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Resolved Report against Supreme Leader(3) (Vs Saxton Hale)

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Feb 13, 2021
Username: [Thailand Language]

Who are you reporting? Supreme Leader(3)

What server game mode is the report concerned with?
Vs Saxton Hale

What is the accused persons's SteamID? https://blackwonder.tf/members/supreme-leader-3.5705/

What is the reason of the report? Falsely reported multiple players. All of the reports were resolved and the player in question received varying degrees of bans.

Any other proof you have All the proof has been added to the FalseReportEvidence.ppt file found inside the evidence.rar.

Suggested action to take if report is deemed valid:
1. Issue warnings to Supreme Leader(3) and any other accounts he may create in the future each time a report is deemed to be invalid or false.
2. Ban Supreme Leader(3) and any other accounts he may create in the future from submitting reports after 3 such warnings.
3. Add a new rule to Blackwonder that mitigates people who would do the same thing as Supreme Leader(3).

The purpose of this report is absolve all the players mentioned of their bans. And to encourage Supreme Leader(3) to be more careful in submitting reports. Such that he does not accidentally ban players who are just having fun, and thereby slowly reducing the number of regular and new players in the server he is reporting.

10000 Cold Knights

Staff Member
Feb 20, 2019
@Supreme Leader(3) dubious as this may be, don't shitpost on reports. You should know not to do that.
As for the OP, you've presented your evidence in a very unusual manner, so I haven't had a chance to view its contents. Some comments I can make without doing so, however:
1) We will not be punishing players for declined reports. Only the most extreme circumstances would call for such a response, and Supreme's behavior has not justified such action.
2) The reports were submitted by Supreme, but handled by staff members. Any bans that were administered were done so because a staff member reviewed his evidence and found the accusations to be punishable. Quite a few of his reports have been declined, in case there was doubt of this fact.
3) If you were punished, you can make an appeal here:
This will likely be more effective in getting your ban removed, though not a guarantee.
I'm unlocking this for now, anyone else who posts nonsense here is getting warning points.
Feb 13, 2021
@Supreme Leader(3) dubious as this may be, don't shitpost on reports. You should know not to do that.
As for the OP, you've presented your evidence in a very unusual manner, so I haven't had a chance to view its contents. Some comments I can make without doing so, however:
1) We will not be punishing players for declined reports. Only the most extreme circumstances would call for such a response, and Supreme's behavior has not justified such action.
2) The reports were submitted by Supreme, but handled by staff members. Any bans that were administered were done so because a staff member reviewed his evidence and found the accusations to be punishable. Quite a few of his reports have been declined, in case there was doubt of this fact.
3) If you were punished, you can make an appeal here:
This will likely be more effective in getting your ban removed, though not a guarantee.
I'm unlocking this for now, anyone else who posts nonsense here is getting warning points.
I greatly appreciate you reopening this thread for discussion. I apologize for presenting the evidence in such a manner, but I did so knowing that to prove the innocence of my friends and to protect the VSH server, I would require a lot of evidence and sound arguments.

A few replies to the points you made:
1) My concern isn't with the declined reports, but rather the ones that were resolved and resulted in many of my friends being issued bans varying from 1 day to 4 days. These I feel were unjustified and I elaborate on why in the ppt file. The reason why this is so worrying, is that due to his actions, the number of players in the server has rapidly declined, VSH SG used to be full on weekends, and now it barely exceeds half the capacity on a good day. Many regular players are turning away from the server due to them getting banned for seemingly insignificant reasons. And this I can prove, because I know a lot of them. All of them are telling me to turn to Titan VSH, that BLW VSH is hopeless now.

2) I realize a number of his reports were declined, and I appreciate the mod for doing so. Hence the evidence I presented is of those that were not declined, but accepted, and punishments dealt out. If I may also add, no warning was given before a single day ban was administered.

3) My single day ban has been lifted already. But that isn't my main concern. My concern lies with the fact that if Supreme's actions are allowed to continue, my favourite server might slowly die due to slowly declining number of players, and his actions of reporting people for being "friendly" mainly hits the new players as they don't even know how the game mode works yet, and new players are the lifeline of the server. If it gets to the point whereby there's not enough players to actually fight hale (Defeating hale requires a minimum amount of players, saying this from almost 10 years of experience playing this game mode), then the server will die. I might as well be permanently banned if that was the case.

If I may add, my goal isn't to get Supreme banned, but for him to consider his reports more carefully before submitting them. Currently, his actions are equivalent to submitting as many reports as possible. He himself calls it "farming reports" (shown in the screenshot attached).

I appreciate him reporting those who really are breaking the rules and making the game not fun for others, But if he is submitting reports for the sake of submitting more of them. I highly doubt he is making rational considerations when he submits them. And his actions are further endorsed by those that approve even the most dubious of reports. The most dubious ones are shown in the evidence.rar. Also by flooding the forum with reports, he is also making it harder for the moderators to take their time assessing each report, which may or may not have caused these false reports to have been accepted.

That is all from me for now. Thank you once again for reopening this thread.


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