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My Experience With This Server


New Member
Feb 28, 2018
Dear Blackwonder staff, and members...

Hello, My name is Natrue, and I wish to be forthcoming about this, I had an experience in one of your servers recently, with a player(or more accurately a group of players) who harassed me in the server(I use the word harass to explain my strong negative feelings), I am writing this right after the incident, and am probably not in my best frame of mind, but I still feel I should make you aware of the issue, I want to be forthcoming about what I did, why I believe I am not at fault, and why the actions of certain individuals (who shall not be named, because I do not wish to incriminate them) went way further than I believe was fair.
I was playing in a twofort map, and i decided to play demoman, I got to the haystack area, and was going for the health kit,(I had sticky jumped in) upon exiting the room to escape, I noticed a pyro, who entered the spawn room, in my haste to escape, I threw down a sticky at the spawn door(please note that I was using the quickiebomb launcher which deals less damage uncharged...) and I made for the trapdoor. Whilst I was going through the doorway, I saw the pyro open the door, and detonated the sticky.
This was immediately responded by accusations of spawncamping, where most of the red team( if not all) were harassing me, and telling me that spawncamping was against the rules, and whenever I tried to defend myself (albeit in not the most agreeable of moods...) they still reiterated that I was "spawncamping". While I was defending myself, I told them the story that I have just relayed to you leading up to the harassment, to which they still continued to accuse me of spawncamping.
While I realize that I was breaking the rules by throwing a sticky at the spawn door, I do not believe that I broke the spirit of the rules, I never was attempting to kill anyone, and I was on my way away from their spawn. I believe the harassment was unfair, and the accusations leveled at me ruined my playing experience...
I tell you this not because I want something, I don't intend to play on Blackwonder servers for an indefinite amount of time. I write this to you in part so that my anger and frustration can be satiated. But mostly I write this so that your server experience can be vastly improved...


New Member
Feb 28, 2018
I didn't want to report them, is the problem, I just don't want to deal with harassment while I'm playing the game, reporting them would only stop THEM from harassing people, not everyone who could harass people. Also, they were just following the rules, but they were way too authoritarian about it
Oh, also, I believe they threatened me that I should stop arguing, or they would get the owner, but that part's less reliable, and I don't think it's fair to include


The King of Fish
Staff Member
Dec 3, 2016
This is hardly feedback; it's a story of how people not letting you speak about your mistake ruined your experience. I'm sorry to say but this doesn't help; we can't control what people choose to say our servers (unless we mute/gag them). I hope you can still find hours of enjoyment on one of our 100+ other servers, though! Sorry you didn't enjoy yourself.

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