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Declined ~Wolf!'s Ban Appeal

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Somewhat Threatening


Oct 5, 2016
What is your SteamID? STEAM_0:1:35842942

Who has banned you? Miyumikimouse

Why were you banned? This whole mess started with me using the !uw command when I got randomly selected as warden.

The admin warned that I had to use a microphone on BLU what is in the rules, I explain that I was on Discord and wanted to guard a bit and do use a mic but not for full Warden rounds.
This was no use in the other hand since she didn't reply on it

I used my mic a few times to let them hear that I have a working microphone since there was a player begging to the Admim to gaurdban me over the microphone and chat.
I thoughd that using my microphone would atleast alert the warden that I do have one.

I might think she didn't even read what I typed and just Guardbanned me anyhow telling me that I broke the rules.
I replied that I used my microphone which she replies to: Oh' too late I already typed in the command.

This is no way how a Admin should behave, at all.
I did not break the rules and you can't punish players who didn't break the rules.
I really would like a good explaination on this and I want the Guardban removed instead of a "Oh I already typed the pusishment" because that is no way to react to players on the servers!

-I got a punishment without any warning without breaking any rules.

Why should we unban you? Because I didn't break the rules.


Ben Junior


Sep 5, 2016
Be willing to play warden: Don’t get on the Blue Team if you don’t want to be Warden, you can only do !uw if you have been Warden in the last 3 rounds and you have to give out real orders every other time you are Warden. You can’t be giving ‘Random Free day’ every time you are Warden.

Literally in the rules.


Blackwonder's Own
Staff Member
Sep 28, 2015
The admin has talked to me about this and I approved the ban. You have been unbanned for now, but as @Ben289 stated, there is a rule that states that you have to be willing to be a guard when you are on the blue team.


Somewhat Threatening


Oct 5, 2016
Be willing to play warden: Don’t get on the Blue Team if you don’t want to be Warden, you can only do !uw if you have been Warden in the last 3 rounds and you have to give out real orders every other time you are Warden. You can’t be giving ‘Random Free day’ every time you are Warden.

Literally in the rules.

You are right, looked it up.
Was reading the rules under the BLU team tab, odd.
I have been informed with the wrong information about the !uw command, it's strictly forbidden on some Jailbreak gamemodes but this one has something about it as well.
My mistake, I had to double check this and not take someone else his word on it.
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