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Accepted Ramy's Admin Application

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Cool guy


Nov 11, 2015
Your name, age and where you live -
Ramy, 19, Tunisia
Your timezone -
GMT +01

SteamRep info and SteamID:

| steamname: Rαmy™
| steam3ID: [U:1:341468918]
| steamID32: STEAM_0:0:170734459
| steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198301734646
| customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/RumbleRamy
| steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198301734646

Why did you choose to make an admin application?
Considering a server is running 24/7 and not everyone can be on there 24/7, I'm here to voulenteer to help moderate the servers to prevent any downfalls while I'm either on steam or in the servers, I'd be ready to respond and I'd be able to assist in prevent them, The lesser mods you have, The higher chances the server is prone to issues such as scams, hacks etc

Do you have any experience with SourceMod? -
No, My brain's capacity doesn't process such information sadly.

Do you have any previous experience with administrating a server? -
Yes, Moded YA servers and some Gmod servers
How much time are you willing to spend every day, on each server you apply for? And when are you available? -
My job requires me to be on PC, I'd be ready to connect to the server in an event there's a need to, Such as a hacker etc if reported, Otherwise I'd be willing to spend a good 2-7 hours

Why do you think we should choose you? -
Considering my prior experiences, I don't see why not.

Give us examples of how you would handle certain situations -

    • In the event of a user that has been accused of hacking, The most obvious hack would be "Aimbot" So I'd go into spectator mod and watch the user play, If he's able to do shots through walls and with very less time to react or recharge riffle etc, I'll ask him to leave and the reason for so, If he doesn't wish to comply, Actions such as a kick will be taken. In the event he reconnects and continue with his hacks, A ban will be given, Usually the 1 hour one.
    • In the event a rule breaker is found, I'll ensure I get my message to him as clear as possible explaining what rule did he break, Where, How and the necessary consequences. If he doesn't comply A kick will be given and subsequently a ban, A kick will only be given if the rule isn't a very serve one, For serious ones such as scamming, A perm ban will be imposed.
(I handle different situations differently and the list is too long for my to type here)

Anything else you would like to add? -
I'm a web developer
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