Declined I want a 20x beggars or 30x beggars in 1000x


It seems kinda stale when you only have a 10x beggars in 1000x, yes i know 1000x beggars is busted and should never be added back into the 1000x server but still 30 rockets isn't that fun. i just feel like the reason why beggars was so fun in the first place was due to the big amount of rockets you could add in YES i still know that beggars shouldn't be over 30x but i just want it to be 30x i want it the be the max that you could have it without it crashing the entire server.


Unlikely the beggars gets "rebuffed" in any capacity. It's just too unstable.
i've played beggars on 100x and still hasn't been game breaking, server crashing so why is beggars on the 1000x server so damm unstable?? like just buffing it to a 40 or 50 rockets capacity that will be game breaking for some reason? i don't get it.

Chris TCC

Blackwonder's Own
Staff Member

I doubt this suggestion will pass based on the votes. Will monitor for the time being, and will close if the vote doesn't sway soon.

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