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Declined tylerbowkett2's Team Ban appeal

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Jan 15, 2021
Username: tylerbowkett2

What is your type of punishment?
Team Ban

Where were you banned from? Servers

What is your SteamID? https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199106944589/

Who has punished you?

Why were you punished?
false illegal ff

Why should we revoke your punishment?
I cant control the cell doors opening by them self i did close them and I said oocrd and killed all reds that left there cells and yes i did tell them I was doing cell wars and I gave them a time.

[note] this is the 4th time I've been false team banned

10000 Cold Knights

Staff Member
Feb 20, 2019
You finally gave us a Steamid! Well done, sir. Now we can proceed appropriately.
[note] this is the 4th time I've been false team banned
Sorry to burst your bubble, friend, but none of you tbans have been false, including this one.
I cant control the cell doors opening by them self i did close them and I said oocrd and killed all reds that left there cells and yes i did tell them I was doing cell wars and I gave them a time.
A red still died needlessly when another player crossed between cells and killed him before you could turn FF off.
Your teamban ends in a little over 2 days. Wait it out and be more careful next time.
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