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Declined Dex~?'s Ban appeal

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Truly Feared


Sep 17, 2019
Username: Dex~?

What is your type of punishment?

Where were you banned from? Servers

What is your SteamID? STEAM_0:0:103774221

Who has punished you?

Why were you punished?

Why should we revoke your punishment?
I wasn't cheating, the video I got reported some sort of video on a ban appeal being compared to someone actually bhopping and cheating, so of course my demos will look different than his.

First off, I want to start with the fact that I have over 7730 hours on the game and it's normal for me to know a bit more about the game than most other people.

Second off, I got banned on a ban appeal right, but these are the reasons,

"This guy named @Dex~? is a regular there who is obviously cheating as he is shown shooting through walls, headtracking spies and shooting jumping scouts with 100% accuracy"

1- you cant shoot through walls in this game
2- when you shoot invisible spies you can see a crit sign above their heads in crit, unless they're disguised
3- shooting is easy especially in crits, any shots will kill on sniper

"He also said that : "The snaps aren't exactly to player models, the demo's playermodels are a bit behind" Which would make since in my situation as the playermodels look slightly delayed from where im shooting"

Yet in the video you can see me snap to nothing, then aim back at the sniper. Actual cheaters would snap and there would be no frames in between, in mine you can actually see frames in between in the demo. which further proves I'm not cheating.

The last flick of the video which is also sketchy in question missed, and it probably wouldve been infront of the spy in real time because well, I shot the wall and it wasn't even snapping to his head, it was above, despite him moving closer which wouldve snapped a bit lower due to his head being lower, which proves that it's just a flick and not an actual aimbot. If you compare how behind the scouts hitboxes are in the beggining and the spy hitbox at the end, its very different and you can see how further away the scouts hitboxes are than the actual spy.

Here's the video in question:
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Nº1 Closet Hacker
Staff Member


Feb 8, 2019

Viking asked me to provide my input as he is unable to for today:

Let's begin. I'll obviously provide timestamps for the video so you can try and defend yourself although I think it'll just be a waste of time, if you feel me.

0:02 - Staring at someone through a wall.
Granted, you could say you were switching between thirdperson and firstperson using a bind but if you were actually in thirdperson, your crosshair would be way lower than the character you're trying to watch (for the camera angle) and not actually on said character.
0:04 - Nice pre-scope.

0:13 - 0:18 - Nice ESP combo'd into a triggerbot.
0:29 - Second nice pre-scope.

0:41 - 0:45 - :eek:megalul:
1:01 - 1:03 - Literally looks at an invisible Spy and granted, you did turn around because you heard him uncloaked but still bruh.
1:15 - Another lovely triggerbot display

I'd keep going but I gotta get back to work.

I wasn't cheating, the video I got reported some sort of video on a ban appeal being compared to someone actually bhopping and cheating, so of course my demos will look different than his.

First off, I want to start with the fact that I have over 7730 hours on the game and it's normal for me to know a bit more about the game than most other people.
Hours spent on a videogame are irrelevant to any hackusation as you can decide to use cheating software at 3 or 30'000 hours.
You'd actually be surprised at the amount of people with an high amount of hours in a videogame that actually know absolutely nothing about said videogame.
Second off, I got banned on a ban appeal right, but these are the reasons,

"This guy named @Dex~? is a regular there who is obviously cheating as he is shown shooting through walls, headtracking spies and shooting jumping scouts with 100% accuracy"

1- you cant shoot through walls in this game
Kudos to you for figuring this one out.
Actual cheaters would snap and there would be no frames in between, in mine you can actually see frames in between in the demo. which further proves I'm not cheating.
The last flick of the video which is also sketchy in question missed, and it probably wouldve been infront of the spy in real time because well, I shot the wall and it wasn't even snapping to his head, it was above, despite him moving closer which wouldve snapped a bit lower due to his head being lower, which proves that it's just a flick and not an actual aimbot. If you compare how behind the scouts hitboxes are in the beggining and the spy hitbox at the end, its very different and you can see how further away the scouts hitboxes are than the actual spy.
Also no.

