I did. I was filled with regret and believed what was done to me was deserved, but was looking for another chance never the less. I was granted a second chance, and I cut out the sources of anger that I had. I had improved, I had reformed, I had become a better person like you claim to be. However, there are two main differences between my situation and yours, being age and how many chances you got. I was 13 and didn't know better, while you were older and should've known better. In addition, I had got a second chance and didn't throw it away, unlike you who threw away their second AND third chance. I had followed through on my word and changed myself, while you continued to carry on as you did and threw away your chances. However, you managed to convince Robb to give you a fourth chance, and you were expected to have changed for the better, after saying so for the third time. However, you didn't, yet again, which brings us to the events of last year.

Now, before I continue, I wish to go through what happened concerning you before I pulled the trigger and perma teambanned you for the fourth time. While many will use this opportunity to make fun of you for this, I will not be holding the crits situation against you. While misguided and ultimately a complete failure, you genuinely wanted to improve blackwonder and I will commend you for that. In-game, you were indeed showing signs of improvement, however, this wasn't to last.

This appeal was posted on the 7th of July 2022. Your fourth permanent teamban was on the 17th of April, 2021 by me for freekill. Before this, there were two incidents that you should've gotten teambanned for, but staff decided to leave unpunished and instead wanted to warn you. I had to teamban you. Even if I wanted to give you a warning back then, I couldn't as there were already two incidents beforehand + your priors I had to consider. Your mistakes cost you your fourth chance. You have been incredibly lucky Hyped, as not many other people have had as many chances as you. We gave you opportunity after opportunity, but you keep throwing it away. While I didn't see it at the time, looking back you were showing potential and improvement. If you didn't freekill on that day, maybe you would have become better and still be playing on blue, maybe you wouldn't and some other staff member would've teambanned you. It just happened to be me.

Closing statements: Hyped, you have been given a second, third and fourth chance to improve yourself. You have said time after time that you have reformed, improved upon yourself, and are ready to play on blue again. However, you have continued to prove yourself wrong time after time as you couldn't simply follow the rules. While I admit you were showing potential and improvement, it just wasn't enough, which lead to what I did.

In the end, I don't know what to do with this appeal. I initially thought that this was going to be a clear-cut denial, but while writing this I am no longer sure. Half of me wants to accept this appeal and give you another shot as you could potentially improve, while the other half is looking at your logs and the amount of chances you got and is saying that enough is enough.

This is why I am going to be doing something a little different with this appeal. I want the community's sentiment towards what should happen before I deliver my verdict on whether this appeal is to be accepted or declined.

To those who have experienced Hyped and have a view they wish to express on his appeal, please do so. I don't care if you are a staff member or a normal community member, I want everyone's opinion on this. However, due to how this could potentially turn out, here are some ground rules:

  1. Any responses that seek to make fun of Hyped will not be considered
  2. Please keep responses civil
  3. Be genuine with your responses. This is not to be considered as a way to shitpost or to be a dickhead. If you aren't being genuine when giving your responses, don't bother
I will be unlocking this thread so people can submit their opinions. Keep in mind that this isn't some sort of vote where you give +support or -support. It is to give me an idea of what would be best for the community. If things get out of hand, I will be locking the thread again, so keep it civil.

Hyped feel free to voice your opinion on whatever I or someone else said in relation to this appeal.
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Staff Member


Jul 26, 2017
I don't recall any playtime with Hyped on blue before 2021 but I did play with him a fair amount after Robb unteambanned him. He often would give orders that were on the edge of what was seen as allowed which isn't necessarily a bad thing. They also were usually fairly strict or complex (such as the infamous jump for lr on no jump day) but then his playstyle was very clumsy often leading to baiting reds and then dying.

I was in-game at the time Hyped was teambanned and, from what I can remember, it seemed like he just made a mistake and killed someone who didn't really do anything. By the way, what was your reasoning for killing that guy in theatre again Hyped?

Anyway, from my experience with Hyped I don't think he is a bad blue. Even though his orders can be controversial, I don't think he tries to break the rules on purpose. I don't really know if any of the other jb staff agree with me but I guess we will see.




Apr 11, 2017
If his current behaviour on Discord is anything to go by, he's still trolling around, baiting for reactions and trying to annoy people.

This will mirror itself into BLU team once again and he'll find himself in the same position he's in, except it'll be #5 instead of #4.
He can stay as a RED. His activity on BLW JB is excessively low anyway so he's merely appealing *to have a reason to play* as he clearly will not play RED.

