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Completed Remove the !Fire Command (or have some cooldown for it idk)


Scarcely Lethal
Sep 26, 2022
Not Really a Reason To Have It People Don't take this shit Seriously. Like a Cooldown would be Nice Instead of People Abusing it 24/7 not even worth to have a Public Command that People can just Abuse for a Constant Freeday
Voting on this suggestion has been paused.


Scarcely Lethal
Sep 26, 2022
I mean some form of a Cooldown would be neat I'd Imagine It could be Once Per Round and that's really it. Like Idk what else to really say


Scarcely Lethal
May 28, 2022
I was originally going to disagree with this suggestion, but then I asked myself why do we have the ability to fire someone as soon as they become warden? Like damn they haven't even given any orders yet, there should atleast be like a 30 second fire cooldown when someone becomes warden so they can try to be warden. I think having a cooldown would also dissuade people from doing a fire day, as they usually happen when someone gets fired then some idiot yells on the mic "fire day". Since jb players can't think for themselves this often results in every warden getting fired if 1 or 2 people are screaming fire him on the mic.

If there is a cooldown wardens can give orders first, then people would be less likely to spam !fire unless they actually are a terrible warden.
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10000 Cold Knights

Staff Member
Feb 20, 2019
2 threads suggesting the same thing having completely opposite vote counts. Glad to see we're fairly considering ideas presented instead of just voting based on who the suggestor is.
Anyway, once lgka minicrits get fixed most of the issues with /fire will probably go away on their own. If its still an issue after that then action may need to be taken.
I was originally going to disagree with this suggestion, but then I asked myself why do we have the ability to fire someone as soon as they become warden?
Gives reds the option to at least take warden menu away from a mass freekiller. It was more effective when FF existed between guards, but that ship sailed as well, I'm afraid. It continues to puzzle me how much this community doesn't want to have nice things.

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