Good luck.


Truly Feared


Sep 17, 2019
0:02 third person, after rejoining the game the crosshair is actually way above your head and you dont need to look down to see properly

0:04 people only come from 2 areas and it was just a prescope

0:13-0:18 was a guess he was walking in a straight line regardless

0:29 I usually relie on teammate to guess where the enemies are so it is kind of sketchy, but I guess it was still a pre scope, there's also the fact that there's only 2 areas to peek from

0:41-0:45 I probably just saw him, the demo's viewmodels are infront of the actual ones I'm seeing which would explain it

1:01-1:03 if you watch the full demo you'll be able to see me moving away from the corner simply because I hear footsteps that aren't my teammate's or anyone visible

1:15 third person


Alleviator of freedom
Staff Member
May 26, 2016
Here are two of the full demos. I will get back to you tomorrow or during the week.

Why should we revoke your punishment?
I wasn't cheating, the video I got reported some sort of video on a ban appeal being compared to someone actually bhopping and cheating, so of course my demos will look different than his.

This entire section, with the strawman and assumptions within, have nothing to do with your ban and won't have an impact on whether it stays or not. I had not even fully read the appeal you were referring to until just now.

We can't all be blessed with puddin's conviction - I'm actually of the opinion that a subtle cheat used carefully is impossible to detect with absolute certainty if all we have is a .dem file. We have to decide how high we think the likelihood is and go from there.

Remember that the goal is to make the servers fun and fair. A long-standing history of exploits and toxicity does not contribute to this.


  • sm2.dem
    13.9 MB · Views: 107
  • sm1.dem
    8.1 MB · Views: 108


Truly Feared


Sep 17, 2019
I don't recall exploiting, if it's about toxicity it should just be a mute.

There's countless people using third person so I feel like it would be unfair if it's considered exploiting
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Goth Bunny

Sufficiently Lethal
Jan 4, 2020

(demo ms1). I see what can be toggle between triggershot and walls, but mostly "side eyeing spyes"

(demo sm2). It's a big difference when it comes to "hit and miss". You hit a lot more shots in this demo then the first, and when you "afk/toggle" things I cant be a 100% sure about what you are doing at that point. But at the start 90% of the shots hit, and later in the demo 90% misses. This feels really weird to me that you switch on and off your hits. There seems as you have done more open "cheating" on the second demo.

Also when it comes to being toxic if someone is reporting you feels just more suspicious to me, by saying "suck it / bitchboy alert / yall crybabies".
Doesn't really help your innocence if you say you are!

Other then that.
Best of luck
  • Confused
Reactions: Jim


Truly Feared


Sep 17, 2019
I stand afk to text and stuff on my phone simply cause it lags my pc too much to shift tab and use steam overlay or just tab out to discord

I understand how you were saying 90% missed but I guess I just choked a lot all of a sudden? I don't know I haven't watched the demos recently to know as much.

Though I'd just like to point out that I haven't always been this good and it feels weird to be banned for it. Just simply because I got gradually better playing on these servers, It's not like one day I suddenly started being really good, though I've been tryharding lately instead of just playing relaxed, It still doesn't change much. I've gotten better playing there and really it feels weird getting banned for it. Same thing for servers like dodgeball and I think it's why most moderators I've played with believe I don't cheat. Simply because they've seen me miss and die a thousand times
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Alleviator of freedom
Staff Member
May 26, 2016
I'm going to decline this appeal, as we've decided there's a good chance you are cheating.

Toxicity and exploits did have an impact on keeping you banned, though since that's unrelated to the potential cheats I will edit your ban reason and list it separately. For the record, you were actually unbelievably lucky to not have been permanently banned just under a year ago for repeatedly crashing servers and being unhelpful in determining exact cause.
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