The handful of times I played Jailbreak when he was active, he was terrible. That has, to my knowledge, never changed. It's always the same spiel: Give trick orders that 'aren't tricks' and find ways to kill as many REDs as possible while denying their ability to actually play the gamemode while still alive.

An instance of the baiting for reactions related to the Depp Trials: https://discord.com/channels/140896596152811520/140896596152811520/981650855369515009

See this and scroll down to see more of it.


Rage Inducing
Jul 8, 2018
By the way, what was your reasoning for killing that guy in theatre again Hyped?
I thought he was rebelling 🤷
Closing statements: Hyped, you have been given a second, third and fourth chance to improve yourself. You have said time after time that you have reformed, improved upon yourself, and are ready to play on blue again. However, you have continued to prove yourself wrong time after time as you couldn't simply follow the rules. While I admit you were showing potential and improvement, it just wasn't enough, which lead to what I did.
No lies detected, don't really have anything to say to that lol.
I don't have bad intentions I'm just a goof
They also were usually fairly strict or complex (such as the infamous jump for lr on no jump day) but then his playstyle was very clumsy often leading to baiting reds and then dying.
Yeah, I don't really have this philosophy anymore, playing on a server that has banned trick orders kinda changes you, obviously that's just talk but yeah.
I would love to type a whole ahhh I'm so sorry paragraph but even I would just roll my eyes at it, I am obviously sorry for EVERYTHING, but you've read a super heartfelt appeal from last time, so what is the point in typing up another. I genuinely just don't know what to say except make promises I can totally keep, obviously I know my behavior has done nothing but make every single regular here DESPISE me but I think I am different now.

This isn't some grand return, and I probably don't deserve another chance, which is fair.
But I'm asking for it anyway.

Supreme Leader(3)

Blackwonder's Own
Nov 13, 2018
Though I've played with hyped back in 2019 and was friends with him, he was never a bad blue who purposely break the rules, he just took advantage of the system which is like me. I've donor abuse back in 2018, mod abuse in 2019 and exploit the report system in 2021 and I regretted every mistake that ive ever made. I have always believe that anybody can turn over a new leaf, it just takes time and depending on how much this mean to the person but for hyped this is different level since he has been perm teamban several times. In my opinion, this appeal deserves to be declined but if hyped truly changed he should have a longer time to reflect on himself and by doing that he should be on red constantly for the next few months and the jb staff should take note on how he behave as a red before we give him a bigger responsibility as a blue.


Spectacularly Lethal
May 29, 2020
Greetings Y'all, Blackwonder Alumni here.

I'd like to throw in my two cents on this appeal as i have played with Banana on the Panda Jailbreak servers and can offer my insight.

Banana doesn't break the rules intentionally in my experience, I think he lacks common sense at times and loses control of his emotions, causing him to act out irrationally. But in other times he's quiet and reserved and enjoys the gamemode normally as any other player should. He is also a very careful blue on Panda and has stayed out of trouble for the time being. I will say that his behavior on panda in my experience has been much better than his tenure in blackwonder.

He has had a bit of a rocky past in panda as well but his recent appeal has been successful and has kept out of trouble since his last appeal. it should be noteworthy that he has remained out of trouble there for nearly 6 months.

However, I think banana has appealed much too quickly after returning to blackwonder and should've been mindful of how difficult it would be to appeal the 4th permanent teamban on his record and should have waited. I am not in favor of his appeal to be accepted, however i would like to see banana remain on the servers for a period of time and try to appeal again once he's proven himself committed to the community and reforming himself, I would be more than happy to offer my support if that were to happen.

Side note.
An instance of the baiting for reactions related to the Depp Trials: https://discord.com/channels/140896596152811520/140896596152811520/981650855369515009

See this and scroll down to see more of it.
What exactly does this add to this discussion? He's not applying for administrator, he's applying to be unteambanned off blue. I hardly see discord activity as relevant information in this case.

10000 Cold Knights

Staff Member
Feb 20, 2019
I'm with Cowboy on this one, some more time on red and in the discord would do your case some good. The way things stand now though, there's just too much evidence disputing your change.
What exactly does this add to this discussion? He's not applying for administrator, he's applying to be unteambanned off blue. I hardly see discord activity as relevant information in this case.
It contradicts his claim of being reformed. You said it yourself, he's appealing very early so we don't have many recent interactions to go on.


Staff Member


Jul 13, 2020
for any future readers of this appeal curious about why I gave a hardline denial of hypeds appeal and any of his in the future, this is why:

It was decided that due to his extensive punishment logs on our servers (primarily the perma's), it was deemed to keep the teamban permanent. There's a limit to how much we can tolerate.
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